
"You wish to become a 'Hero'?"


Taylor groaned in pain as a spear pierced her leg.


"Guh! I Will Be Hero!"

Taylor grunted out as she tried to evade another thrust of the spear that would impale into her chest, even if still in pain from her pierced leg.

She noticed that the better she was at handling the pain the less of 'resets' happened, it was like if that bastard trained her in handling pain better as every time she no longer could take it, she was once again 'respawned' fully healed and without any psychical pain, even if the mental pain still stayed.

"Hmm, tell me, in your worlds, what is a Hero?"

The fragment of Aegis asked as he stopped with his attacks and looked at battered Taylor, he was unsure how to proceed, now that he knew what kind of threat this world was in, and without his real body power or his kingdom, he was unsure how to proceed in protecting his new charge, there was always a way to contact his original body somehow, but for that, he would need Taylor's help, something he couldn't get until he gained her trust, still he was glad that Taylor's shard, the Queen Administrator wasn't malicious in nature, and with confirmation that Gaia spoke to her and didn't outright destroy her, meant that the Queen Administrator could be used to save Taylor...

"W-what kind of question is that?! Urgh, of course, it means to help others!"

Taylor said as she spat blood, for a dream, it was scarily realistic injuries...

"I see... You are one of those guys..."

The fragment of Aegis muttered as he looked at Taylor with pitying eyes...

"It seems... I need to beat that kind of naivety from your mind..."


Taylor recoiled at the tone the bastard had, something changed, she could feel it, he seemed to be more dangerous? But why, all she said was that she wished to become a hero!

"Ready yourself, I will not let you wake up until I teach you how stupid it is to try to be a hero without power or determination to even go against your own nightmares, after all, how can you help others when you even can't help yourself?!"

The fragment of Aegis said as he once again started thrusting with his spear, he didn't have any illusions that Taylor would win against him, but that wasn't the reason he acted so, no what Aegis wished to do was to break Taylor, to make her snap, to let her see how insignificant she is, and thus to open her eyes and release her from her own shackles she bound herself in, Aegis wished for her to learn, to overcome, and to evolve...

For this entire scene of Heroes and Villains, he saw through her eyes was nothing more than foul play...

But... From what the Fragment of Aegis witnessed the next days, he didn't think he needed to break Taylor's illusions, for the supposed 'Heroes' of this world would do it for him, he would just need to patch Taylor back once she sees truth...


"Are we ready?"

"Sir, the diplomatic envoy, is ready, immediately we confirm the safety of the other side, they would follow us through the gate."

Samantha Carter said to General Hammond.

"Good, then dial the gate."

Hammond said as Carter and Walter nodded and started dialing the symbols.

"First chevron set!"

As the stargate was being dialed up, Jack O'Neil looked at who he was to by working and frowned as he saw a new face.

"And you are who?"

"Ah, Colonel, nice to meet you, im Doctor Elizabeth Weir, and I will be leading the talks with mister Faxon as my help."

Said a middle-aged woman with a smile that made O'Neil frown.

"Ooookay, just remember that I give orders on the other side, and no-no, I can see that child glee in your eyes, so I can guess this is your first time through the gate, so let me give free advice, the other side could be dangerous, like dangerous, a DANGEROUS, and it's me who have your suits plate to protect, so when I say something do it."

Jack O'Neill said as he already could feel coming migraine, he never liked any bureaucrat, especially the ones with polite smiles.

"Colonel and I want to remind you that we are about to make first contact of what you identified as highly advanced species outside of Goauld, who I need to remind you to wish to invade our world because of yours escapades through his gate, so let them talks to me this time, and maybe we wouldn't worry about another enemy."

Weir said to the scowling O'Neill.

"Oh, don't tell me you wish to negotiate with the snakes!!"

"Colonel, im sure that if we could speak to them, we could surely-"

"Surely what? Let them enslave us? Let them enjoy their life as slave masters of humans who I need to remind you are from our world?"

"Colonel! I never said I support slavery, but Earth comes first and foremost you are US soldier you gave oath to protect US and so its in your best intere-"

But before Weir could continue, there was the sound of the final symbol setting in.

"Chevron seven set!"

And the sound of portal vortex opening.


Weiss looked at the building she was in with interest, she already was in Sentinel bases, these levitating fortresses, but this, this felt different, maybe because she could see it was built to hold things from inside than from outside threats like normal Sentinel bases...

"Do you like what you see, princess?"

"Im not-"

"Don't even continue, you are a princess just like me."

The younger Weiss said, not even looking back at her older replica.

"Yes, as princess Weiss said, you too are Weiss Schnee, thus my princess, please do not degrade yourself, especially not before the newcomers that we will now receive."

"O-okey... Still... Aliens..."

The older Weiss muttered as she walked beside doctor Moira Vahlen with the younger Weiss leading the way before them.

"Im sure all will be well... Still, it would be good if you let princess Weiss lead the talks."

"Oh, gladly..."

The older Weiss muttered, deals with other companies? Yes, deals with Councils? Yes, but dealing with Aliens? That made Weiss nervous, she didn't know what to expect, will they be some little green things? Or will their bodies by like some unholy thing that would break her mind? All Weiss knew was to not ever let Ruby again pick a movie about alien invasion, at least not a day after that she needed to meet a real alien...

