
"If you wanted spar you just needed to ask sister."

Aegis said as he deflected another Winters blow.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise, don't you think?"

Winter said with a smile as she admired her little brother's stance.

"Yes so big surprise."

Aegis said with deadpan as he pierced Winter's summon, completely erasing it and watched how Winter winced.

"Winter, you should truly train in your summoning more, having your summons senses is all good, but feeling their pain is a big error in the fight where every second count this could be a fatal mistake."

Aegis said and Winter nodded.

"I know that Aegis, but it isn't so easy to mute the particular senses."

Winter said with a sigh, she truly marveled how her younger brother is stronger than her, she knew it but seeing it and experiencing are different things.

"Aeg, leave Winter be, manipulating connection between yourself and your summons is harder than it seems, but shouldn't you know it? After all you too can use summon."

Cinder said as she walked to Aegis and gave him a peck on the cheek and then she gave Winter a water bottle and towel, to which Winter nodded in thanks.

"Never really was in need, I rather specialize in speed and strength."

Aegis said as he tried numerous stances he learned from multiple shadow realms souls that were proficient in spear art.

"I see."

Cinder mumbled to herself.


Aegis hummed in question as he felt his scroll vibrate inside his pocket.

"Work calls ladies, I must go to look into something."

Aegis said as he gave both Winter and Cinder chaste kiss to which both of them smiled.

"Be careful."

Cinder said as even if she knew he was capable and probably stronger than her she still worried for him, she just gained him back, she was not ready to lose him again.

"Don't forget on dinner Aegis."

Winter said to her little brother who had a tendency to lose himself in work and have thus be reminded either be servants of family members who go look after him when he is not present at family dinner.

"Yes, yes you too sisters."

Aegis said with a smile as he retreated back into the mansion leaving both elder sisters sigh in annoyance.

"After a long time and again being interrupted be someone."

Winter tsked to herself, to which Cinder smiled at her white-haired counterpart.

"Yes, such tragedy... What about we spar together with our summons? Maybe like this, we could gain more experience from each other."

Cinder said with smile to which Winter noded in appreciation.

"Yes that would be wonderful."

Winter said and both of them began to summoning their familiars, on one side was an army of white Grimms and on the other army of reanimated death skeletons.

"Let the battle begin."

Klein who played referee, said as he distanced from the skeletons that gave him goosebumps.

"Truly children these days."

Klein said to himself with sight, but then he smiled, he loved his current work, everyone was happy, and thus even the ever-loyal butler was delighted.


Aegis who came back to office closed doors behind himself and sat behind his desk.

"So what do we have there?"

Aegis said to himself as he read reports from top priority facility on dust research.


Aegis exclaimed in surprise, from what he read the scientist found a way to artificially reproduce dust crystals!

Just the method was a strange one.


Aegis looked at reports and from what he saw the dust crystal that was in the size of baby fist became big as baby head in hours under radiation effects, further tests would be made as to test potency and purity of dust crystal but from all the current data it seemed that dust 'eat' radiation to enlarge itself.

"No wonder it is under high priority message."

Aegis said to himself as he sends additional funds to the facility for further tests, and as Aegis was looking at all data he gained there was a knock on the door, and as Aegis called for them to come Weiss emerged from the doorway.


Weiss said as she smiled at Aegis who smiled in return, Weiss made quick way to Aegis as she sat on his lap giving him a passionate kiss.

"What it is Weiss?"

////////LEMON START///////////

Aegis asked as he felt Weiss butt massage his dick.

"Nothing important, just had time as all girls are doing their own things and I was free."

Weiss said as she sat on Aegis with her back to doors and Aegis to her front.

"I see."

Aegis said as he felt Weiss slowly unzip his trousers and fish out his dick.

"Just what I needed."

Weiss said seducingly as she slowly aimed Aegis dick to her wet entrance and slowly devoured him.


Weiss sighted contendly as she felt her insides being filled by Aegis dick.


Aegis said but stopped as Weiss gave him a quick kiss and stoped him.

"With mother and me alternating our nights with you I must at least have you in day brother."

Weiss said and Aegis just chuckled as he kissed her and embraced Weiss with his hands as he pressed their chest against each other, even through the fabric Aegis could feel the soft mounds that every other night rested on his chest.


Weiss whispered to Aegis as her tongue played with Aegis's ear making him even hornier.


Aegis said as he gained tempo as he pounded into Weiss who just breathed in ecstasy.

"Master, I need to speak with yo- oh my."

Raven said as she watched Weiss ridding Aegis completly ignoring the raven-haired woman.

"Should I come later?"

Raven asked as her eyebrow raised as she tried to mask her growing lust.

"No, you can speak with brother now."

Weiss said through her breaths as she still played with Aegis's ear and rode on his dick.

Aegis just raised an eyebrow on his sister, he didn't mind women looking at them, men? Men were forbidden to even look at his sisters in that way but women Aegis didn't mind, especially women Aegis knew wanted him too.

Aegis knew he was a hypocrite but he didn't care.

"Verry well."

Raven said through her gritted teeth that the audacity of the girl, but seeing Aegis not speaking against his sister's claims calmed her little.

"I want to speak about Salem."

Raven said and there was a cry of pleasure as Weiss deflated into Aegis's chest as her body twitched from orgasm.

"Then speak your mind Raven, you know I do take care of my things."

Aegis said and Raven tried to push down the joy, even the idea of being glad about seen as an item to someone made Raven mad, but when it came from Aegis who was now fucking his own sister made Raven's legs tremble as she could feel something she never knew she was...

"Ver-y well..."

Raven said as she started to ask about the reason of Salem being there.

Aegis of course, knew what he was saying, and even the mere idea of seeing people who liked him as item or calling them as such repulsed him, but he could feel what Raven tried to push down, and as long as it was nothing serious Aegis would play along with Ravens secret desires after all Aegis already accepted her as his, he just didn't say it to her.