
Being king had certain perks, like sending your people to delegate in your stead, thought Aegis as he observed another diplomatic report from USA, from what he got it was successful, Solitas agreed to give USA systems that could they themselves build to detect magic, it was a primitive system for Solitas standards, but good enough for the USA to find if there was active magic in place.

And in exchange, the USA would let their citizens without any problems change their citizenship to Solitas, Aegis hadn't any illusions about the multiple spies and agents that would be in these immigrants' baches, but for that, he had both Album and Cinder with her Sentries.

The same deal gone with different world powers, all non-magical's desired a device that could detect magic, even if it couldn't tell you what magic is it, if harmful or not, it was good enough to sniff out wizards and wards and magical racers or resources, and with enough luck, they could improve the design of device the Solitas gave them.

In short, with such a simple gesture, Aegis gained access to more than half of the world's population that would wish to become Solitas citizens.

That said, it was not even week after his subduing of the last four vampires in this world, and already Solitas had ten thousand's application for citizenships, most of them were poor or down to luck and wished for a new start, others sought a thrill of a new world, and another wanted to run from the ever-growing conflicts.

As Aegis was about to look at another statistic's his hand stalled as he felt a familiar presence.


Aegis said and indeed, in the empty room, air shivered as Merlin materialized herself.

"Che, how can you feel me? Even most talented wizards were blind to my presence."

Merlin said with a tilt of her head.

Aegis looked at the troll magus, witch, magician, succubus, or multiple other categories she could by sorted out with a mild frown.

"Why are you still playing?"

Aegis asked, he knew Morgana was in her room in Sentinel base, and probably still was going through the multiple types of knowledge Album sent her on scroll.

"Oh? I don't know what you mean?"

Merlin asked with a faint smile on her flowery, beautiful face.

"Enough, Harriet and Morgana isn't present, so tell me, what are you playing about? I know very well that for you we could be as much as your favorite characters in a book, but characters nonetheless."

Aegis said with an emotionless tone as he watched Merlin's face lit up in realization.

"Oh, OH you don't know? Or did you just forget? Or you don't understand your own position? Maybe you just need to think more, tell me, what Great Merlin, such as me, was for her entire life bound to?"

Merlin asked with a smile, but in her eyes, there was a resignation? Pain? Hope?

Aegis thought for a while, then his face scrunched up as he realized what she meant and the most probable reason someone like Merlin would like to bound herself to him so.

"So, I freed you?"

"No, it seems even with your knowledge there are still things you do not understand, not surprising as most souls that end up in that shadowy place arent as talented in magic, after all magicians souls go mostly to different places..."

Merlin said and Aegis nodded, in shadow realms were a lot of souls with knowledge about magic and its uses, but there were almost zero souls that could be said to be on the same level as Merlin or Morgana...

"You want to know why Morgana and I so desperately want to tie themselves up with you even if it meant to pleasure you like dutiful wives? Because in millennia, or the untold amount of time in Thrones of Heroes, for the first time after we gained sight into Fate and its works, we feel FREE."

Merlin said as she walked to Aegis who just stood in place, waiting for her to continue.

"For the first time, after we looked in Abyss, Abyss doesn't look back... You Aegis, you make us feel a novelty that we lost a long time ago, being near you makes us vulnerable, it makes us..."

Merlin said as she looked into Aegis's blue eyes with her pink-red eyes that shone with joy.

"It makes us mortal..."

Merlin said as she gave a chaste kiss on Aegis's lips and smiled as she licked her lips.

"For the first time in millennia, no longer I need to look at others as if looking into a book as fate would always tell me how their road end, no with me being on your side, I can finally once again go and look at everything with novelty, and same goes for Morgana."

Merlin said with a smile, after all, she never knew what she lost until she lost it, even with dear Arturia, Merlin still knew how Arturia would end, it made Merlin detached from the world, but now, now she could again live...

"I see..."

"No, you don't, and that is the most wonderful feeling."

Merlin said with a smile as she dematerialized herself to go on another trip around the world now that she no longer saw how everything ended.


There was the sound of glass breaking as magic illusion was canceled, with the last image was of Aegis looking in the direction of the magic eye.

Morgana shook her head, she still didn't think it would be good to give the boy king all ammunition and secrets, but what Merlin said was the truth, at first Morgana thought that knowing Fate would be beneficial...

Oh how naive she was, for first years it was alright but...

Morgana stopped thinking about it, these times were past her, now she had a chance for a new life, and she would take it.

"Morgana, is something matter? Should I stop the presentation?"

Said voice and Morgana awakened from her thoughts as she smiled and shook her head in denial at the woman on another side of the holo-screen.

"There is no need Moira, you can continue with the debate."

Morgana said and Moira nodded as she looked back at the assembly of scientists who were either in the room or like Morgana present through a live video call.

"Very well, please tell me if I get something wrong as you are our foremost expert in the magic field."

Moira said and Morgana nodded at the mortal woman she came to like to thanks to their similar drive for progress and knowledge.

"As I said, thanks to knowledge from the new world, assigned as Wizard Earth, we know that implanting human with magic organs is a possible way to give them magic, a most famous example could be of Arturian Legend where king Arthur was implanted with dragon heart with is more complicated but doable with right rituals."

Moira said and Morgana just smiled as the debate continued, she loved the idea of progress, and it seemed that Solitas was deadly set on progress.

Something Morgana could agree with, another thing was how Solitas scientists were accepting of magic, something Morgana found surprising as most of the time she saw how both magicians and scientists reject others' sides.


"Father, you must listen to me, there isn't a way to fight them! I was there, the things I saw, and the way's of Solitas are too different to ours, father even their caretaker's see us as barbarians!"

Said Daphne to her father who had folded hands looked deep in thought.

"A-and father, we need we need to be on their good side!"

Daphne said, this time with a shiver in a voice that made Arthur Greengrass, the Patriarch of Greengrass family and father of Daphne and her sister, stop thinking and look at her in worry.

"What it is, Daphne? Did they do something to you?"

"No! No! It's it's, father I asked their A.I, that's muggle equivalent of artifact spirit a question about their medical knowledge."

Daphne said and Arthur perked up as he could see where this was going, and by his daughter's reaction, he dared to hope.

"It, she said that she would first need to have look, but but she said that what Astoria has could be, could be healed with right gene therapy!"

Daphne said, even without knowing what gene meant, but after speaking with Tracey, she knew they were some supposed blocks of life that everything is made of, and that she heard about gene therapy but it was still just a concept in their world, but if these other wolders have it...

"I see..."

Arthur said with a wavering tone, the curse that his youngest daughter was plagued with was something Arthur always despaired, but if there was a way to cure it...