"We are there."

The younger Weiss said as she arrived at the command center of Stargate facility, built to withstand even the most horrifying explosions and possible assaults...

Weiss sat down at a Royal table that was prepared just for them to wait for the arrival of aliens and couldn't help but be happy, after all, with this it was clear that her big brother believed in her ability, yes she knew she somehow screwed up with that harem fiasco, but it was not like she regretted it, even if her big brother have now lesser time for her as he needed to satisfy all the new harem additions, but he started to get to it, Weiss crossed her legs as she pushed her horny down from remembering how she yesterday saw her big brother thrusting his member into Raven in one of the hallways, Raven who was in her maid uniform just supported herself on the wall as her skirt was lifted up to give her big brother member access to Raven's pussy...

"Weiss? Is something wrong?"

Weiss shook herself from her fantasies to look at older Weiss and shook her head with a calm smile, still her lips positioned into a little grin as she saw how the older Weiss looked down and blushed as she saw her's crossed leg and seemed to come to the conclusion of what Weiss was thinking about with that dreamy smile of hers.

"No, nothing, come to think about it, when will you go with big brother to city or just spend time with him, and I mean a just you two, not Ruby's or any other present."


"You heard me, I think it would do good for you two to spend some family time alone, after all, you are me, and so you should spend time with your big brother."

The younger Weiss said to now blushing older Weiss, she couldn't help it, it brought her giddiness to see how her older replica was so shy when it came to her big brother, still, she needed to understand that no matter how much she delayed it she couldn't delay it forever...

But before younger Weiss could continue in her path of making to older Weiss understand that there was sound in the facility.

"Stargate activation!"

"Well, let that topic rest for now, but think about it..."


"Oh, there you are hiding."

"Daphne, Astoria."

Hermione greeted the sisters with a small smile as she put down her book.

"I did say she would be there, Daph."

"And I didn't reject that idea, just said that she could be in other libraries."

Daphne said to her little sister with an emotionless face, but the jovial tone in her voice showed her good mood.

Daphne looked at Hermione which who she shared her man, and couldn't help but inwardly smile at the change the previously chair ridden girl had gone through, where previously Hermione looked like some husk of a person, she now gained new healthy color, her hair was more cared for, and the spark in her eyes was clear giveaway how she enjoyed her new life full of books and dates with Aegis...

But the most prevalent change was her legs that previously were just like twigs now were looking like more functional legs, plus to Solitas medical system, still, the previously bushy-haired girl still sat in her wheelchair, she said that even if she was now capable of walking, she liked it like a reminder of everything she went through wasn't just for nothing...

"What brings you there?"

Hermione asked the blond sisters and Tracey who was with them and was immediately greeted by the crushing hug from the smaller girl.

"Hey, Mione! I get a fantastic idea! Do you know how they build the magical wings for the Solitas schools? Well, I thought that when we are the ones who knew of magical society and all that crap, why don't we go and speak with them and help them to build the most fantastic magic surroundings?"

Astoria asked Hermione as Tracey snickered and Daphne didn't react with anything other than a nod of her head.

"Help them, you say?"

Hermione asked and gained thoughtful expression, it was a truth that the moment Astoria said it she got many, many ideas of how she wished to see the new buildings that would teach future generations of wizards and witches, even if they no longer would by called like that as in Solitas rather than racial discrimination, was nationalistic discrimination, as Solitas citizens saw themselves as a better than others...

"Well, we could ask..."

Hermione said after a while of thinking.

"Hah, I told you she would want that, and do tell me, are you planning to have hands in creating a school library?"

Tracey asked with a grin on her lips as she looked at Hermione, who just rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but I do want to see how they plan to build classes much more..."

Daphne shook her head good-naturedly and started to walk away with the girls calling for her to wait and following her, their next destination, the Royal Academy, Magical division...


There were times Album really hated the fact she was aware of almost everything happening inside of Solitas territory, and then there were times she absolutely loved it, like now that she looked how another space platform was being ejected into the Remnant orbit through the gravitational generators, she watched and controlled the space construction drones as they patched the platform in orbit, and then she loved the feeling of gaining complete control of said platform as it came to online without any problem, giving her another deep-space sensor and processing power...


Album hummed as she heard something through her channels.

Album accessed the closest camera feed and was surprised by jumping and grinning scientists as they held Dust in their hands, Album accessed the microphone and listened.

"We did it! Dust! Fully space working Dust!"


"We get another raise!"

"We did something so marvelous and you care about some raise?!"

"Hey! I have a daughter who likes pricy things! But yes im FUCKING GLAD WE FINALLY DONE IT!"

"Hahaha! Yeaaa!"

Album smiled at their accomplishment, making a note to send their families gifts that would be picked from their personality charts, but Album would let the scientist breach the news themselves, after all, she didn't want to steal their moment of glory...

But already creating new plans and simulations with Dust that is fully capable of working in space...

"Yes, sometimes it is good to know everything..."

Album said as her cyber avatar smiled...