

"It's not like you imagined, right?"

Aegis asked with a smile as he pushed Hermione's wheelchair along the streets of Alexandria on their date.

"I always wished to visit the ancient cities...Just..."

Aegis stayed silent as he was pushing the wheelchair.

"It's just that after the accident that bound me to this chair, my priorities changed..."

Hermione said and blushed as Aegis spoke to the ice cream vendor and gave Hermione vanilla lemon ice cream she previously said she loved.

"And where do we even going?"

Hermione asked after a while after she ate her ice cream as meanwhile, she ate it, Aegis never stopped pushing her wheelchair as they spoke.

"You know, the moment Album arrived on this world, she wished to acquire every knowledge she could, an easy quest for A.I, and such it came to no surprise when she found out one cleverly hidden gem."

Aegis said as he pushed Hermione to what seemed to be an empty beach.


Aegis said Hermione's name as he kneeled before her, making Hermione curious but at the same time embarrassed as she blushed a little after looking at Aegis face that was just, just too beautiful...

"This world has done you injustice... And as such, it is just fair that you would be repaid back, something the very world agreed with."

Aegis said as he purposely evaded that matter that he now owed a little debt to Gaia who helped Album's drones to find this place.


Hermione asked confusedly as her eyes widened when she saw behind Aegis air shimmer and in place that was previously clear, an enormous building came to life.

"I hope that my first gift for you is satisfactory."

Aegis said with a smile as he kissed Hermione's hand and slowly took her to his arms as he walked to the now visible building that looked very old.

Hermione who still looked at the sight before her, or more importantly, on the worlds that were etched on the building front, just looked shocked, still she blushed as she felt Aegis kiss and his arms that now held her in the air.

"Welcome Hermione, welcome to the true Great Library of Alexandria that was hidden under the pretense of being burned."

Aegis said with a smile to Hermione.

"And this, this is my gift for you..."

Aegis said, after all finders are keepers, and Aegis already planned for Album to copy all knowledge hidden inside, but first he would take the girl that loved books there, after all, his women deserved the best...


The date with Hermione went successfully as Aegis placed sleeping Hermione into her bed and gave her parents a polite bow that was returned with a brilliant smile from the mother and twitching eyebrow and clenched fist from her father.

After hours of traversing through the library and dispelling all traps or curses, Hermione finally lost all energy and peacefully fell asleep in Aegis arms from where she read one of the books she found.

And as Aegis walked out of the temporary Granger's home that was on Sentinel base, he thought about his plans, and coming to a conclusion there wasn't anything much to do, as any plan to control the Earth would by more costly than beneficial as Remnant was better in all but population numbers.

In short, this Earth wasn't worthy of the trouble of coming between the factions that started to tear each other apart.

But as Aegis continued to walk, he suddenly stopped as before Aegis was standing little blonde-haired girl that looked sick, Gaia...

"Gaia, what can I do for you?"

Aegis asked politely as he didn't wish to antagonize the Will of the world, after all, without Gaia there wouldn't be humanity, she was the first world from which humans came to by, and she was the one who followed humans through the multiverse in many forms, yet she was still present on worlds that humans were present in...

"It is true?"

"What is true?"

"That you wish to kill the ones who killed the other me?"

Gaia asked and it clicked in Aegis mind, she must spoke to Salem and understand that her other, the Gaia of Remnant died under God's hands.

"Yes, but im still too weak to wish to contest gods who each hold their own domain."

Aegis said as even if he was capable of destroying god's bodies, he wasn't sure he could destroy them completely as they could retreat into their domains of light and darkness.

"I can help you with that."

Gaia said and Aegis quirked an eyebrow.

"It is clear that they killed other me when I/she was hibernating, from what your witch Salem told me, they pretended that they created human's, that's impossible, just I can give birth to humans, no matter what gods say."

Gaia said with a neutral tone and Aegis nodded with his head, he knew as such, no matter what memories, all souls with sufficient knowledge knew that there wasn't humanity without Gaia and Gaia without humanity.

"Even if their proclamation of bringing humans back after wiping them as Salem said was a lie from the god's mouths... That was something I know..."

Gaia said slowly and Aegis looked at her as she seemed to sigh.

"No matter... No matter what humans' shortcomings are... They were the first children I ever gave to that were similar to my own image... Animals and all such were different a simple, but humans... Humans were always special, for they looked like me..."

"And that is the reason you never stopped them, no matter how much they hurt you... We are special to you, aren't we?"

Gaia gave Aegis a weak smile, a smile that made Aegis and all souls that he held feel...

They felt as if they disappointed their own mother...

"Yes... I planned that one day humans kill each other, and me probably with them... But even then, I made sure that once I died, that humans would be brought back from my own corpse... That they become Remnants of my own Will..."

Aegis eyes widened...

Remnant... Remnant of Gaia... Remnant of Earth...

"I see..."

Gaia gave Aegis a smile as she continued.

"And so I have requested... Take this seed with you, and let me be reborn once again, and when the time comes, I will be there to help you protect my children..."

Gaia said as she severed her own arm and gave it to Aegis who gently took it as it transformed into golden plant seed.

"I will..."

"Good... That's all I ask for..."

Gaia said with a smile as her body seemed to glitter as she looked from the window.

"I don't know if I will ever awaken again... Not with this much poison in my veins... But I wish you luck, child of my."

Gaia said and gave Aegis a last smile as she seemed to flicker and evaporate.


Aegis whisperingly said as he looked at the seed in his hands...



Album slowly asked as she felt something dangerous in Aegis's tone.

"Destroy all nuclear bombs... Start shadowy support any Eco-friendly agencies or political sides... And contact all leaders and tell them I will give them a way to clear this world from the pollution and garbage..."

Aegis said and Album nodded with her head.

"And tell them this isn't a question or request... But an order..."

Aegis said as his eyes shone with blue light and the seed in his hands seemed to radiate a warm feeling of happiness as he tenderly clenched it as if he feared to hurt it.

Aegis made up his mind, before he left this world, he would make sure that the mother of humanity had a pleasant sleep...

Even if he needed to bloody his hands to make the statement clear to the world...

The Gaia would have pleasant dreams, of that Aegis would make sure.


*Author note*

Somone said the harem is big?

When someone asked how big the harem was.

God(Author) Said: YES!!!

No, truly, the harem is a big look at how many worlds I wish to visit and take that a lot of women from these worlds would join the harem.

That said I still stand behind my statement that I will try to characterize each woman, so don't worry, even if the entire Fleur seemed quick, I would work more on characterization...

Plus, even if it was quick, what did you expect when Aegis was already marked as her partner? It would be normal to skip the entire courting thing as they are practically paired.

That said, no matter how I detest that work, you can compare the imprints that werewolves from Twilight had...