--BY?? And N?!!!

It started as hundred of black like lights shining across the entire world that captived both magical and non-magical's, magical's thought of that phenomenon as strange magic, some thought it as forbidden magic and that the caster should be judged, others who believed in destiny, Fate, and divination sought intent in them, a lighthouse that would show them the way.

The magical governments thought of it as a breach of the statute of secrecy and that they must act, but one white flowery-haired woman looked at them with interest as if a new page of the boring book should bring more of new enjoyment.

But to non-magical's, it brought more devasting effects.

For the entire world gone silent for a while, until people instincts kicked them to act, the more unbalanced though it is coming off the end, some others thought of it as a possible invasion of little green aliens, other's prepared to welcome their new overlords as they thought that survival most foremost.

The non-magical governments immediately contacted their magical ambassadors, who told them that magic is in the play and that they shouldn't act, that it's magical business.

Of course, that didn't sit well with them, and so militaries through entire world readied themselves for incomers, and at the same time pushed down the riots and panic that some used to loot, pillage, rape, and everything some people who thought of the fact that when the world is ending that they have right to do everything they want.

And when the panic was in the highest state as magical and non-magical's couldn't destroy these portals that became bigger and bigger, the seeming vortexes of black lights stabilized into black oval shapes, and from each portal flew a device that made magical's confused about golems, and non-magical's scared as they could see them as what they feared, for the image the news and other people took and shared showed a highly-advanced drone's that flew in such speed that the helicopters and fighters weren't able to chase them, worse was that even missiles or any anti-air weapons became useless as when some of them did strike the fast drones they found out that the projectiles were blocked by some orange barrier, that made the non-magical's even more scarred as drones were viable for them, but shields? That made a lot of military leaders curse.

And so, the world helplessly watched how these hundred alien drones flew through the world as a whole, seemingly in search of something.


In one of the secret laboratories of Unspeakables, there was a commotion as more than ten wizards tended to the wards that bounded one of the drones that week ago invaded their world.

"Director! We were successful! The trap wards were able to catch these golems!"

"Good! Then let see what secrets it holds! It is clear that it is some magical contraption, we must find how it works and let us lead to its master!"

"Yes, director!"

Said one Unspeakable as others tended to the now blinking golem, the Director already saw himself receive the medal of Order of Merlin! After all it was his idea of how to catch these magic devices! And after they find how it worked, they could finally find that blasted wizards who violated the statute of secrecy law!

"Hey, why it started blinking even more?"

Some Unspeakable asked, and others looked at it strangely.

"Maybe it's because we caught it?"

"Maybe it lost a magical signal? After all our wards do block all signals that come from it."

"Wait, I know it! I saw it in muggle tv!"

The Director looked strangely at the one Unspeakable who said it, and he just nervously laughed.

"Er, I mean, I did go to watch it for research purposes..."

"What research would you find in muggle plays?"

"You know what forget it! What I wanted to say is that when there was a red blinking device, it is a countdown for... for..."

The now paling Unspeakable started to stutter as his face paled even more.

"Well?! For what? Get out with it, mate!"

"F-F-for blowing up!"


That was the last word that was uttered in secret Unspeakable base as the orange explosion shook the entire underground.



Aegis stopped what he was doing as he heard the explosion, usually would be by regular occurrence, especially with Nora living there, but something told him that this was a long way for an everyday event.


"Y-yes big brother?"

Album said as she didn't look into Aegis eyes with her hologram avatar.

"What did Weiss done, no let me rephrase it, what Weiss's done?"

Aegis asked and raised an eyebrow at how Album's avatar started to sweating.

"Well, you know she wanted for the other Weiss and Ruby to meet with our family..."

"Hm, and let me guess, there is our entire family, minus Harriet, isn't there."

Aegis asked as he shook his head.


"Of course there is... Should I come?"

"N-NO! I mean, Weiss said that she has it under control!"

"That so?"

"Yes Yes! So don't worry and just enjoy work!"

Aegis wanted to sigh just to groan.

"Weiss planned this, didn't she?"

Aegis asked, but his question was for someone other than Album, who just tried to whistle innocently.



Aegis just shook his head in disbelief at his Weiss tactics, to think that she would send the twins to occupy his work and make him unable to leave his office...

/////////Mild Lemon////////////

Aegis just closed the holographic screens with news from the portal facility and loss of one of the scouting drones as he tried to shut his mind down, he believed in his Weiss to take care of it when she made so sure that he wouldn't come there.

"Well it seems I will be there with you girls."

Aegis said as he looked down just to see Malachite twins coil their tongues around his dick.

As Aegis's hands fallen on both girl's heads and his fingers played with their hairs, he thought about how he let Weiss play with himself, to say he is amused a weak word.

Aegis, from all memories he viewed in the shadow realm, knew that being a ruler who does all things himself would shortly bore him, annoyed him, or even make him resent the position of king, but with Weiss and his family playing their games behind his back that ultimately helped him manage his kingdom he builds purposely for them, made it easier.

