
*Author note*

If you still didn't understand it, younger Neo, the Aegis Neo, would be called just that a Neo, but the alternate one would be called Neopolitan, in the future, I want to come to even other RWBY names, but I still didn't find good alternatives that sounded same and wouldn't confuse anybody...


After Aegis took the magical trinket called Sacred Gear into his possession, Aegis and girls traveled through town, both for sighting and gathering information, of course, Krull said that she could just take thralls and make them tell them everything, and when Aegis asked her if she still wanted drink other's blood, Krull became quiet as she after while said that they could find another way, no longer wishing to go in thrall route...

Then Neo suggested to just bust some club and beat information from the mob's, to which Aegis just told them that there is no need to rush and they could just calmly walk around town, get something to eat, and just relax as they would listen and look around for information in a relaxed tempo...

That how they in the night found themselves in the park as they were on the way to the hotel they booked through Aegis Scroll that imitated a phone...


/What? :)/

Asked Neo as Krull looked at one side and Neopolitan looked carefree, but Krull could see her leg position to combat position, and as Krull looked at Aegis, who winked at her, she couldn't any longer hold it...

"Just get out, worms!"

Krull snarled as the idea of someone spying on them sent her proud side into irritability...

"My my my, It seems these humans found us."

"True, such accomplishment should we reward them?"

Two voices sound in the park as two winged women with black, almost like raven-like wings, hovered above the ground.

"But I believe they have something that belongs to us."

"True, but then he is good looking one, maybe we should play with him after we take it?"

"Yes! I didn't have such good looking man in years!"

Spoke two women, one who looked like a seductress with blue hair, yellow eyes, and in a red dress that seemed too small for her womanly proportions, and another that looked like a little girl in a goth dress with blonde hair and blue eyes...


Krull just asked, her mind still taking the fact that these worms dared to call her human or weak...

Neo just kept a playful grin after being surprised by their presence, and Neopolitan just kept a neutral face against the unknowns, yet her lip twitched into the traditional grin she used to provoke enemies to attack her...

Aegis just kept silent, looking at the wings of those women as he felt its wrongness...

Still, Aegis refrained himself from telling Krull that reason, why these fallen thought they were weak humans was because of his masking their strength, something he did unconsciously as if he let out his presence even little Aegis was not sure how many humans he would make to kneel in this city alone, as Aegis never truly released control of his presence, even in his fight with master...

Still, when he was doing King things, he let little out to make his subjects feel it, and squash any idea of betrayal...

"Ohhh? It seems I would bathe in bird's blood tonight."

Krull said as her fangs emerged out and her eyes started to radiate red color...



The two women looked in surprise at the sight before them until they calmed down and summoned their light spears.

"No matter, we will take the boy and you vampire, go out of the way, or you will taste the Holy element."

Said the blue-haired woman with her smirk gone and in its place serious expression.


Krull made an interesting sound as she prepared to swat these flies down, but before she could, there was the sound of shattering as Neo's illusion shattered to the ground and the real Neo appeared in the smaller fallen backs delivering a kick into her back, right between her wings.



The blue-haired fallen said as she wanted to attack in revenge but just to be taken down by Krull who with her smaller body sat on her stomach, her mouth too close to fallen's neck, but before she could take a bite.

"Krull, don't, I still want to speak with them."

Aegis said as Krull stopped in mid-swing of her head as she growled at Aegis, who looked at her apologetically.

"Sorry dear, but you can drink my blood in exchange."

"Tche, fine... You are lucky this time bird, don't try to push that lack again."

Krull said as she pushed herself up, and walked to Aegis and, with a practiced move, jumped on Aegis back as her legs leg locked around Aegis torso, her arms around Aegis chest, and her head right next to his neck as she bit into Aegis who didn't react in any other way than just correcting Krull's position so it would be more comfortable for her...

"Well, I believe she had enough too, Neo."

Aegis said as he looked at another fallen who covered herself from the kicks and punches, Neo delivered her from all sides as each time the fallen wanted to return the favor, Neo just shattered, and punch came from another side, making the entire beating entirely onesided...

/Ohh? Will you let me drink you too? But not blood, something other. :3/

"Yes, yes, we both know if you truly that wanted our relationship to progress so far, we would by already were doing it like rabbits."

Aegis said to Noe, who blushed and threw him a playful pout as it was a truth that Neo didn't really rush anywhere...

Kalawarna looked in fright at the human she thought was easy picking, it supposed to by easy job, find the human whose magical energy they felt at day, they thought that he just newly awakened his sacred gear, making it into an easy job as they would just grab him and take him to their base...

But they found out that he wasn't alone, but with other female humans, normally that wouldn't by problem, they could just erase their memories or just kill them, hell they could just give them to these exorcists they hired, so they finally shut the fuck up, but one surprise after another started to emerge, firstly they found out one of the humans was vampire, and then these humans weren't so defenseless as they seemed, which was wrong as they didn't sense any magic in them other than the faint presence of sacred gear!

"Well, let's start with names, Im Aegis Schnee, the King of Solitas, these beauties beside me are my women, Neo, Neopolitan, and Krull, and what are your names, ladies?"

Aegis asked with a friendly tone, it wasn't needed, but Aegis liked to change strategy even if for a short while and find out if he could play with silk gloves rather than his usual brute forcing everything...

And Neopoloting didn't react to his proclamation that she was his woman... Interesting...


Aegis asked once again, but this time more forcefully, making the fallen women back away little as they looked at him with fear, recognizing their situation as a bad one...


Said the blue-haired seductress...

"I-im Mittelt."

Said the smaller one who in body looked similar to Krull, just with bigger breasts, but that wasn't something Aegis cared for...

K-King?! were Kalawarna thoughts as she looked at the boy, no man before her, even though she didn't truly care for human politics, she knew enough to know that there already weren't so many kings, and those who were, were mostly already too old or without any power...

So the sole explanation was that he was king of some supernatural faction, but whose? Kalawarna didn't ever hear of Solitas, and when she connected her eyes with Mittelt, she could see the same confusion in her eyes...

"Hm, you are trying to find out what Solitas is, don't you?"

Aegis asked with a smile that made the fallen just even more frightened, which made Aegis smile twitch as this was not his intention, as the twitch made it even worse...

"So let's make a deal, information for information."

"I don't know why do you are even doing this, just kill them or let me play with them and they would tell you everything you want."

Krull said as she stopped sucking Aegis blood and looked at the fallen.


Krull said with a bored expression, as she again dipped her fangs into Aegis already healed neck, the Neo's just kept watching them as if some shows, with some sweets they took from somewhere...

"There is no need for it to go in there, is there? So will you take my deal?"

Aegis asked the fallen who immediately nodded their head, their fear for their lives deciding for them.

"Good, so let's start with me first, how did you find out about this?"

Aegis said as he took out a red gauntlet, but what shocked the fallen wasn't sacred gear, but the fact that it wasn't bound to him.


"Nu uh, you tell me first and then you can ask."

Aegis said with a smile as they delved into a conversation...


*Author note*

Pics in the comments section.

Remember, Aegis takes this as vacation, so there is no need to go RAMBO from the very start, still I don't say there arent some idiots that would make Aegis go full RAMBO...

Stone for me?