
"Hey, do you think he watches us even now?"

"Haaahhh... Who?"

Asked an exasperated maid, her friend who looked like if she found the biggest secret of the universe as she whispered.

"Well, you know, boss, everyone knows he has entire mansion bugged, what if he watches us even when we, you know, pee?"

"First, yes everyone knows and it is a fact that you must know before you start work there, secondly, I think the boss has better things on work than look what you do in private, and thirdly as if you didn't like the idea of a boss watching you call his name when you were masturbating on the public toilet!"

"Hey that was just one time!"

"Haaah, I really don't know what you all see on the boss, yes he is handsome, but the true man should have bigger muscles!"

"Again, you and muscles, just go and hook up with one of the bodybuilders in docks and by done, and to your information, I saw what is under the boss shirt, and these abs had their own abs!!!"

As the two maids continued bickering, there was a shadow closing to them.




The dog faunus maid and her human companion maid jumped in surprise as they angrily looked at the snake faunus maid that just licked her long tongue in enjoyment as she scared them.


"That was mean..."

"Hey, it's not my problem that you laze around rather than work, you should be glad it is me and not head maid."

"Che, that old saggy and ug--- why are you looking right that?... She is behind me, isn't she?"

Asked the human maid as she saw her two friends slowly nod their heads...

"Ug-? What did you, my dear wanted to say? Hmmm?"

Asked voice and the human maid slowly turned her head around in perturbing scare, just to see widely smiling head maid whose cow ears violently twitched...

"Ah, ahah, haha, it-it was just joke, joke really... a joke!"

The human maid continued to say as the head maid widely smiled at her, yet the glint in her eyes made all three maids gulp...

"I see, a joke hmm?"

That morning everyone could hear screams as they saw one of the common sights, head maid Madeline, a cow faunus chasing human screaming maid named Rise through training yard with a gigantic bat.

"Ahhh, good morning, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, surely it is..."

Said Alexandra to Iris as she blissfully sank into her lover's embrace as they ignored the common scream of maids, after all, such events made the Schnee mansion more lively and gave it a homely feel, to know the servants had fun in serving them too...


That morning as Aegis and Raven waked up from the first lovemaking, they just stayed with their bodies intertwined as they both didn't want to separate, completely ignoring the screams of pain and pleas for forgiveness from the training yard...

"It seems your colleagues are lively this morning."

"Mhhnn, idiots, the lot of them..."

Raven mumbled as she sank her head into Aegis neck, Aegis for his matter just chuckled as she continued running his hand along with Ravens back.


Raven hummed as she felt Aegis touch her butt and squeezed it.

"What can I say, its morning and im young man..."

Aegis said with a smile and Raven chuckled as she saw his morning wood, Raven licked her lips and whispered into Aegis's ear.

"Then let me take care of it..."

The two continued in their night activity even when it was morning as they used each other's bodies into fullest pleasure...


The same day just in midday Aegis walked through the white sterile lab walls as he finally chose to continue with his plan, thanks to his pleasant morning with Raven, Aegis was in full spirit as he finally reached his destination.

"Dr.Polendina, this is Aegis Schnee."

There was the sound of scrambling as the door opened and showed an older man in a wheelchair.

"Yes, yes, glad to finally meet you mister Schnee, no wait your majesty..."

Pietro Polendina hastily corrected himself.

"There is no need for honorifics, not from man as yourself, mister Polendina, after all its men like you who make this kingdom great."

Aegis said with chuckled and walked inside the lab with Pietro slowly following him.

"Dr.Polendina, I will not walk around the bush, such tactics are used for those I deem as unworthy, but you? You deserve honesty."

Aegis said and looked at the nervous doctor.

"I want your Project, especially Project P.E.N.N.Y."

Aegis said and the doctor's face fallen, but before he said something, Aegis continued.

"That doesn't mean I want to take it from your hands, no that would by foolhardy, no I wish you continue work on it, but from a different place, and that is my home where I will have hundred percent oversight, and you will have all materials and help you could get."

Aegis said and there was hope in the doctor's eyes as he realized he wouldn't need to give up of the daughter he builds.

"I have plans, plans I need bright minds to come in realization, and us such I don't mind your project, or a fact you build fully sapient machine, yes I know about it/her, and an olive branch for you and your possible future creations, I will authorize the sapient A.I into full citizens of Solitas Kingdom, thus making the same as us."

Aegis said and continued.

"Of course, some rules and laws would need to be reworked as A.I have different needs than we organics, but that would be the easiest, so will you comply with my request Pietro Polendina? and you, Penny Polendina?"

Aegis said as he turned around to look on one of the room's closets from where after while a fidgeting girl with unorthodox clothing and bright orange hair, green eyes, and cute freckles walked off.

"Yo-you said I would by one of you?"

Penny asked and the doctor looked at his daughter with a loving smile, yet his smile was strained as he knew what his daughter thought.

"Yes, yes you would, after all, no matter from what body you were born, the moment you start questioning your purpose or soul is the moment I know you are the same, plus the fact you have aura helps a lot."

Aegis said with an easy-going smile that made Penny's face morph from worry to the biggest smile Aegis probably ever saw.

"SENSATIONAL! FATHER! He said im a real girl!!!"

Penny said and threw herself on the doctor who humped in pain as he felt his daughter missile collide with himself, yet he couldn't help but feel happy as he felt his daughter smile, and so the doctor looked at the smiling Aegis and gave him a thankful nod.

"So, will you come with me, Penny? Im sure you would like it there, I have a lot of sisters that would like a friend like you."

"Friend?! I can have friends?! Are you my friend?!"

Penny asked as she jumped from the huffing doctor and looked at Aegis with shining eyes.

"Well, why not? I can by your friend, or your big brother, or both if you wish."

Aegis said with a smile as he couldn't help but marvel how this synthetic girl could be so lively, more lively than most humans and faunus Aegis met...


Penny fired rapidly, Aegis for his matter, ignored the fact that Penny could possibly have dreams and implying that he liked boys.

Still, Aegis smiled at the girl who was in her own world as she spoke everything she read on scrollnet.

Doctor Polendina just smiled as he started making plans on moving out and gave Aegis a sympathetic gaze, he loved his daughter, but once she was in her head, there were few ways to stop her, Aegis just smiled at the doctor as he started to speak with Penny who just jumped in excitement.


*Author note*

Fuw, well Penny joined, pew, well you can say that one of my biggest pissed of moments in RWBY was both Pyrrhas death and the amount of crap they made Penny walk into...

Im a proud shipper of either WhiteRose, Weiss/Ruby, or Penny/Ruby, and to see the amount of crap around them just make me pissed of, and the fact they making Jaune into some girl magnet, I get it he became better after beacon, but it still pisses me off when I remember all the crap he made before he grew a spine...

Pictures in the comment section.

Thanks for all spirit stones, you cant imagine how blissful moments are when I go check my webnovel app to see so many new notifications...