
*Author note*

Read the entire chapter before commenting.


Months flew and it was already again time to celebrate my sister's birthdays, now they were sixteen years old...

These months of the ruling weren't kind or evil to Aegis, he already had experience with leading SDC and SPCS, but ruling an entire kingdom was a very different thing, Aegis at least thanked for the help of his close ones, and Robyn Hill, who became Aegis right hand and followingly head of the Ministry of Justice with her semblance.

Aegis was so much drowned by the work that he forged his own birthday if it weren't for his family and friends to surprise him with a surprise party, that was how much he was drowned in paperwork, fortunately, it was coming close as more than half of ministries had its heads, and all legal systems were coming smoothly, Aegis already anticipated the time when he would have again time for his family and himself...

"Good thoughts?"

Asked Raven who started to come closer to Aegis after seeing the twin's advancements on Aegis, Raven felt threatened so she chose to faster her plans.

"Hm? You can tell Rae?"

"Rae? Please, don't call me like that, it brings bad memories."

"Very well, sorry Raven... Did you contact them?"

"...No... But shouldn't you already know it?"

"I know this is a common misconception, but I don't know everything that is happening, I thought you yourself should already know it."

"...Yes... Sorry, you are still upset about Iris and Alexandra?"

"Upset? No, I know some see me as a horny animal that bangs everything that has a hole, no im not upset, just disappointed that I found out it like that, you know..."


Aegis sighted, he truly wasn't upset at his older sisters figures, both Iris and Alexandra were like sisters to him, but where Winter was pure, Iris and Alexandra had a very bad experience with men, so much that it made Aegis lose control of his semblance for a short while when he found out.

So no, it was not surprising that they found a companion and kindred spirit in each other, Aegis just wished to be the one who would GET THEM TOGETHER!


Raven bemusedly smiled at her master's outrage, clearly knowing what he had in mind, everybody had...

That was the reason both Iris and Alexandra were red in the face every time they spoke with Aegis these days...

For when Aegis find out that Iris and Alexandra slept with each other after the hard day ended with drinking, they awoke in each other arms and found out that they quite liked the feeling, for where they had still some phantom pain from touching the men, women clearly were the exception.

But once Aegis found out, something flew from his mouth, something nobody expected...

And as Raven remembered it she snorted.

For Aegis said that they just must destroy his plan to get them together, that they just liked to make his hours of planning and scheming in becoming a matchmaker for his dear elder sisters figures meaningless...

No need to say that it made both older women very embarrassed when they found out that Aegis clearly saw them look at each other with interest and that he planned it for some time...

"You are just upset it wasn't you who made them see it for themselves."

"Yea, yea... Still im happy, I was worried for them, Alexandra could tease me but there was always this strange glint in her eyes when she was near any male, I included..."

Aegis chuckled bitterly and Raven massaged his shoulders as he sat on a chair.

"Iris too, im aware of their past misfortunes with males, but it just hurts seeing them like that, so yes, I wanted them to hook up with each other, I just didn't think fate would take it for me..."

Aegis said and Raven smiled, Raven usually wouldn't smile, not this kind of smile, alas she knew that the time she stayed with the Schnee family changed her...

Where Tai was her love, at least she thought her was at that time, he has proven to be a coward like her, oh she knew she was a coward, and that was the reason she left him, but she too knew that Yang wouldn't have a good life in the tribe so she left without her, knowing Summer would by ideal mother figure...

Where Tai was unambitious, Aegis was already king, where Tai would rather speak, Aegis didn't need to move an inch as his people took care of every problem, Aegis just wanted to get close sight on the matters, that was the reason he had so much work.

And where Tai would be blind to the truth of the world, Aegis knew precisely what he wanted from the world...

So it wasn't surprising, not even to Raven herself, why she found out she started to fall little by little for her master...

She even called him a master in her mind, which wouldn't normally be impossible, alas that was the might of Aegis Schnee...

"Raven? Hello, Remnant to Raven? Anybody home?"

"Wh-what? Oh, im sorry im just a little dazed."

"...Raven... Take yourself time and visit your daughter... We both know you daying to speak to her, no matter how you hide it."

"...Haaahh... Maybe..."

After that, office once again descended into silence as Aegis worked on his paperwork and Raven rubbed his shoulders from any stress or back pain.


"So... Should I call you mother?"


"What?! That's a valid question!"

"We aren't marrying each other!"


"Where is my meek daughter and what have you done with her!"





Alexandra and Pyrrha screamed at each other as Iris stood beside Alexandra with a crimson blush.

Willow with Salem who watched the byplay between the new couple and child, sipped tea with a smile that they had every time they watched some tv drama.

Nobody truly cared about Iris and Alexandra getting together, to those more intelligent, it was clear that Alexandra's teasing of Aegis was just a defense mechanism, they were just surprised by Aegis's outburst, with made the entire situation even funnier...

Still, it was always refreshing seeing this side of Pyrrha who normally was a very meek and shy girl outside of fights, to see her like that made the entire spectacle even funnier.

"So, I heard you are trying for a child?"

"Ah... Well..."

"Girl, im old, not stupid."

Said Salem to Willow who was now too deeply red.

"What about Aegis? Does he try to finish inside you?"

"Y-yes... Normally he doesn't pull him out even when we go to sleep..."

"I see..."

Salem said and looked at the white-haired woman who now had blushed and massaged her belly.

"You know what your daughter is planning, right?"

"Weiss? Yes, she spoke to us, it isn't surprising..."

"Mnn, your daughter's mind works in mysterious ways."

"Not as mysterious as my sons... But yes, they are quite the same in that regard."

"So you should know she would be unhappy if you become pregnant before she has the medicine, right?"


"Willow, dear, look at me, does it really that hurry as to risk the wrath of your daughter, Weiss?"

"...No... You are right... Hah... Still to think my daughter plans to make as all capable born just girls is both surprising and not..."

"You don't think she?"

"Yes... Sal, my daughter loves her brother deeply... and it truly wouldn't be surprising if she wished same for her or our daughters..."


"That's Weiss, alas it is my fallout how she grew up, so all I can is to mitigate the damage..."

Willow said with a sad chuckle, and Salem looked at her strangely, in these times both women became closer as friends, and it wasn't surprising when all women came together to drink tea, well Iris, Alexandra, Willow and Salem, as Raven still preferred being near Aegis as his shadow.


There was a roar and Willow with Salem looked as they saw both daughter and mother kneel before Iris's feet, as Iris sported an angry smile that promised pain.

"Now, you will speak like civilized beings, is that clear?"

Iris said dangerously and both of them gulped.

"M-mom, y-your girlfriend s-scares me!"

Pyrrha whispered to Alexandra who nodded.

"M-me -too, daughter of my!"

At that Iris, forehead gained few veins...

Willow and Salem who looked at the entire play just sighted and shooks their heads, and it was just another standard Schnee family fun.


*Author note*

Aegis = 18

RWBY cast girls = 16 (Ruby 14)

On another note, Iris and Alexandra are like true elder sisters in Aegis eyes, both of who he wants to protect and loves them, not in a romantic way, Aegis never loved them more than sisters, so there isn't any betrayal.

So yep, Iris and Alexandra are an official couple that would never belong to Aegis harem!

On another note in the comment section, I will post how will Sentinel, Royal Guard and Sentries look.