
"...A child, you say."

Aegis asked with an amused snort.

"I was not joking."

Xenovia defiantly said as she ignored Irina who was trying and failing to cover Xenovia's mouth...

"Xenovia! Stop it! Arrrgghh! You know what? Ok!"

Irina exploded as her arms fell along her body in defeat and looked at Aegis, what followed was Irina telling Aegis how they called their supervisors in church, all went well, they reported everything, and their supervisor in the church was amicable until Irina and Xenovia get to the matter that shaken them most, the death of The God...

What followed was silence as Aegis thought and looked at the girls who now held their heads down...

"So you were ex-communicated, and yet they still wish to send someone for these holy swords, hm?..."

Aegis hummed, his mind already given up on some logical reasons these people worked on...


Irina said with something akin to sob as she tried to hold her tears in, one thing was to know that The God you believed in was dead, other than the organization you grew up in and that was always quoted to by the force of good so easily throwing them aside...

"What do you wish to do now?"

Aegis finally asked.

"I... I don't know... Church... The church is all I ever knew..."

Irina said.

"I... I want to join you."

Xenovia said with determined eyes...

"Join me? You don't know me, not really, and yet not just joining, you want me to be the father of your children? Arent, you worried about my intentions or true side, who knows, maybe im worse than devils you seemed so despite..."

Aegis lightly said as he looked at Xenovia who looked down for a while until she again raised her head.

"You don't... We saw how you treat yours... Women? I don't care that I would be just one of many, it's not like the teachings held any truth any longer..."

Xenovia said, still Aegis could feel that deep-rooted sadness and despair she tried to hide...

"She... Is... Xenovia always was the direct one..."

Irina said as she shook her head, then she looked from Xenovia on Aegis...

"Is it... Is it alright if I don't want to j-join your h-harem? I-its not like I hate you or that I don't find you attractive! You are pretty! Really handsome! And-and all that, but!"

Aegis smiled as he didn't let Irina finish.

"You don't need to become one of my women if you don't want to if you just wish to work for me, then that's perfectly alright, even Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Viser didn't firstly wish to bed me, but changed their mind in the process, that doesn't mean you will change your mind, that just means im very willing to buy your services for as long as you wish to be employed by me."

Aegis lightly said, making the stuttering Irina sigh in relief and smile at him.

"For you, it is the same Xenovia, if you wish to join me, then you can just work for me for some time and then tell me if you truly wish to have children with me, as im already awaiting my firstborns children."

Aegis said.

"You are father?!"

Xenovia asked in shock, after all, he looked so young, still, Xenovia stopped herself from feeling shocked, after all, not even an hour ago, she wanted to have children too...

Xenovia still wanted them, this time, just Aegis made her take it slowly, something Xenovia, even if not shown, appreciated about Aegis...

"Yes, with my own mother, im expecting twin girls."

Aegis said with a smile as he suddenly felt the need to see Willow and know how she was and felt...

""Your own mother?!""

Xenovia and Irina explained in surprise.

"Surprising? As I said, you don't need to take any long-term promises, when we are in Solitas and you meet my family, then you can choose your next path..."

Aegis said, and Irina wanted to say something, but the red light from the floor in the corner of the office stopped Irina as all three of them looked at the new arrival who came through the crest portal...

"Ah, Grayfia, a pleasure to again meet you."

Aegis said with a smile as Grayfia Lucifuge nodded back to him in greeting.

"Pleasure to meet you again, your majesty."

Grayfia respectfully said as her grey silver eyes swept the room...


Then there was the sound of doors being very strongly opened, followed by deeply breathing Rias.

"AEGIIS!! I NEE- Oh..."

Rias wanted to warn Aegis, just to already see Grayfia present...

"Rias-sama, please do mind your act."

Grayfia said without any surprise on her face as she knew Rias antics thanks to practically raising her, making Rias blush.

"Irina, Xenovia, this is Grayfia Lucifuge, the Queen piece of Sirzech Lucifer, Grayfia these are my new... Assistants, Irina and Xenovia."

Aegis said as he introduced them, making Irina and Xenovia look at him in surprise that morphed into thankfulness, Rias, for her matter, just looked confused and surprised but Aegis winked at her made her stop any question she could have to ask...


"So you will live there too hm?"

Aegis raised asked as he looked at the apologetic-looking Rias...

"I... May have forgotten to mention it..."

Rias said with embraced expression as she completely forgot that Grayfia was to live there with them, something Rias still was very nervous about as it meant that her brother had hidden agendas there with sending Grayfia...

Rias just kept her face down, as she rejected to look at either Aegis or the now sternly looking Grayfia, Rias was very aware that Aegis was more than amused, and didn't know what made her face flush more, Aegis amusement or Grayfia's face that she always wore when she was about to scold Rias or other's...


Rias made out a helpless sound as Grayfia was ready to remind Rias that she was still heiress of the noble clan and needed to act like one...


"Miss Militia..."

Taylor said with a defeated tone, any and all joy about meeting one of her favorite heroes completely gone by the time the hero came...

"M-Miss Hebert... We came to... Are you alright?"

Miss Militia wanted to say why they came but stopped as she saw the defeated looks Taylor and the villain know as Tattletale wore, more alarming was the smell of alcohol...

"Na, na, why do everyone wish to make my life harder hhaaa?"

Taylor groggily said.

"Miss Hebert are drunk? Are you aware that you aren't supposed to drink? No, where did you even get access to alcohol? The PRT did search the house before letting you live there, and alcohol wasn't on any list."

Miss Militia said as there was a sound of giggle beside her, making Miss Militia disapprovingly look at her side where a much smaller form was, Vista, one of the wards that were by the WATCHDOG permitted to come as the thinkers, assured the PRT that as child Vista would by taken both as non-threateningly to Taylor Hebert and as possible positive contact with Taylor herself...

"Really? Hey, Lisa, did you have anything with it?"

Taylor asked the villain, making Miss Militia twitch her eyebrow at the uncaringness to out the villain's civilian identity...

"Oh? Then who... Oh, for fucks suck..."

The villain Tattletale suddenly stood up and went to the one side of the room and took a paper that was on one of PRT supply boxes that were used to transport the food for the Hebert family and their... Associates...


Lisa, aka Tattletale, said as she threw the paper at them and started to almost cry in exasperation...

"Do you like my gift? Your favorite Angel Simmy, XoXo..."

Miss Militia read out loud as her hands suddenly froze at the realization who gave the alcohol to Hebert's...

"That shitty flying pigeon!!!"

Taylor suddenly threw a bottle at the wall...


*Author note*

Yes, Simurgh is best when she Troll :D

Btw someone had a good idea about using clones of homunculi, but the reason why Soltias doesn't do it even if they could make ones is a simple one...

A moral decision, as with the D-class personnel that the death row prisoners are, there is little of weight on the scientist's consciousness as they all know that to become D-class prisoners, they did something horrible from their own will and choice...

With clones, it would be different, to make clones capable for such test, they would need to open their aura, thus making them both sentient and capable of thinking to get the best experiment results, which is morally very horrible as the clones would by just born and innocent just to be used as laboratory pigs, something they wouldn't deserve...

There could be non-sentient clones, but these would be meaningless for the tests and experiments that deal in soul matters or magic...

You can support me with your POWER STONES :P

Pluss, Aegis is all for protecting innocence, and these clones would by like babies, so innocent, they just wouldn't deserve such fate...