
"Can you... Can you explain to me what you were thinking?! And Aegis! You didn't need to be so harsh!"

Rias almost screamed, she both angry, exasperated, and utterly emotionally spent after the last hour where she heard oh her peerage knight going almost rogue and attacking the two nuns she LET operate in her town...

The sole saving race from possible deaths were the three women by Aegis's side that were on Aegis command following Irina and Xenovia and promptly taking Kiba down before he could do something very, very bad...

Aegis looked at Rias, whose emotions were currently on a wild rollercoaster, as he looked back at the fuming Kiba...

"I will not beat around the bush... You are idiot boy, a complete idiot and excuse for anybody who thinks he is wise or clever..."

Aegis said, unfortunately for Kiba, whose mouth was closed by duck tape, a very strong and magically enhanced duct tape couldn't speak as he was previously very uncooperative, thus the duct tape, after all, Aegis didn't want for Asia to hear such bad words...

"Let us get the fact straight... You have hatred for holy swords, which are inanimate non-living beings that done nothing to you, and not for the excuses for human beings that were working on that project, right?"

Kiba whipped his head to the side, yet the hatred in his eyes was just too strong, making even Rias sigh, Rias knew about his hatred, but she had no idea how to stop it without restarting war be breaking such holy relics that belonged to the Church...

"I see, that logic isn't strong with you... Very well then, let's go on the practical way that you seem so like..."

Aegis said with a sigh.

"Girls, can you take Asia away for a while? I do not for her to see this."

Aegis said to Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner...

"""Yes, my lord."""

The girls said as they gently dragged the very confused and worried Asia away.

"Rias, Akeno, Koneko, do you truly wish to stay and watch? What I will do would be drastic, and not pleasant to look at at all, but very necessary for Kiba and your peerage, after all, for five years you are my responsibility, and I can't have such a wild card near you to risk your lives..."

Aegis asked, making Rias uncomfortable, but after a while, Rias nodded her head as her expression hardened, Rias didn't know what was Aegis about to do, but for the short time Rias was with Aegis, Rias knew that he wouldn't do anything that would endanger her, and was not someone who enjoyed the pain of others, as such with heavy heart, Rias looked at Aegis.

"We, we will be outside, but! But do not hurt Kiba."

"That wouldn't be possible, but you don't need to worry, as any pain would be a gain for the current Kiba, and you all, Kiba need to understand something very important."

Aegis said, seeing the Rias face, Aegis sighed as he came close to the crimson-haired girl, taking her into arms, and gently kissing her, surprising Rias whose eyes opened wide, but after while melting into the chaste kiss, after while Aegis distanced his head from Rias, but still with their bodies pressed against each other, making Aegis utterly understand just how big and juicy Rias breast's are, again, making Aegis question this worlds psychic laws as he was sure they were too perky for being so big...

"Ara, ara..."

Akeno said under breath as she watched the two with the envious face.


Koneko mumbled but still was absent-minded as she felt a familiar yet distant scent that was making her memory disarray into multiple emotions, making the already poker-faced girl even more distant...

Not noticing the hazel-golden eyes of the black cat that was hidden behind the bed that looked at Koneko longingly...

"I will not hurt Kiba seriously, but the pain he would feel, both mental and psychical, as it is needed for a person with such mindset and problem as him... I truly wish to help you Rias, so let me help you."

Aegis whispered to Rias as their lips were still touching each other, making Rias face completely red from the sensation of the hot air on her lips each time Aegis spoke.

"I... I... You promise that you will help Kiba-kun?"

Rias after while asked as her blue-green eyes pleadingly looked into the ice-blue eyes of Aegis.

"Yes, it would help him to move on, or at least to understand the true problem inside him."

"...I... Ok... Just, just be careful..."

Rias said as she looked at Kiba who still hatefully looked at Aegis, understanding that anything she would say would just go one way inside and another way out, as at this time words were meaningless for Kiba...

"I will, shoo shoo with you, and you two too."

Akeno looked at Aegis and then at Kiba, frowning for a short while until her's smirk returned, Aegis already knew that the smirk Akeno sported was her's defense mechanism that made her feel better.

"Ara, and I would not get a kiss?"

Akeno sensually asked, but the worry in her eyes was clear to Aegis who could see that Akeno was truly worried for Kiba...

"Hmm, and why would you? After all, I know that you most enjoy it when it is you who could steal kisses from me."

Aegis lightly said in hopes of making Akeno feel better, and truly, Akeno giggled.

"True, after all, I like my spoils of victory."

Akeno whispered as she threw one last worried glance on Kiba as her expression steeled and walked outside with extra sway of her shapely hips, making Aegis shake his head, truly, these girls' bodies were too mature for their age, Aegis looked at Rias who too nodded her head...

"We will go home there is a guest waiting on us..."

