
The fight between Aegis, Hazel, and Tyrian was disappointingly one-sided.

Not be the fault of Hazel, who is more powerful and durable, or Tyrian, who is using his speed to strike weak points of his opponents, no the problem was Aegis, who for the first time in more than five years of using his semblance to temper his body under gravity weight.

After Aegis released his gravity glyphs, he became faster than Tyrian and stronger than Hazel. With Aegis's aura no longer being drained by his semblance, it could finally be used all of its power to magnify Aegis's body like for regular aura users.

So everyone who looked at the trio could see Aegis dancing between Hazel and Tyrian and, from time to time, deliver a blow to them.

"Alright, I think I had enough. Thank you for showing me the fruits of my training."

Aegis said to Villain duo as he finally had enough excellent grip of his new power handling.


Hazel was about to ask but was silenced by the sight of Aegis swinging his spear and severing Tyrian's left arm.


Tyrian let out a pained shriek mixed with anger and hatred, but it wasn't enough as he saw Aegis swing his spear again in speed that was too much blurred for Tyrian eyes, who just saw his tail fall on the ground.


Aegis looked cooly at the now crippled mad faunus scorpion and delivered his blow to the head that sends him unconscious...

"Truly, just what twisted being are you to have a semblance that disrupts others person aura?"

Aegis asked the now unconscious faunus and change his sight at the now little dumbfounded Hazel.

"Sorry for ignoring you, Hazel, but I was beginning to get tired of his lunacy."

Aegis apologized, but everyone could be heard how little he mean it.

"Now that another is down, I think it's prudent to start with my original plan, hm?"

Aegis asked, and Hazel felt a chill run down to his spine as he saw the Schnee boy look at him...

The same chill he always felt from his mistress...

"Why don't you just killed him like you killed Taurus? Do you revel in pain?"

Hazel asked as he tried to buy time for himself as he knew from the fight that he had little chance of defeating the Schnee boy.

"Revel in pain? Hm, yes, I feel satisfaction when I put monsters into the same situation they like to put others."

Aegis said and tilted his head on the side when he looked at all dead, and he was now surrounded.

"After all, everyone here knew into what they go."

Aegis said and blurred as he used his new speed and acceleration glyphs to get behind Hazel and deliver a solid blow to his neck, sending him into sleep.

"But no, I did not kill him because he still has a part to play."

Aegis said, and that was the last thing Hazel heard before he fall fully unconscious.

"Well, then let's start with the work, shall we?"

Aegis said to himself as he looked at the now devasted warehouse and multiple dead or unconscious humans and faunus.

"Hm, it seems that me new Idina droids are very capable of dealing with humanoid threats."

Aegis said as he looked at his new droids that suffered little damage as he built them, especially to combat aura users.

Aegis nodded with his head in approval and instructed his droids to take Hazel and all parts they lost in the fight and send them back to one of his secret tunnel networks that they came there in the first place.

"Let's see."

Aegis said and made sure that everybody was either dead or unconscious as he planned.

Aegis ordered his droids to kill just half of them and another half just to cripple and send to dreams as he had plans for the living ones.

Aegis opened a box that one of his droids brought with himself and released multiple little droids that are smaller than a bullet and activated them.

After activation, Aegis looked as all his little spy droids ran to unconscious people and burrowed into their flesh with sealing the wounds they made after themselves.


Aegis said as he saw all his spy droids send him a signal of accomplishing their task...

What Aegis has done was simple.

After months and years of seeing how Red Fang and the mysterious power were able to hide from him, he made many plans, which resulted from one of them into this sight.

He knew that powers such as the Red Fang or the mysterious player would want their minions or operatives back if they were still alive, so he made spy droids that could track the ones he deafened and given to 'Authorities' from where they could escape.

And that's how Aegis would know where the enemy is hiding, and that came with a little surprise as he added to all his little droids a little spicing...

Tyrian was an ideal attack dog, so Aegis know that they would want him back even in such a sorry state as there is no way they would give up upon such fanatic that would newer betray that mysterious Goddess of his...

Hazel was another thing. Aegis knew from his reports that man could be broken relatively quickly, so he took him for his own questioning...

Others were just grunts from Red Fang who will surely try to rescue them to show that their leader's death doesn't weaken them.

Aegis let out a cruel smile as he already imagined what would his little surprise do to the Tyrians goddess. Aegis wonders how much she liked red paint.

With such thinking, Aegis made another quick but careful inspection until he was sure nothing is amiss and made his way outside and deactivating his technology that silenced the entire warehouse not to alert authorities...

And with one quick, anonymous message to Atlas journalist about what they could find there, he was already anticipating next day's news channels...