
/Wuwuwuw! I said Im sowwwyyy!/

Neo said with her semblance as she cowered her head from Weiss, who had rolled up newspapers in her hand.

"Sorry?! And stop that I know you can write it perfectly fine!"

Weiss said as Neo stuck her tongue at her in defiance as she changed from the cowering girl who feared beating to perfectly fine in an instant.

/Buuuu! But you cant judge me! I wanted to taste it too!/

Neo said as she remembered the taste of Aegis member and licked her lips lewdly.


Weiss made a growling sound at sight, and can you judge her?

When Weiss awakened, she was sore all over her body, but still, she had an unfading taste for another round with her big brother!

And as she was about to slide her big brother member inside of her again, where it belonged in the first place, may she add!

She felt a face...

A face that was touching her private place as she was about to devour her prize!

No need to say it was little chaos after Weiss found Neo, who had Aegis member inside her mouth as she smiled at Weiss with a full mouth.

And there are they now, Pyrrhas face was entirely red from the imaginations running wild inside her head, and Harriet, who would normally tease her about it was unnaturally quiet as her ears were red and there was blood leaking from her nose.

Nora was completely obvious as she devoured pancakes, and Ren looked as if he knew what is going on but, for his own safety, chose to be quiet.

And Aegis was looking at it all with an easy-going smile as he ate his breakfast, still completely at ease as years holding back-ended, and he could finally claim what is his.

Aegis was not a horny man, but no matter how twisted and apathetic his mind was, he still had the instincts to claim all women that belonged to him, something that all men had.

Weiss looked at her big brother and immediately knew what he thought.

"Hah, whatever, just next time, wait for your turn."

Weiss said to Neo, who immediately nodded.

Weiss thought about the previous night and could help but smiled sincerely as she touched her underbelly, she knew there was a risk of getting pregnant, and she was completely fine with bearing her big brothers child, but it was not time, she still needed to make sure that their home and position in the world was secured before she will bear a child.

And any worry about the negatives the child could have because being born from the incestuous relationship was minimal as studies proven that if both parents had activated aura, the child would be alright as even if their genes were same, the soul or rather an aura were different and made their bodies differ from each other.

So yes, Weiss was happy, she was finally connected with her big brother on more than one front, and the next phase of her plan could start. Even if Weiss was not happy with the touches of others that weren't Aegis, she still was able to ignore it if Aegis was nearby.

So her plan to permanently move into her big brother's room was made. She knew that once Aegis sleep with other girls, some of them would want to sleep with Aegis every night, not just because of sex, but because she knew that sleeping is her big brother's side was a calming experience.

So Weiss knew that others too would move into Aegis room, and because of that, she would tolerate their touches, after all a lot of positions Weiss read from the kama sutra book had more than one partner in it.


Weiss licked her lips in anticipation on what else they could try, still in two years, she would go to Beacon, and even if Vale is just two hours from their Mansion in Solitas by maximum speed, it was still more realistic to think that sole days Weiss would see her big brother would be on weekdays.

That was for Weiss harder to stomach, on one hand, Weiss wanted to prove herself that she is the best candidate for the first wife!

Weiss had no illusions that other girls wouldn't want to marry Aegis too, but even if she knew that Aegis wanted her to be his first wife, Weiss wanted to prove herself that it was just more deserved than because she knew and was with Aegis the longest, she wanted for everyone acknowledge that she deserved to be Aegis first!

"Weiss, are you alright?"

Aegis asked his little sister as he saw her face go through myriad emotions in a short time.

"?! Ah, yes, yes, Im alright, big brother, just a little stiff from the previous night."

Weiss said with a smile as she didn't hide any fact about the previous night's activities.


Pyrrha made a strange sound as her hands covered her face. Still, through little gaps in her fingers, Pyrrha looked at Aegis with dreamy sight.


Harriet exclaimed as she covered her nose to stop bleeding, still the face she made put Aegis on a strange note as Harriet's face was contorted into something really lewd.

/Speak! Tell us how it feels inside!/

Neo said as she imagined Aegis member inside her as her hand thoughted her nether regions.

"What you speak about?!"

Nora relentlessly asked.

"Nora, no."

Ren said as he massaged his face as he could imagine that Nora would ask him about bees and birds...

Aegis just smiled as he watched girls speak about the previous night as Weiss was not shy to talk about her conquest.


////Lemon Start/////


Cinder made a coming sound as she cowered Emerald with her juices.

"Cinder, you normally arent so..."

Emerald wanted to say to her mistress but stopped as she wanted to find a good word for it.

"So, what? So horny?"

Cinder asked with a smirk as she watched the chocolate girl's face morph to a blushing mess, truly they had now lesbian sex, yet she was embraced because of a lewd word?

"Yes, I know, this isn't me, I don't know why I had such taste for sex."

Cinder said as normally, she detested sex, something from her young age as she remembered what her stepmom done to her.

Cinder is glad she could kill her oh so dear 'Uncles' and stepmother with her stepsisters herself after what did they do to her, ones did something Cinder would love to forget, and others just gleefully watched as they stood aside as Cinder was screaming for help.

Still, even if she had a bad experience with sex with men, she still needed to release her pent-up emotions with stress, and that's where Emerald comes in handy.

But today, today, it was different. Cinder felt her heart clench, painfully clench as if something was taken from her again, and at that image of a black-haired blue-eyed boy come to her mind.

"Why, just why I think about you?"

Cinder said to herself as she touched her wet pussy, even if she just had sex, she still was for another round after the face of Aegis Schnee came to her mind.

Cinder knew about men and boys more handsome than him, but he, he made her remember the dreams she had, and last night Cinder felt as if someone stole something very important from her.

Something that should be HERS!

"Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why."

Cinder mumble to herself, and Emerald just watched her with a sad smile, and Emerald knew that she was just a replacement for someone, it hurt her, but she promised to herself to always follow Cinder, even if the love she felt for her was just onesided.

And once again, Emerald watched as Cinder again started to mumble to herself, not something new after her dream episodes, and done the sole thing she could think of that could help the Cinder.

She slid her head back to Cinder's pussy as she started to lick it in the hope Cinder would wake up from her frenzied state.


Cinder made a pleasant sound as she looked at Emerald with a smile.

"Good girl, make your mistress come."

Cinder said as she forgot what she thought previously, even if her heart didn't stop to beat painfully.

/////Lemon end/////