

Ruby screamed in excitement as she rushed to her target without any obstacle as everyone just either amusedly looked at her or had orders not to act.

"Weiss! WEISS Look! Mini you! I totally forgot how cute you were! Look at your no her hair! And these bangs you had! And and and you you were really flat..."


Aegis looked at the older version of Ruby with a little smirk as he saw that no matter what she went through, that cookie-loving little silver-eyed reaper was still inside of her.

"You dolt! I wasn't flat! I was just in a growth state!"

Said the older Weiss and Aegis finally looked at her as she left the bullhead.

In truth, Aegis could see similarity just in their physical state, mentally Aegis felt they couldn't be farther from each other when he looked at his Weiss whose eyebrow was still twitching from the comment about little breast.

Aegis understood that women, and sometimes men did take an extra liking to these things, but he himself never understood why, he loved his mother's big breast as much he loved his sister's little ones, still he was wise enough not to mention it aloud.

"Your majesty."

"Good day to you too, Miss Goodwitch, I hope the travel was good and that my unannounced plan didn't disrupt your schedule."

"No, Academy is currently closed as its summer break, and that was another matter I wished to discuss with you in person."

"Mhm, I will gladly answer any question you have, but until then why don't you go and speak with Amber who was most overjoyed when she heard of your coming?"

Aegis said and saw the sterns professor's face change into a relieved smile as she saw Amber wawing at her from the left side.

"I will do that, thank you your majesty."

"It's Aegis for you, my lady."

Aegis easily said and Glynda's eyebrow rose for little until she smiled and took his hand into hers.

"Then it's Glynda for you as well Aegis."

Glynda said with a polite smile that changed into a genuine one when she walked to Amber.

When Aegis finally looked back what he saw as first was Ruby hanging open mouth at him while mumbling about making Glynda smile with so little effort, to his sister who was in a staring contest with older Weiss.

Aegis took just Weiss with him for the first meeting as he didn't want to let the older Weiss meet his mother until he was sure of her character, same did go for Winter as Aegis knew his older sister who liked to play on a cold person would melt the moment she found out there is another Weiss.

"You sleep with your OWN brother."

"Yes, I sleep with MY big brother."

"Do you have no decency?!"

"What did decency done for me? Or you? Hm? At least with the big brother, I know and have everything I need or wish to."

"How DARE YOU im the older one there!"

"You surely don't act like one, but then again what could I expect from me who was raised without my loving big brother."


The older Weiss said as she fumingly looked at Aegis, who just quirked his eyebrow.

"How could you s-s-sleep with your ow-"

But before the older Weiss could say what she wanted, she stopped as Aegis came close to her.


Aegis said and took the spluttering girl into a hug as he pressed her head into his chest.

"You had it hard huh... Sorry for not being there for you..."

Aegis said and felt the girl in his embrace stop resisting as she went completely still.

"All the years in that cold place we called home, trust me, I know how it felt, and so I changed it."

Aegis said but then the older Weiss pushed herself from him with a thunderous expression, but if someone looked into her eyes, they could see a storm brewing as her previously blue eyes were wet and red.

"H-how dare you!"

Older Weiss hotly said as she looked into Aegis's eyes that never stopped shoving compassion and love.

"How dare you just to hug me and call yourself as my brother! I don't know you! You aren't my brother!"

Older Weiss said as she stormed away as her mind was in disarray.

"W-Weiss wait!"

Ruby shouted and looked lost at Aegis who just kindly smiled at her and pointed to storming Weiss, Ruby weakly smiled at Aegis in thanks as she followed her partner deep into the mansion.

"That could go better..."

"Don't let her calm down, big brother, she is me, no matter how different, she will come to see what is right."

Weiss said as she hugged her big brother, whose mood had fallen.

"Hm, should I feel threatened or jealous?"

"Why would you?"

"Mhm, you know I don't care about how many women you have, after all it's me who makes you to take them for yourself, but with her."

"Ah... Weiss is Weiss, and you are my Weiss."

"Good answer..."

Weiss said as she took a deep breath of Aegis scent and looked where the other Weiss was gone, already knowing she must instinctively go to her, no to their room, Weiss wondered if she would be surprised or if their rooms would be the same, no matter how similar or different they were.

"When do you think we should tell others?"

"Let that to me big brother, and there is another thing I wish for you today."


"Go to see mother, im sure she is would love it."

"Don't say, but yes I wish to see mother, somehow she started avoiding me, you don't know why do you Weiss?"

"Mhm, that is something you should ask her big brother."

Weiss said and Aegis just looked at her as he shrugged and took her advice to heart and planned to ask mother himself.

"Now go, I need to go to the bathroom before I visit other me."

Aegis nodded his head and kissed Weiss who returned the kiss fiercely and after a while stopped as she didn't want to get back into the mood.

As Aegis walked away Weiss just sighed, she hated when she needed to take of the sperm her big brother filled her, but alas, she knew it could be seen through her wet skirt if she let it flow from her nether regions.

And wouldn't that be an interesting conversation with the other Weiss, to tell her that in the meantime she flew there, she and her big brother had quick sex, and how she made sure to be always claimed by him.

"No, it is still too early for her..."

Weiss said to herself, she could tell that the other her was uncomfortable with the mere idea of sleeping with someone, especially when then someone was her own big brother.

"But no can do."

Weiss said, and her mind ran through multiple plans on how to make that Weiss love her big brother in the same way she loved him...


"Albus, this can't go on! They attacked one of the professors and sent him to the hospital wing!"

Minerva said heatedly as Albus just pinched his nose.

"Minerva, how many times must I repeat myself? I don't have any way to make them leave the castle grounds, little Harriet must compete in the tournament and these Sentinels wouldn't leave her unprotected.

"Unprotectected?! The castle is the safest place for her to by! There is no reason for them to stalk around halls and scare children!"

Albus just looked at his long-time friend as if he saw her grown another head...

Until he just shook his head when he saw her believe in her own words, alas it was maybe his fault, from the time he found out there was something bad with him he started to notice more of details he previously overlooked or completely ignored...

Albus truly couldn't understand how he still was headmaster, with so many risk situations and other things that happened in last years he would gladly step down, but again when he tried he once again waked up with his resignation latter in tatters...

"Minerva, there isn't anything I can do. Ministry itself takes them as foreign ambassadors, thus giving them some political immunity."

Albus said as he again told his friend that same thing he told to that man child that was Severus Snape, and that was that his hands were tied by multiple ways than one...

Albus truly wished for some drink right now, and maybe he should visit his brother, just to remember that he would sooner poison him than give him drink Albus so now desired...


*Author note*

So, I just came to the realization that Aegis harem would be a big thing, no it wouldn't come to Xianxia standard harem of thousand wives that protagonist forgest for most of the show, but at the same time, I wish to visit a lot of worlds, and when I would write them then I just must add the women I like, if not I would stop enjoying my own story, so if you don't like the idea of Aegis having massive harem then sorry but this isn't for you.

Aegis will still try to make time for every girl he has, so expect a lot of slice-of-life things between Aegis and his multiple girls.