Stupid, Stupid, STUUUPIIID

*Author note*

Im back! Eh, get for me a little pause as I was in a complicated state of having numerous ideas but zero way of implementing them xD

But it should go better as I started to write a new story that could help me in diverting my attention, giving me plenty of spontaneous ideas xD

Btw its, Quarian Effect.

On a different note, I don't mind when someone translates my work into a different language as it gains me more readers, but to translate it to Russian on the Rulate website and charge for its money without asking me?

Guys, I thought the community in these works is more solid -_-

Still back to the story and away from these bloodsucking twerps...



Harriet cried out in frustration as she looked around herself after finding out where she was.

"Mistral, really, Harriet, you stupid girl, from all of the places you ended up in the den of criminals that could just Neo like."

Harriet said to herself as she pouted.

"Stupid Weissy, cant understand fun."

Harriet said as she thought of the reason she ended up in this Asian-looking city.

In short, Weiss was close to finding out Harriet's plans she had for the future when she would finally get together with big brother, plans that she liked to have just for herself.

After all, every girl has her fantasies, letting and trying them with a person she loves isn't bad, but letting someone other find them?

Nope, nope, NOOOOPEEEEE!

So Harriet has done the most stupid thing she could in her panic state that ended up with her in Mistral.

She kissed Weiss, don't get her wrong, Harriet always found Weiss very attractive with an Ice Queen's cold persona. She was radiating something that just made others want to melt her heart or outright conquer her.

Yes, Harriet successfully gained Weiss's attention as Weiss completely forgot to look into Harriet's dream diary as the Ice queen stood frozen on the spot from the sudden kiss. For a while, Harriet thought she broken Weiss.

Until the temperature of the room decreased.

At that moment, Harriet knew what she should do and run as fast as her aura-enhanced body permitted her.

Just thanks to her instincts, she evaded the ice icicle that Weiss shot in her pursuit.

In short, Harriet runs for her life as her instincts screamed at her to not let Weiss catch her, and with her big brother away, she lost any idea of calming Weiss down as just big bro Aegis could calm the enraged Weiss.

And in her panic, Harriet has done something she didn't do for very, veeery a long time, as the last time she did it was in her cousin's game named Harriet hunting.

She teleported with a loud crack and found herself on the alleyways of Mistral city.

How did she know it was Mistral?

Easly she with other of hers sisters had gone through history and geography lessons that big bro managed for them.

Fortunately, Harriet always had a knack for learning and was able to get her Mistral language to an average level, she was still a little bad at pronouncing some words, but it was enough for her to get to the Mistral SDC branch to contact her big bro.

Harriet did not enjoy the idea of what big bro would say to her as she knew that Aegis was a worrywart.

Still, the idea of not contacting him was even worse.

So like this, Harriet was made her way through the streets of Mistral in her pajamas, without scroll, identification, or lien.

In short, Harriet was glad that she doesn't need a weapon for her semblance use, otherwise she would truly be in a bad spot.


The sound of breaking wood gained Harriet's attention, and she looked for the source and found out it was an orange-haired girl that looked at someone with anger as a boy with black hair that had pink string tried to hold her.


The girl asked in what sounded like outrage, as the old man who was a source of the girl's frustration just faked a smile.

"As I previously said, miss, this is a prominent establishment, and someone with such foul mouth like you isn't desirable to dyne inside, not speaking about your choice of clothing."

The man said with a fake smile as his mouth was almost sneering at the teenagers that were clothed in what once looked to be average quality clothes but were now just practically drags with worn-out colors and multiple patches.

"You promised to us that you would let us eat there if we delivered your packages!"

The girl cried out.

"Nora, let it be."

The more calm boy said to his companion as he was making sure she would not jump on the man.

"But Renny!"

The now orange-haired girl named Nora said to the boy.

"Is there something wrong?"

Said now officer who saw the commotion and came investigating it.

"Yes, sir, these two are scaring my clients. I would like to give you my testimony against them for damaging my well-established reputation."

The man said with faked sadness.

"Is that so? girl, I need you to stop making up a ruckus and come with me to the police station for questioning."

The police officer said as he saw the man winking at him.

"Hm, the corruption in this city is even bigger than big bro said."

Harriet mumbled to herself as she watched the show and saw the restaurant man wink at the officer,

In such situations, a normal person would stay away, but then again, Harriet was not a normal person, and her experience with bad adults made her adamant in fighting against adults that liked to picking up on the kids and bulling the kids.

"Well, lets the first prank of Mistral begin!"

Harriet said to herself as she grinned.


Aegis came back home with a smile that strained after he saw fuming Weiss and worried girls.

"Did I miss something?"

Aegis asked as he felt Neo licking his ear as she masked herself with her illusions, making herself invisible.

Weiss just narrowed her eyes and came close to Aegis as she gripped his shirt and made him bend himself as she caught his lips fiercely.

After some time of making out with Aegis, Weiss finally stopped herself with a satisfied huff.

"Not that I don't like my welcome greeting but, what happened?"

Aegis asked as he felt Neo's hands wander around his body lower body most of the time.

Truly Aegis was regretting giving Neo the idea of experiencing with her semblance.

"You see-"

Pyrrha started but stopped when she saw Aegis pulling up his scroll.

"Well, I probably know what happened already."

Aegis said as his eyes twitched as he showed the girl's picture of disheveled Harriet, who was hugged by an orange-haired girl with a boy that looked as he gave up on living.

/Look, I made new friends in Mistral/

Text from Harriet said, and Aegis just had the urge to facepalm as he saw Pyrrha fidgeting on the place with Weiss huffing in exasperation and Neo who tried to rile him up as she was licking his ears and touching his trousers.

"Haaah, come girls, let's pick up your sister."

Aegis said and walked back inside the airship with girls behind him.