
"I must say, your home just screams, evil lair."

Aegis said to the Salem, who just smiled at him bemusedly after Aegis made his mind he took entire upgrade airship fleet, thirty of airships upgraded to withstand Grimm onslaught, not the sleek design of Atlas ships but brutal utilitarian designs of people Aegis saw in shadowlands, they called themselves UNSC and not surprisingly Aegis had a lot of memories from scientist or intelligence officers from that universe, all of them were immoral, their only saving grace was that they were doing it for their race and not for their own greed, that was probably the reason they were in shadowlands and not in hell...

The ships were a combination of UNSC utility into Atlas look, giving the sky juggernauts an exotic feeling as it was not something you would find on Remnant...

"I never hid my intentions, not like Ozpin."

Salem said as she curiously looked at her guest, who she was on the fence about either ripping him in half or trying to get him on her side...

"I see, still what is the reason of your new mindset? Not long ago, we are at each other throats, with you throwing your mindless beast at me people who died in thousands."

Aegis asked, Aegis didn't hate Salem for what she has done and for the losses of his men and women, they were at war, hating each other was stupidity that would cloud his judgment, and his men knew the risk of their work, of that Aegis, made sure...

Still, it did pain Aegis, he didn't care about the world, but once someone became his, he feels responsible for them, and as such, it did pain Aegis watching HIS people die...

"You can say that im curious, first I was surprised that someone who isn't Ozma could and would make my plans crumble, but then I found out you were sent there by someone, your only luck is that I know it wasn't those twins who send you there."

Salem said and Aegis could feel hatred oozing from Salem when she spoke about twin brothers gods...

Aegis didn't feel any positive emotion for the twin gods too, they eradicated entire humanity just because some kings were bewitched by Salem and send their armies to slay them, they didn't just massacre armies, they eradicated the entire first Remnant humanity just because Salem action, which was born from their own inaction and action...

So Aegis understood Salem's anger at brothers, still, it didn't answer his questions...

"And? Speak your mind Salem."

Aegis said and looked from windows in Salem throne room, outside was his fleet ready to lay waste to the entire castle with railguns, cannons, and carpet bombing, Aegis knew his people are nervous on the ships, after all they were in the heart of the enemy territory, one small mistake could end their lives...

"Hmmmm, I want you to join me."

Salem said bluntly, she wanted the boy on her side, not against Ozpin, no if Salem wanted, she could lay waste to kingdoms wherever she wanted, just lack of Maidens made restricted Salem, without maidens, she wouldn't be able to get the relics...

"Oh? Well, let me humor you, tell me what your plans are, and don't play with me, I know you could enslave entire mankind, Ozpin or not the battle of pure attrition would make humans and faunus lose quickly enough."

Aegis said, and looked at spawning pools that continuously spawned new Grimms...

Human/faunus needed at least fifteen years before they would be capable enough to fight higher-tier Grimm, and Grimm just needed, well, almost nothing as Aegis looked how they were just made in seconds inside the spawning pools...


Aegis hummed as he saw a new type of Grimms being made, they looked like chimeras between Beowulf and Nevermore, Aegis cursed, new type of aerial Grimm was thing Aegis didn't want to see...

"You don't know it that there are some restrictions for Grimm to by born, but that I wouldn't tell you, after all these are very sensitive pieces of information."

Salem said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes as she amusedly watched Aegis look at her spawning pools, the boy didn't need to know that the bigger Grimm the longer it took for it to be born, and then there was her own capacity on how much Grimm she could command, that was the reason she just had the oldest Grimms in her army, the younger ones she let to wander the world...

"You probably already know my story from Hazel, yes I know you have him, my people saw him in Mistral and I don't believe there are other capable people who could subdue my pets, and I must congratulate you on how you solved the traitor problem, even Im surprised at your move with Lionheart..."

Salem said with a true smile, she could appreciate a well-executed plan.

"I want to know your end game plan Salem, what are your intentions with relics."

Aegis asked her and could see how Salem's smile morphed into a snarl...

"What other than to summon back the twins and kill them?!"

Salem asked or rather said to Aegis, who just looked at her questionably.

"Salem, from where is your power deprived?"

Aegis asked and Salem looked at him questionably, so Aegis continued.

"From Hazel, I know that your Grimms and you yourself are work of Darkness twin, how do you want to kill someone who could just take your powers away?"

Aegis asked Salem and she just froze for a moment as she thought about it.

"Even if he took my powers away, at least I would die in the fight."

Salem said but this time, a seed of doubt was seeded in her heart.

Until now, Salem followed her wish, without stopping and asking herself questions she didn't want any answer to, but now the boy said it her mind couldn't help but think of very ugly theories...

"Die? Salem, do you think he would let you die? If I were to guess, he would just seal your powers away, not your immortality, and then they would again eradicate humans for failing in their task to stop you, again leaving you as the sole living person on death world..."

Aegis said and watched how Salem slowly sat down on her throne as if all energy left her...

"Salem, how can you kill them if all your powers were bestowed to you by them?"

Aegis asked and Salem just looked at him with dead eyes.

"The...n then tell me what other thing I should do? Im the sole immortal in the mortal world, the sole person who could accompany me in my immortal life, is a man who blindly believes in the golden twin's words... A man whose action made me mistakingly kill my own daughters..."

Salem asked, gone was Immortal witch full of evil, in her place was a broken woman who, until now, blindly walked the impossible path.

"I didn't say you can't kill gods, Salem."

Aegis said, and truly, he knew it was the truth, after all, where humanity lacked magic, they had their ingenuity, and Aegis knew from memories that technology is very capable of countering like magic like gods...

They just need time, a time where Remnant could prosper without fearing of Grimms, a time where bright minds would be born that would bring Golden Age to mankind...

The time that Aegis and his family had, after all even with fails and errors, the serums was coming nicely...

"And you don't need to fear of time anymore, in the near future the time will become meaningless to mortals too..."

Aegis said and Salem looked at him questioningly...

After all, even if Salem followed technology trends, she still laked true insight that magic isn't so different from technology...

And immortality could be reached in multiple different ways...