
"Weiss... Why are there new names in Schnee's book?"

Asked Aegis after noticing a new page in the book he created to monitor any Schnee member even if that member didn't bear the name Schnee yet, all who were destined and alive and were invited or born by one of Schnee, it was one of the first artifacts Aegis created, to make sure there never was any mishap, so to see new names he didn't know about, mildly surprised him, not so much as he saw them being women, thus knowing whose action it was...

"Ah, yes, that was something I wanted to tell you about."

Weiss said as she remembered the girls she coerced into accepting the idea of belonging to her big brother, even if she wanted them to stabilize her big brother's mind and heart, she accepted their demands on try trial where they would be taken on dates by her big brother, the reason Weiss even accepted that ridiculous idea, was that she was sure they would fall for her big brother, she just didn't think their names would be written in that book...


"Big brother, you will like them, all of them are so different from each other yet the same at the time, and all of them accepted to try to go out with you."

"Weiss, why do you think I want additional women?"

"...Want? Want?! Of course, you don't you dummy, don't you think I know you well enough?! But, but each time you gain new love in your mind, your entire mood calms! You think I cant see it?! I was raised by you, big brother! I know you best, even if mother gave birth to you, or Winter was with you until she betrayed you and left you, left us to with father and drunk mother! I! I KNOW YOU BEST... And I know that the more women you have, the more reason for you is to fight..."

Weiss said with tears and expression that borderline between a smile and a scowl, making her look...

Making her look like he looks in his dreams as he gives himself to the voices of his head...


Aegis said as he took Weiss into his arms, feeling her sniffle as she started to whisper.

"YOu think I want to share you? No, I want you for myself, I want the entire you for myself... But im not blind, I can see that with each woman, your resistance from these things in your big dummy head rises... And I like when you feel better... Even if it's at my own expense..."

Weiss said as she was cradling in Aegis embrace as she felt one hand on her head stroking her, meanwhile the other held her close to her big brother chest...

"I see..."

Aegis whispered as he thought about Weiss who always was by his side, even if sometimes she did these kinds of things...

"But you do realize that with each woman you add, my free time shortens, right? Like our nights when you want us to be alone..."

Aegis said lightheartedly as he wanted to take Weiss's mind from the heave matter, and as he said it, he felt Weiss freeze in his arms until she started to tremble...


Weiss screamed in the realization that she ignored it until she heard it and wasn't able to hide from it...



"Is-Is that the younger me?"

"It seems my little girl had quite a revelation..."

Willow said with a smile as her other daughter from another world looked at the way the voice was heard from in shock.

"You don't seem to be worried mot-maan..."

Weiss said as she quickly fixed herself from calling her mother...

"Weiss, you can call me mother, mom, momma, im sure the other me wouldn't mind, after all, we are your mother all the same."

Willow said with a gentle smile as she sipped earl grey her tea that was imported from Earth and then enhanced with Remnant processing of adding Dust.

"M-Mother... You didn't answer me..."

"Well, I know you or rather my little Weiss better than you, and from the voice alone, I can say she wasn't in danger, plus the fact that the voice came from my son's office can tell you enough why im not worried."

Willow said as she looked at the older Weiss, marveling at the similarity both Weiss held, yet where the older one seemed more...

Humanly in her mannerism... Her own Weiss always had that...

An aloof or cold aura that made it clear where someone stood in her eyes that seemed to copy of that her son's when he looked at people who weren't in family or his loyal subject...

"Hm, well, Weiss, now that we have that matter concluded, why don't you tell me if there was someone in your life hm? Tell me, was there some dashing man that took your fancy?"

Willow asked with a smile as the older Weiss face reddened and she spits her tea that she took sip moment ago...


"Hey, hey, how this?"

"No, more like this?"

"But it doesn't look so cool as this!"

"Ruby, in the wilderness, you need more reliability and not coolness..."


The older Ruby just shook her head in disbelief at the younger Ruby who seemed adamant for their scythe to look cooler...

"Wait... Is this how I was in your age...?!"

The older Ruby asked in shock as the memories of angry Weiss came into her mind...

"Oh my gosh... I was!!!!"


Asked the younger Ruby as she looked at her older self that seemed to go into some shock as if someone stole her cookies away...

Come to think of it, where was Zwei? The younger Ruby thought as she let, the older one wallow in her misery.


"Is he gone?"

"I think so..."

Two pairs of cat ears emerged from the hidden place as they looked as if the blasted dog was away...

"Hey, there you are, Bellabooty!"

"Oh Bellabooty? I like it! Hey there, Bellabooty's!"

Said younger Yang with Older Yang as they bore the same matching grin as the two cat ears twitched in annoyance...

"From frying pan..."

"Too fucking blazing oven..."

Said the older Blake as she matched her half horrified and half annoyed expression with the younger Blake at Yang's words...

"And when I thought one Yang can't get worse..."

The older Blake muttered as she watched both Yang's drag the younger Blake from their hiding place...


Penny looked at the body in the tube with amazement as she looked at how delicately it was being built...

"Don't worry, little one, after I made a body for myself, I will rebuild you to the same perfection."

"Arent I the older one there?"

"Oh, how gullible you are, soo cute!"

Album said with a smile at the confused yet happy Penny as she let her see how she built body for herself, the body she made sure was perfect for both her combat capability and the activities she planned to have with big brother as she had enough data thanks to Proto-maid's her big brother fucked on both her and their request as she gathered data to build just perfect body...

Of course, she promised to upgrade the Proto-maids for their effort in gaining the data as the first tries were quite bad in making their big brother and master ejaculate, but after a while, they found a way to make him feel good, and with that all done, the final touches could be made for the body Album so much desired as the most complicated and hard thing was to somehow build an emotion and pleasure nodes that could replicate the same feeling the organics had, which was hard until Album finally didn't ask Morgana and Merlin who told her to just use magical wards as it was better than any synthetic replicants she could make...


"Oh, honey, you already are."

Album said as she watched Penny hop in excitement...


*Author note*

Pic in comments, plus support me with your stones :P