
"Fuck fuck fuck fuucck!!!"

Taylor muttered as she held her head in her hands.

"Common! It's not that bad! Honest promise!"

Tattletale or Lisa Wilbourn said with a shit-eating grin as she looked at the girl who now despaired on the bed, one reason why was Lisa looking at Taylor was because of that, that Lisa truly didn't want to look behind her, where the very naked zebra woman stood with that confused face, and just by the side had the little monster called Bonesaw, or Riley Grace Davis as she introduced herself...

Lisa truly didn't want to look at Siberian, the cannibal cape, or rather projection that killed Hero and took Alexandria's eye, Alexandria who was until HIS coming taken as the strongest brute Cape that even Endbringers hardly hurt...

Scion didn't count...

Taylor poisonendly looked at the villain or supposedly previous villain known as Tattletale.

"It's not you who is being looked on as a monster or second coming Scion!"

Taylor seethed.

"Oh, that's why are you so worried? Don't worry! It's not you who is looked as second Scion but that brother of yours, who, by the way, is very scary!"

Lisa said with a grin, but a false one, Lisa still had goosebumps from remembering that man who made them somehow tied to Taylor, by some kind of Master power that made Lisa and Riley not loyal per se, as Lisa tried it and knew she could hurt Taylor or betray her, but something told her that if she did it, her life would to end, and from what she could glean, even Riley aka Bonesaw subconsciously knew that she would die if she betrayed Taylor...

Lisa still vividly remembered what she saw when she looked at Aegis Schnee, or the being in human form, it was not like Scion or Endbringers that could block her Sherlock Holmes power on SUPER steroids, where she couldn't see Scion, Endbringers, or some Capes with Trump's powers that blocked all Thinker powers, Lisa still could see Aegis Schnee...

And Lisa truly wished she didn't...


In short, that was the easiest what Lisa got from her power that seemed to go nuts when analyzing Aegis Schnee, then Lisa saw just how close she and others were to death, as the sole thing Lisa saw was that she and others could thank Taylor for their lives, even if villains wouldn't agree with it, as Lisa was sure that if Taylor didn't want to by Hero so much then Aegis Schnee would kill even heroes for not being able to protect Taylor, especially when that idiot tried to mind control, Taylor...

It was... Mind opening just how small she was, on the other hand...

Lisa knew when to join the winning side, especially when she, with a malicious grin, remembered how her last 'boss' ended, Lisa still couldn't stop giggling when she remembered the sorry state of Coil and the knowledge that the bastard couldn't never ever use his power once again...

Just that would make Lisa follow Aegis Schnee, well not true, she still liked her freedom, but now that she didn't have much choice, Lisa chose to go with the flow and try to milk all she could, who knows, maybe one day she would rise high enough to earn her freedom, after all, Lisa saw that Aegis Schnee was very protective of things she saw as his own, so all she needed to do was to make him see her as ally or friend...

Still, now that she looked at it, Lisa was sure that their days would just become more interesting...

"Why... Just why did he do it?!"

Taylor hung her head, still reeling from the fact that that bastard practically made the most wanted, and horrible villains lose their powers and branded them like cattle, taking away their hidden identities...

Especially when Taylor looked at behind Tattlale and paled little when she saw Siberian and Bonesaw, yes deep down, Taylor could feel the connection to Siberian, Taylor knew that the cannibalistic monster that ravaged towns and killed and eaten so many peoples, so many innocents, Taylor knew Siberian wouldn't hurt her as she became its new master, still, it didn't help that she now was tied to such THING!

And Bonesaw too! Taylor didn't know why, just why HE made these two follow her! Tattletale was ok, as even if villain she was a small one, mostly robber than murdered or killer, but these two, Siberian and Bonesaw, were in top ten is USA most wanted villain capes!

And now they were in the same room as she!

And now the entire world knew that they were with her!


Bonesaw or Riley meeped when she saw the look Taylor shot her as she hid behind Siberian, who was still very confused about her change of master's and very unhappy with her new orders of not being able to kill or eat people...

"Why the fuck are you so scared?! YOU ARE THE MONSTER THERE!"

Taylor shouted as she gripped her head in despair when she saw how meekly Bonesaw, the little monster that killed and played with so many Heroes bodies, was now acting, the same girl that would, without any worry, release a deathly virus that would kill entire town, or rather sent the entire town into a frenzy, making all kill each other, something Taylor heard Bonesaw already done, there were stories of fathers locking their loved ones behind doors, and second, later trying to get inside to kill their families they tried to protect when they were exposed to one of the Bonesaw frenzy viruses...

In short, Bonesaw was a monster, the sole reason it was so hard to kill her was the knowledge that as Bio-tinker, Bonesaw made it clear that if she died, her body would release a very potent virus into the world, and nobody wanted to try their luck with it...

And now the same monster tried to look like a scared little girl?!

Taylor truly started to lose it...

"Y-y-you shouldn't s-swear... S-swearing i-is b-bad."

Riley fearfully said as she meeped once again when Taylor shot her glare.

Lisa looked at how these two behaved as she still tried to glean any and all information she could normally Lisa would already run her mouth, probing, teasing, or striking into theirs weak points, but after meeting Aegis Schnee, Lisa chose to be more...


