
Weiss and Ruby sat in an almost catatonic state after being introduced to truths of alternate realities, and that it means that because in one reality someone is evil doesn't mean in other he is still evil.

To think, to even think that Cinder or Salem could by good made both Ruby and Weiss stare at the wall with a dull gaze.

"You know, it would probably be played the same way."


Weiss asked as she heard Cinder speak, Cinder for that matter, just gave her a wry smile as she traced her finger along with a cup of her coffee.

"That just because im sitting there, calmly and with you, doesn't mean im good, no rather you can say that the Cinder you know, and My are same, after all, it was not long ago when I too wished for the same thing the other Cinder did."


This time it was Ruby who asked, the other girls just sat as they calmly listened to Cinder who seemed to bury into memories.

"Yes, you can say that the sole reason is..."

"It's Aegis, isn't it? All changes I saw could be traced to him, the Solitas, the Schnee family, and now even you."

Weiss said and Cinder just smiled.

"Yes, all of that you said was deviated by just one man, and isn't that interesting hm?"

Cinder laughed as others sent her a wry smile as they too felt Aegis work in a lot of things.

"For me, it was the moment I saw him in the scroll that my memories started to come to me, for Schnee's, it was from his very birth, and for the world, it was when his father overstepped his limit and made Aegis finally act."

Cinder said and smiled at the doors.

"Isn't that right, my little fire."

Others looked at where she said it, just to see Aegis come inside the living room with his cane in hand.

"Maybe, and maybe not, the works of fate are very tricky."

Aegis said and the alternate Weiss with Ruby once again looked at the man that almost singlehandedly took care of Salem and Cinder.

"So you say, if, if Cinder, er our Cinder saw Aegis she, she would say what? Became good?"

"Oh, oh gods no, she would stay same, but she would gain something other to care about than mere power, so maybe she would change, but would it be for better or worse? After all, just like with power, people can do horrible things to protect the one they love."

Cinder said as she watched witch smile Aegis who scooped his mother Willow into a hug and made her sit on his lap even as her face reddened.

Weiss and Ruby just tried not to look at the clear forbidden situation, still from time to time they peeked at the son's mother duo who comfortably cuddle as true lovers.

"No matter, im sure you wish to know more, so why don't I tell you my true story, the story of Cinder Fall."




Harriet screamed at Ludo Bagman, who again mistook her name.

Harriet sighed but then straightened her back as she walked into the arena where the winged lizard already waited for her with its bared teeth.

Today was the first day of the tournament, and thus the first discipline that was unsurprisingly against dragon figures, Harriet thought.

And as luck will once again, Harriet was going as the first one, with the most dangerous dragons that she could pick.

"Hey, you will not let me get that golden egg that obviously isn't yours, right?"


"Go figures you will say no.., Ok then, it seems it must go this way..."

Harriet said and to everyone's astonishment, threw the wand they gave her away and started channeling her magic as she channeled for most of her life, thus giving herself another superhuman factor that combined with her aura just perfectly.

"It's boxing day!"

Harriet said as she teleported on the dragon, giving him a perfect kick from up."


"Oh? Don't like it?"

Harriet said as she teleported from the dragon's claws and delivered him another strike, this time from down, just right into the dragon's tummy.

"Eat this you fire-breathing stupid walking brand on leather shoes!"

Harriet said and willed most of her superhuman strength into a punch, successfully sending the dragon into the skies.

Just right into some flying machine that collided with the dragon that was freed from its chains...


Harriet said as she looked at the now-falling dragon that was clearly unconscious.



"Yes, I saw that too, do you have any signal?"

"No sir, it seems something blocking our equipment.

"I see, very well, one of you go outside of castle ground and gain Drone's attention, or simply contact him."

"Yes, sir!"

The Sentinel said as he made his way to fulfill his research.


"Mother, it seems your fun just came."

"Oh, ohohhoo, it seems so doesn't it."

"Mother, please stop playing around, you know how barriers on corrupted grails are falling."

"Don't worry! Don't worry! It would play itself nicely enough."

"I hate..."

"I love you too, Morgana!"


"Mom! dad!"

"Ohoho? Dear? Did you have any kitties I don't know about?"

"N-no honey..."

"Then do I see and do I smell two Blake's at the same time?

Said Kali as she looked at her daughter, who brought three girls with her, with one of them looking like the exact daughter of her and Ghira.

"Well Blake! Tell us! Tell us the name of that kitten you brought?"

Kali said excitedly as she could feel both her animal and maternal instincts kick in.

"Yes, mother, thi-"

Blake started but stopped as her hand lightening fast pulled out her katana and moved in some spots.

"I already told you that I know you, or at least your other self, so please do not try these tricks on me."

Blake said and true to her word there was a sound of glass breaking as the Neo who until now looked as if she was obediently following them stood by Blake's side with katana's sharp side on her neck.

"By a good girl and follow my rules, my Lord would be very disappointed if I had to harm you..."