He is...

As Aegis walked to his hotel room with the promise to pack up and take his girls with him to Rias home, or rather the mansion that looked like simple home thanks to illusion magic, his mind replayed the latter part of their conversation with Serafall, Sona and Ravel...

As it seemed, having a fully living phoenix was not just a show of status, but prestige and power, as they said that phoenixes, just like fairies long ago, either left the world or hid so well that any of now living races could find them, with a just rumor that just Jade Emperor from Chine is able to communicate with them, something Phenex clan tried truly hard to bring up with him, as Ravel told them how could possible living phoenix blessing improve their already ridiculous bloodline, Ravel shared that normally she wouldn't speak about it, but if Aegis had a true living phoenix, then it changed things, and after Aegis promised Ravel that he wouldn't mind her coming again, Ravel quickly left to share the news with her family...

After Ravel left, Seraffall looked at Aegis funnily, when Aegis asked why she just scoffed and said that just two young devil princesses weren't clearly enough for him...

When Aegis realized what she meant, he shook his head, but the more logical and sarcastic parts of him, especially the souls with knowledge about old families politic told him that the possibility of Phenex family wanting to marry into Schnee family even if the Schnee family were very big, especially if they had phoenix, Aegis just shook his head...

No matter, after that, Serafall kept asking, and not just about his match with Sona, but about Rias and Riser too, then she started asking about the Solitas Kingdom, letting Aegis fish out his Scroll which made Serafall salivate as she saw a true combination of technology and magic other than Devils one, Serafall said that Ajuka, the another Satan and the one who was responsible for most of Devil's current technology and evil pieces would give a lot just for the possibility of looking how the Scroll worked...

Still, when Aegis started showing the videos and pictures of Solitas, their current government, or rather the Authoritarian rule the Schnee family held, the flying city of reworked Atlas, the Sentinel flying battle fortresses, the fleets of space ships, the constructing Moon city, the Primis grade space stations, the Sentinel's, Sentries, and Royal Guard's, the Mantle, and much much more that took at least hours, hours in which not just Serafall, but even Rias, Sona, Akeno and latter joining Koneko didn't become even little bored as their eyes were glued on the holo screen the Scroll projected...

Ultimately Serafall said she had things to think about and teleported away, but not before hugging Sona, and looking at Aegis strangely, Aegis noticed the more of military might say he showed Solitas having, the more Serafall's eyes lost their chipper light, replacing them with iciness, slowly transforming Serafall from the innocent sis-con loving sister, to what truly looked like someone worthy of having tittle of Satan, Aegis could from the start see that no matter how chipper or innocently Serafall acted, deep down she was similar to Aegis himself, but where Serafall preferred to act like some goof, Aegis just spent his time thinking or being with his loved ones...

Sona followed not long after, saying goodbye to him and telling Rias they would meet at school, still the last look Sona sent to Rias and Aegis as she saw how close they were made Aegis wrily smile...

After that, even Aegis was about to leave, but not before having Rias and Akeno in both of his arms, asking him if he would relocate from the hotel room to their mansion as they had enough rooms for them all, Aegis who truly didn't care where he slept nodded his head as he thought it would be better for his women to have at least some privacy the mansion could give to them, and promised to relocate with a kiss to both Rias and Akeno, making Rias blush and Akeno pout as she was the one who liked to tease others and not the other way around...

As Aegis walked through the night streets of the Kuoh city, his feet stalled as Aegis's gaze wandered to the outskirts of the town, and with a frown, Aegis made his new way to where he felt his three cute angels, his too innocent follower Asia, and Irina with Xenovia...

To the picture, Aegis came to be was a...

Well, what Aegis looked like was his three cute angels around one fallen with multiple black wings, pointed ears, and a face that even mother, or rather a father, couldn't love to, especially with such ugly expression...

Asia trembled in back as she watched Irina and Xenovia confronting some obese priest with multiple men and women clothed in exorcist outfits, the thing that surprised Aegis was the presence of Kiba, who by all right should be now at the mansion with Rias and Akeno, still it was hours that Aegis spent with them, so it was possible that Kiba chose to go on a walk and arrive there...

Aegis quietly walked to Asia as he rested his hands on her's trembling shoulders, making the poor girl scared of who was behind her, until she felt the little holy presence Aegis let, making the girl relax in relief as she slumped into his arms, making Aegis smile wryly as he held the now utterly and emotionally spent Asia who likes some kind of koala made her place in Aegis arms that made her feel good...


The fallen, or Kokabiel Aegis thought, screamed in rage as he threw his spears at Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner, who evaded them as their's white wings with blue end tips shone a radiant but somehow calm light reminding all present of winter nights when they looked from a warm place to outside and watched how snowflakes danced in the light of the moonlight...

"Our Lord wished us have them, and so we have them."

Kalawarner said as she threw her light spear at Kokabiel, who wanted to block it but chose to evade it as it had a different color than he normally knew of and gave him a dangerous impression as the blue tip of the normal light spear bore into the tree trunk, it exploded the tree in unrivaled power...

"Lord?! That bastard is..."

Kokabiel stopped himself before he continued, making Aegis frown, Aegis already knew of the fate of this version of The God, but it seemed the other's didn't, still to think that The God of this world would be soo weak to be killed so easily, either that, or there were other things in the play, and Aegis wondered if there was some reason The God was weak enough to get himself killed, maybe if some of the Aspect's chose to kill him, but Aegis knew that Aspect's and The God or at least most of their versions didn't fight each other for multiple different and important reasons...


A scream of fright and anger made even the angels in the skies stop battling as they all looked at the obese priest who looked at Kiba with fear and rejection...

"Impossible! Impossible! Such union between Dark and Light is impossible! Until The God is still alive! So how?! WWAIT- DONT TELL ME THE GOD IS DEA-GUUURHH!!!"

The priest rambled and as he wanted to say the last word, a light spear tore through him, still, even with one last hateful glance at both Kiba and Kokabiel, the priest managed to mumble out.

"H-he-he i-s dead, i-isn't he, the-the go-d is dead..."

The priest gurgled out as blood flowed from his mouth...

"Oh well, it was supposed to be a secret just a few knew, but now I have an even bigger reason to kill you, and then kill the two little devil princesses, and war, war could finally restart!"

Kokabiel said with indifference and a manic smile...


"N-no, th-that isn't- that isn't true! Th-that can't be the truth!"

Irina and Xenovia mumbled through, and as even Asia tremblingly looked up with her head, she saw the gentle smile on Aegis face, making something set inside Asia, as her trembling stopped, and her body fully gave itself to her's Lord's arms, resting in that warm, and protective feeling she ever felt when she prayed on the sun's rays...

Unknow to Aegis, inside Asia's now fragile mind, any text or image the young nun had about The God when she prayed to The God was fully replaced by Aegis gently smiling face...

When Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner heard Kokabiel say it, they almost fell to the ground, but then they felt something, making the three of them look at where Asia was, just shockingly realizing Aegis's presence, and Asia in his arms as the gentle smile he was giving to Asia made all three of them stop wavering...

And immediately after that, it was like a dam was broken as power in a flood tsunami-like way washed over the three of them...

And the three Schnee angels had the same thought in their minds.

"Even if The Father is dead, our Lord is still alive and well."

The same sentence played inside the three angels' mind's as their grips on their spears tightened and their eyes steeled, even if their father was no longer there, they now had a new Lord, one that accepted them as they were...

Kokabiel who saw how unbothered Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner were, frowned...


*Author note*

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