
She awakened with a feeling of numbness, and after a while, her blurry memories came back, and she jolted into action. At least that would be the case if she didn't feel her feet and hands restrained.

She looked around and found out that she was in what looked like one of these VIP hospital rooms she saw on TV. A little movent in her corner of vision made her look at a boy she remembered from seeing somewhere.

At least 1,7 meters tall or more with a muscular but lean figure clothed in a white coat with black trims, he was looking from a window, so she was able to see his pitch-black hair reaching his shoulders, and with two long ponytails on both sides, she saw his eyes in the window reflection and saw how his face was both feminine and muscular giving aways his aristocratic status, and these eyes, she newer saw so clear and deep blue eyes in her life.

She stopped looking at him and instead started to think about what she is doing there, she doesn't remember angering any high-standing people, and she was always careful to clean up after her fun times with the thugs.

Maybe that was it? Were these thugs under him?

No, she knew almost all powers in Vale and knew that these thugs were just bottom feeders like she. There is no way that someone would come for revenge just because of them.

Then why?

Maybe her body? Even in her sorry state, she could see the looks men, and sometimes even women, were giving her, but again she wasn't so beautiful to get this man's attention.

And by the Oum, why the fuck she has a feeling she knows him from somewhere?!

And why, if he wanted to hurt her, would she now lay in one of the most comfortable beds she ever slept.

The last thing she remembers is that after her little game of hunting some common thugs and playing with them with ended up her killing them in not so clean manner, she was grazed by one f these fuckers, and from the look of it, she was poisoned as her aura would heal such small cut.

All she could at that time was look for shelter in her disordered state and hope her aura would heal her in time and that nobody would find her.

From the looks of it failed catastrophically.

Now, what could she do?

Maybe she could use her semblance to seduce him?

It's not like it was the first time she seduced someone just for them to find a dagger in their belly.

Then again, she was restrained by what looked like aura suppressors.


What should she do?

"Hi there."

She immediately jolted in shock as she saw the man standing by her side, and now his blue fully focused on her.

How did he get so close without her noticing?!

Did these painkillers she is clearly doped completely fucked up with her senses?

"You don't need to worry. Then again, that's what everybody says."

The man said and looked at her, and she felt her body going stiff as she felt his blue eyes narrow.

"You are incapable of speaking, a mute, something the doctors reported me after they examined you."

The man said, and she felt the urge to slap him if not because he didn't belittle her but just stated a fact with an emotionless face.

"So, I will do talking, and after im done, I will give you a choice, understood?"

The man said, and after a while of thinking about her nonexistent choices, she accepted with a nod of the head.

"Good, first let me introduce myself, Im Aegis Schnee, CEO of SDC."

The man said, and she felt the urge to slap herself as she finally recognized the face she saw in some newspapers, and now that she looked at his clothes, she could see numerous snowflake patterns that are a common symbol of the Schnee family.

"You are surely wondering why I did save you and what I want from you. Well, both are tied to my mother Willow Schnee, your mother's friend."

Aegis said, and it did take a while, but after she registered his worlds, she just stared at him more suspiciously.

"I know, I know, I came from nowhere after you lived on streets for years and saying that my mother knew yours."

Aegis said and sat on a chair by her side.

"But its true, and before you think why I came now and not before, you must understand that my mother was in a bad state, years of alcoholism made her memory very blurry, but after she remembered your mother, she sought her out just to found out she is dead."

Aegis said and continued after she gave him a hollow nod.

"And you can imagine how devasted my mother was to know that she lost the chance to meet your mother once again and apologize to her, but then she found out that she had daughter, she had you, and the moment she found out is the moment she looked for you, but you were nowhere to be found."

Aegis said, and she just nodded as she felt little pride for successfully evading someone with so much money.

Then she remembered that that woman wasn't looking for her with bad intentions and her little pride fall as she already could imagine what would happen when she would be found.

"Yes, I can see you understand. As my mother wasn't able to find you, she called for my help, and I would never say no to her, so after finding you collapsed and injured from the poison from one of your little funs."

Aegis stoped there, and she stiffened as she knew that what she was doing is illegal as she murdered and tortured her toys. She knew that if police know about it, she will find herself in prison without ever seeing the sun again.

"You don't need to worry, and I do not care what you did and what your activities are. As long as you don't hurt my closed ones, I will not stop you."

Aegis said, and she felt her body relax a little as she looked at him in a new light.

Nobody, nobody ever accepted her actions.

It, it felt nice.

"So as to move to the point, my mother would like to meet you, and if you acted this request of my then I will pay you 50,000 lien, just for meeting with my mother, do you accepted that?"

Aegis said, and she had almost stroke as she heard the amount for just meeting with one woman!

And he even didn't say she needed to communicate with her! just meeting her would be enough, and she could say goodbye to street life for some time!

Maybe she could even buy weapons and clothes for herself!

And the icecreams and food she could get from it!

"I see that the money had an effect."

Aegis said with a strange voice that she couldn't categorize.

"Still, I do not think my mother will let you go back to streets, and from what I know about my sisters and mother."

There Aegis stopped, and she looked at him strangely. What do his sisters have with it? And what does he mean that his mother will not let her go?

"Well, there is nothing bad in being first to welcome you to our family, little sister."

Aegis said, and she became utterly still as she heard his words.

Family? She didn't have a family after her mom died, and nobody wanted her in, so why does he?

She looked at him in a daze as her emotions battled within her head on what to make of it.

"Truly, it is like im a magnet on strays..."

Aegis said under his breath and released her bindings, but she still doesn't move as she was still in shock.

"Im glad to meet you, little sister. I hope you will love it among us, Neo."

Aegis gave her a hug that she remembered just her mom giving her, and she cautiously returned it by hugging him in support as tears were threatening to spill.