Aegis quirked an eyebrow, guest? Ah, the female that had a similar aura to Riser.

"Very well, we will come later."

"Yes... And... Think about what I asked you..."

Rias said as she hid her blush with looking away.

"Hm, I do not mind and im sure my girls wouldn't too... If you have rooms for us, then we would gladly live with you for the time being."

Aegis said, making Rias perk in surprised happiness as she nodded at him with a smile and walked out, not looking at Kiba as Rias knew it would make matters much harder for her...

Koneko just threw a glance at the bed where she felt the familiar presence, but before she could come close, she felt a hand on her head, scratching her, and miking her almost purr.

"Now, I think you should follow your friends, don't worry Kiba would come out of this stronger and much, much healthier..."

Aegis said, making Koneko look at him with her golden eyes and then slowly nod as her instincts told her that Aegis was speaking the truth...

As Aegis watched them all leave, Aegis sighed as he looked at the last five occupants of the room, Ophis who was hidden be him with invisible Rune as she still levitated in the air and slept soundly, Viser who was still sore from the punishment Krull did to her after she found out that Viser awakened Aegis with his dick inside her mouth...

And now promptly using the same mouth to lick Krull's little feet, truly, Aegis never saw Krull so mad, and Aegis knew she would kill Viser if not for Aegis who already told her to be more gently and lenient on her's playthings...

From what Aegis could gather, Krull didn't care for her vampires being with Aegis himself, no, what Krull didn't like was that Viser was first who gave Aegis blowjob as Krull herself somehow subconsciously wanted to be Aegis first vampire in everything, as her pride did not let her have younger and weaker vampires taking her place...

And Kuroka who was still hiding but now coming out as Koneko walked away...

And lastly...

"Now, Kiba... We will speak about weapons and their uses... And the people who use them... As I see, you do not understand even the single logic, or rather..."

Aegis said as he slowly walked to the table and from the drawer and took out the ordinary gun Neo brought from one of her's criminal heists...

"Let's see, would you hate me... Or this gun when I will shoot you into the leg?"

Aegis said as just a sound of the gun was heard from Aegis's room with a muffled cry of pain...


Neopolitan, who had a bug in the room, shook, Neopolitan knew that this Aegis was ruthless when he wanted, but...

The torture that was now currently happening in the room where they slept was even to Neopolitan a little too cruel, but for someone who was supposed to be on their side...

It was not like she truly cared, not really and when she looked at the bodies around the now crushed bar, Neopolitan knew she had no right to speak about cruelty as she watched another live torture of one of the men that were part of this criminal organization that abducted rapped, and then blackmailed and threatened women for their own liking...

Said women now seemed to hold a very big amount of respect and gratitude to Neopolitan, looking at her as on their savior...

Plus, her clear show of Aura, Semblance and magic made it much clearer to these women that Neopolitan was something other...

"M-Miss Neopolitan, t-these are the folders you wished to see!"

One of the older women, who previously was a housewife with children but now nothing but a shadow of former self as the men raped her and broke her marriage and her entire life, said a man was now crucified by the same woman whose life he destroyed, still living as the spite of the women wouldn't let him die so easily...

/Hmmm, good, good... Let see... Ah there, another of their clubs... Well, who wishes to go with me to repeat this event?/

Neopolitan asked with a grin as the women looked at her with fiery fervor.

And voices of the agreement were heard.

/But, some of you should stay and make sure these guys don't die, after all, you need to repay all the debts, don't you? So, take guns, and if some men come in there, let them, and then bag them when they don't expect it./

Neopolitan said as the women nodded... Calling the police didn't even occur to those women as they knew that some of the patrons of these clubs were the cops, the faith in the system a long-ago broken in them...

Neo looked at Neopolitan, hidden behind her semblance that she was much more proficient, and eating ice cream as she looked at all of it as some enjoyable film...

Neo wondered if Neopolitan knew that her actions were those of creating a gang, as Neo could see the women who had nothing to lose now gain a leader that seemed to take revenge for them...

Well, it was not like Neo cared, and from what she knew, Cinder would like such operatives once the portal opens and knowing Cinder that controls freak, Neo knew she would have big plans for these women that had nothing to lose and all to gain...

Still... Neo made a note to have special treatment for those men that seemed to enjoy underage girls, something Neo from her time on the streets hated the most, even if she herself was lucky enough to run from, Neo saw a lot of such girls end up in their filthy grasps...

Still, Neo looked at her scroll were the same feed the Neopolitan had played, as Neo broke into the Neopolitan's network, and shook her head, seeing that Aegis work would take a longer time, seeing how stubborn or stupid the blonde-haired boy was...


*Author note*

Pics in comments!

Btw, do you like the multiple POVs? Or should I concentrate more on Aegis? But before you answer, take in mind this is kingdom building, and as such multiple POVs are important for letting you know what is happening behind the scenes...

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