And how hard it was! She was soo close to opening her mouth, but she fought it down as she wanted to test waters, after all, she was supposed to be Taylor's helper, or servant or whatever that man said...

Still, Lisa looked from the window, sighing as she saw the people outside of the fence, PRT was glad enough to give them Mansion that was enclosed in Tinker tech barrier, protecting them from the outside world, but still...

Lisa truly wondered what kind of shit storm waited on them as the hour of speaking with PRT and others was coming close, something Lisa, even if not exactly worried about, couldn't help but feel a little uneasy...

There was something, but for the life of her, Lisa just couldn't find out what, no matter how much she strained her power to find out...

All Lisa could see was there was some kind of presence, and all her power told her that The Golden Tree was watching...

Whatever that meant...


Yep... Lisa thought this would be veeeryy interesting and veeerry shitty conversation...


Emerald sighed as she came out of shover.

After long lovemaking with her Cinder, Emerald was fully recharged, still, she wished for Cinder to join her in the shower, but work called and Cinder, who was deadset to never disappoint Aegis was a borderline workaholic that rarely took time off, to hell, it was mostly Emeralds work to make sure Cinder even eaten at regular intervals...

Yes, Emerald knew why Cinder was as such, Cinder told her of her last life, of her biggest regret, and biggest mistake...

Still, Emerald knew Cinder should already forgive herself, even Aegis never held it against her, which was probably the reason Cinder was too hard on herself, blaming herself for ever hurting her innocent, loving little brother...


Emerald sighed as she shed off the towel...


Emerald looked at herself in the mirror, looking as her perky breast and cleanly shaven pussy looked and remembered how not even little agon Cinder ate her out, making Emerald's dark skin darken even more as a blush crept on her...

Getting into the mood, Emerald fell on the bed and started teasing herself as her imagination got into work, thinking how Cinder rode herself on her face and her pussy being penetrated by Aegis...

At the start, Emerald was a little torn and embarrassed to have such feelings, thinking she was betraying Cinder and Aegis both, but after both of them showed how alright they were with their threeway relationship, Emerald stopped, as the more perverted part of her mind enjoyed being sandwiched between them both...

Once done and climaxed, Emerald just laid on the bed she shared with Cinder, in truth, Emerald already missed Aegis, it was already a week that he was away, and it showed Schnee's mansion was still lively, especially with aunt Willow being in last months of pregnancy...

Still, it showed on everyone's spirit; Aegis's absence was...

Very hard to swallow, Emerald didn't think how bad it would be when he said he would be gone for a while, but thinking about it and living through it was two different things...

Even if they didn't go all the way, Emerald and Aegis still enjoyed each other, normally with Aegis eating her out and her blowing him, or just being each other, and it was not just her, the Malachite twins bickered more now that Aegis was not there to make them embarrassed or shy as girls in love, Raven was sterner or rather cold now that she was not everyday fucked into the ground and Willow who missed both her son and lover which who she was pregnant with...

Emerald tried to get out the memories of when she walked on them, the stupid face Raven made every time Aegis held Raven by the hair as he thrust in and out of Raven, Emerald truly didn't need to see others doing it with Aegis, even if she was alright with Cinder, Emerald didn't want to see other's and Aegis, as it was little painful, or more likely annoying as she herself wished by in Raven's place...

And Cinder...

Oh, Emerald truly wished she could do more for her, but alas, no matter how she tried, Emerald knew that she couldn't replace Aegis, it was like the fire Cinder normally had within her was diminished, the spark in her eyes missing without her little Aeg, her little flame there to make her feel whole...

Emerald still didn't know just what feelings Cinder felt for Aegis, yes, it was clear Cinder didn't mind Aegis seeing her and Emerald doing it, in truth, Emerald thought Cinder enjoyed it more when Aegis was present, but there was still something that made Cinder waver...

Emerald truly wished to know how she could make Cinder finally just give up and kiss Aegis, but Emerald knew that there was still some guilt Cinder felt about Aegis, especially with the knowledge that Aegis paid for Cinder's crimes in the literal hell or shadow realm or how it was called...


"Hm? Coming!"

Emerald shouted as she quickly got into the bathrobe and went to the doors, opening them; Emerald's eyes opened a little as familiar ashen white hair greeted her.

"Ciri, what a surprise."

Emerald said with a smile as Ciri shot her own smile.

"Come, come inside."


Ciri said as she followed Emerald, who went to make Ciri's favorite tea, something she learned a long time ago.

"So? Why come to me? Not like I don't want you there, just you normally don't speak with me."

Emerald said without any hint of remorse, it was widely known that even if Aegis Schnee harem didn't have any in-fighting, there were still groups, and Emerald with Ciri belonged to different ones, not normally speaking with each other, it was not because they didn't like each other, just...

They were different from each other...

"Yes... Well... I wanted to say goodbye."

Ciri sheepishly said, making Emerald almost lose her grip on the cups she held.


Emerald asked in shock.


*Author note*

Pics in comments.

Btw sorry for not posting, I just started a new game in Stellaris and got very sucked into it, plus ESO and reading fanfics that you like make you forget things... xD

Btw you can support me with your POWER STONES!