So, in short, Aegis was glad how his sister's started to learn how to manipulate others, and who was a better teacher and target than he himself, who manipulated entire three kingdoms Councils...

"You two are truly good at this."

Aegis kindly smiled as the twins face reddened, Aegis still didn't sleep with them as he wanted for it to be special, after all he wanted by good man for his women, but that didn't stop their advancements, and so it became common for the twins to visit him when he worked and use their mouth to pleasure him, and when he wanted to take them to date and give them what they wanted, they declined him...

And after a while of thinking Aegis found out why, and was quite annoyed of how to handle it, Aegis knew that the twins were bouncers in a nightclub, so of course, it wasn't a surprise to find that they are quite experienced with both men and women bodies, and that was the problem, the girls who saw sex as fun become embarrassed with their situation the moment a feelings came to play.

So in short, Aegis needed to make them accept themselves as he himself didn't see a problem, the moment they became his, he ignored their past, still, he knew he needed to go slowly on them.

And so Aegis let himself enjoy twins care as he tried and not to think about the chaos his little sister now likely unleashed.

Still, Aegis thought as he looked at the twins who licked his member, he found it ironic how they battled their embarrassment with these lewd acts, maybe they wished to build immunity?

Aegis truly didn't know what was inside their heads, just that he would do anything to help them forget their past if they were so ashamed of it...



"B-Blake, I n-not there!"




"Finally! Hey I know im like a fire that makes your heart warm, but can you and your big Bellabooty now go from me?"


As Blake's eyes opened, she hissed as she quickly pushed herself from Yang who now had a smug grin as she made with her hands movements of grabbing her butt.

"Hm, now I think of it, you can get that Bellabooty back."

"Stop it Yang... Wait... Where are we?"

"Hm? Now I think about didn't we... fallen... into..."

Yang stopped herself from speak as she looked around in fright.


"What Ruby? Blake! What happened to Ruby?!"

"We-we fell into the void just after you."

"W-what?! B-but where is Ruby she isn't there---? NEO!"

Blake's eyes widened as she looked at where Yang looked, just to see Neo who was now standing up, still she seemed in pain to recognize them.

Of course, that didn't stop Yang from speeding up to her and catching her by throat and pinning her against the wall.


Blake wanted to stop Yang as Neo finally recognized them and sent Yang a kick that she blocked.

"Yang, stop!"

"Don't tell me to stop! This bitch deserves it!"

"Yang, I dont say she dosent... But... We aren't alone..."

Blake said as she looked around her, with her cat eyes that saw in the darkness, she could see numerous figures move around them.


Yang asked as she looked and stoped frozen, Neo too looked wide-eyed at people who now walked out of shadows.

"White Fang?!"

Blake asked shockingly, and yes the mask looked like White Fang ones, but to Yang it was strange as she never saw White Fang grunts wear a fucking Atlas armor.

"Well, well, well, can you tell me why you are holding my sister by the throat before I slice you in half?"

Asked voice that made Blake and Yang freeze, for they knew that voice very well.

"B-Blake? Why can I see mini you?"

Yang asked as from shadows came a replica of Blake that looked like her in Beacon years but had strange clothing that made her look like some Samurai ninja combination.

"Well? And Neo? From when you became so curvy? The last time I saw you, you still were looking much younger, and what's with that hat hm?..."

The mini Blake asked as her gaze wandered around the three girls.

"And why do you look like if you were my older sister? Im sure mom and dad would tell me if I had one."

"And you, you look like that stupid bimbo that made advancements on My Lord."

The mini Blake said as she pulled out katana and looked at them.

"Well? Tell me, or need I make you?"

Yang's body froze at the tone it was said, and Blake's eyes widened at the perfect replica of her younger self.

Neo for her matter was still confused, but as she made a small move, she stopped still as she looked on the spot from where she felt killing-intent shot at her and saw one of these strange White Fang's grunt's looking at her, almost as if daring for her to move.

"Mhm? Yes? That's strange because I could swear that Im just now looking at her, Oh? Alternate self's you say? Thank you Album, I will make sure that my work please my Lord."

The mini Blake said as she looked at them, the little warmth she had in her eyes when she looked at Neo previously faded away as she now looked at them all the same.

"Well, color my surprised, still you will come with me if you want to meet your other friends, that are named Ruby and Weiss, and you, I heard a lot about you, im sure there is another pink/brown colored girl that wishes to speak with you."

Blake said the last piece to Neo.

"You know where Ruby is?! Take us to her!"


"Do as I say and you will meet them, but do not try my patience you blonde bimbo."

The mini Blake said and Yang's eyes twitched.

"Hey Blake, Im stopping to think that your younger replica is cute..."

"Oh, right, where are my manners, you can call me Blake, as my name is Blake Belladona, faithful servant of my Lord Aegis Schnee!"

At that not just Blake's and Yang's eyes widened, even Neo looked dumbfounded.

"This is a really shitty trip we are in..."

Yang said and Blake nodded with her head as the now named younger Blake taped with her katana on the ground impatiently.


*Author note*

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