
It was a month after the red fang war declaration, and a lot has happened...

Firstly, Aegis noticed how his mother became more open with her feelings, She was still blushing mess, but Aegis could see that she tried to open topics that could lead to incest and relationships...

No need to say that Aegis's sadistic side enjoyed making it a little harder for his mother as he was still thirteen years old even if he looked on seventeen with his body and face...

Aegis wondered if his mother forgot that little fact or if she tries to build the groundwork for a future where he will be older...

Still, both his mother and Weiss were able to bring Aegis joy at times when he was most annoyed.

As the raids from red fang did gain on speed and already in one month attacked six SDC facilities and shipments...

But the most ironic thing happened, and Aegis would lie if he didn't say he was laughing from the absurdity red fang witnessed...

As red fang attacked one of his mines, they thought they would liberate the faunus workers who will join them and rebel against SDC...

That did not happen as Sienna khan was doing their inspection and already dug out all corrupted personnel, so the ones who led that mine was the oldest faunus miner who, thanks to his merits, became overseer of mine and all faunus there were paid a normal wage with a lot of benefits Aegis made such as health insurance and others benefits you could find in risky jobs...

So what happened was that the miners who by red fangs understanding should join them just taken their mining equipment and started to fight the red fangs grunts...

Sienna khan herself fought the red fang lieutenants. She killed two, and the last one run with red fangs survivors...

Of course, the win was costly as more than half of the miners either died or were permanently wounded...

But one thing was sure the faunus workers protected their new freedom and fair rights very fervently...

Of course, that just made red fang a true enemy to both humans and faunus, who finally get recognition under SDC's new leadership...

In short, the minority groups that still believed that red fang fights for equality were shocked when they saw how they attacked faunus led mine...

In short red fang truly brought quality to faunus and humans as they became targets of both...

Aegis found it ironic that they were a catalyst for change they brought with their own actions...

And they genuinely bring change but not how they desired...

After all, they became a common enemy right after Grimms for both faunus and humans...

Another red fang raids were both successful and failures. With new SDC droids, the Bastion series made every red fang victory very costly as all their attacks cost them more than half of their member's lives...

In short, the red fangs numbers are being culled without Aegis even needing to step out himself...

And that brought other headaches as the moment Ironwood and Council found out about the Bastion droid, they immediately started pressure Aegis for blueprints and rights...

And their reasoning?

It is For the betterment of Remnant!

In short, they spouted Greater good nonsense...

Aegis was inclined to destroy all Bastions and blueprints to them just to spite these greedy bastards...

But after a week of shouting and demanding about Aegis handing out the Bastion rights to Atlas, they have finally given up and asked what Aegis wanted in exchange...

And Aegis wanted in exchange for Bastion droid entire Mantle city...

With would-be idiotic as mere blueprints of droids couldn't ever be as costly as an entire city full of citizens...

But the Mantle isn't a city but one enormous slum...

A slum that absorbs council money and military personnel that fulfills its defenses...

Of course, the council was still reluctant to give up the fulfills citizens, so Aegis just proposed to become Mantles overseer or defacto a mayor who will have the final say in Mantle matters...

And Aegis offered he will too take Mantle security by himself, so Atlas doesn't need to waste its resources and personnel in securing the Mantle...

And that made the council more acceptable of the idea, well, just a council as Ironwood was adamantly against it...

With made Aegis quite annoyed, so Aegis noted to himself to make few anonymous problems for the dear general who took upon himself to make Aegis's life harder...

But it passed in the end, so Aegis became a Mayor of Mantle rightly and was planning to make Atlas citizens regret ever looking down on Mantles citizens, and Aegis will make sure use the hatred of Mantle citizens who feel that Atlas left them behind...

Of course, now that Atlas can reproduce Bastions, they became a little cocky and even dared to pose that it was them who came with them...

Aegis just sighed at the shortsightedness and promised to make them pay later as now he has his hands full.

As of right now, Aegis was trying to hack into CCTS towers but found out that someone was trying for the same thing.

Aegis, who had some tidbit memories from other souls in the shadow realm, used their ingenuity and was able to breach into that hacker's scroll, and even if he was not able to get any data, he was able to see who it was...

And Aegis was really surprised as he saw none other than the proclaimed death Arthur Watts...

Who immediately saw his breach and broken his scroll signal...

Still, Aegis was now aware that the megalomaniac scientist with god complexes was alive, and it seemed well...

After that incident, Aegis made sure to upgrade all of his and SDC systems and broken all connections that could not be protected...

Aegis was about to start with creating new firewalls if not for Iris, who came to tell him that their sleeping princess was finally awake and, from what he heard, very scared...

Doctors said that Aegis should come quickly as the technology in the patient room started to behave strangely...

Aegis sighed and made his way to the hospital room, but he couldn't suppress the feeling of both anticipation and dread he had...


*Author note*

1 To answer some questions, I don't speak about Aegis training as it would spoil future revelations.

2 Aegis has fragmented memories from other souls that resided in the shadow realm connecting several varied Earths and different worlds.

3 And fem harry or Harriet, the reason for gender bender is that I hated how naive Harry was, and as Girl, it could be a little forgiven, but the boy harry is someone I want to punch for inheriting Dumbles mindset...