
There were days Serafall thought, no not just thought but a seriously weighted decision of filling up her resignation from the job of babysitting the entire Devil race, yes there were other Satan's, but where all of them were taking care of just Devil side, it was she, Serafall Leviathan the Head of Foreign Diplmotaic affairs which meant that every time someone pig-headed Devil fucked up, it was on to clean up the fucking mess...

Now, this wasn't the situation, as this time it wasn't the Devils who were at fault, surprisingly, which really surprised Serafall as 90% of these problems were always done by the Devils...

No, this time it were the Fallen, the Grigori, oh Serafall already thought about giving Azazel an earful, especially now that all three sides were negotiating peace, so having such a fiasco was not something Serafall liked to deal with, but if not her then who?

Another thing was the man who now sat before her, the man who held her dear's Sona future in his hands, something Serafall didn't like, yes she could act childishly, but that didn't change the fact that she was old and as such knew when to not earn someone's ire, especially when the someone sent so many warning alarms into her head, and made her survival instincts almost fry from the overworking...

Oh yes, Serafall made up the fun of wanting to marry the man she just met, but that was because she wanted to see his reaction, failing to rile up anything she could use to discern him, Serafall knew that even if she hadn't body as Grayfia, Milier or others of their's caliber, she still was short something that made men wish either protect her or wake up some hidden desires and that her body was matured with an enormous bust and wide hips with a plump ass made Serafall charms rise even more, especially when she was in her's favorite magical girl clothes, emphasizing her more erotic proportions even more in these pink girly clothes...

So, hell, even Sirzech the fool who is so deeply in love with Milier which who he had a son, sometimes looked at her body, yes Serafell didn't feel any much lust in his eyes, but when even the loyal, and stupidly in love person as Sirzech was able to appreciate her body, then Aegis Schnee should too...

Oh, yes, she felt his gaze measuring her, but that was all, either Aegis was good at hiding his desires and emotions, or Serafall was not to his liking, something that made Serafall, who was Devil of Pride, very, very annoyed...

"So... You killed him..."


Aegis said with a tilt of his head and smile as his eyes watched Aika, who was giddily asking Rias, Sona, Raynare, and Akeno numerous things about the magic side of the world, after their little make out, Aegis took Aika back with him, seeing no need to wait for her to being introduced to his family which she wished to be part of, making the brown-haired girl so giddy and peppy...

Serafall just wanted to palm her face on the table as she was just asking about confirmation from Aegis after Rias and others told her about last night's incident...

Fucking Kokabiel and fucking Azazel for not being able to hold the leash on that warmongering piece of shit, Serafall thought with bitterness, why now, now that they were soo close to making peace after the thousands of years of war...

"And what you said about... These angels... Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner... Did you really..."

Serafall carefully asked, still in disbelief about the information that could flip the entire supernatural world...

"Girls, why don't you show them your wings?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner said as their wings materialized behind them, making all present gape, all of them knew they were different, special, but the wings they watched, just Kiba, didn't look surprised, and that was because he already saw them...

White as freshly fallen snow, with tips of the feathers being ethereally blue and making the scent of freshly fallen snow...


Serafall said as she couldn't find words...

"They were fallen angels, but no longer..."

Aegis softly said, his words making Akeno a little tense for a while as she showed little instinctual hostility that quickly evaporated as she watched the white blue wings...

"We were reborn in the light of our lord Aegis Schnee! Our master."

"Our loved lord..."

"Beloved master..."

The three angels gently but almost zealously said as their eyes didn't leave Aegis, the hunger, loyalty, desire, and more importantly, love for Aegis, for all to see...

"...This is it..."

Serafall said as she stood up, making all minus Aegis tense little as she came to Aegis, took his hands into hers, and with watery eyes, looked at him.

"PLEASE, please take Sona and me away! Because the shit you just told me, and done would make not just a Christian faction but all factions and pantheons shit the buckets! AND I REFUSE TO DEAL WITH ALL OF THEM!"

Serafall almost hysterically screamed as the weight of the fact that Aegis could rebrand angels into his own made itself known about the fallout from this once it is released, it will shake the entire world, and not in a good way...

Serafall had zero desire, absolutely zero desire after dealing for more than half of her life with the shits others done, dealing with THIS!

Let some other sucker deal with such shit, and let all see that being Head of Foreign affairs for Devils is nothing more than janitor work!


Sona spoke loudly in shock as she looked at her hyperventilating sister.

"Sona, pack your things and your peerage! We are formally requesting diplomatic asylum from the Solitas Kingdom! I don't care if I have to marry you, just take us from this world where your little act would possibly restart the war!"

Serafall said, of course, she didn't truly mean it, at least not entirely, she wanted to have a way out in case of war, long ago tired of Devil's self-destruction acts, and from what Aegis said, his kingdom had nice weather these days to take hundred or more year vacation in...

Aegis just bemusedly looked at the fretting devil, but before he could say anything, his eyes narrowed into the distance as he felt something familiar.


Aegis sighed out with a smile, making others look at him.

"Your wish could be achieved much quicker than you could think."

Aegis said with a smile, feeling the eyes of Great Red on the portal his people were hammering into existence, but thanks to his deal the Great Red let it go, just observing the way how Solitas was punching a hole through the borders of dimensions and universes...


Serafall asked with trepidation as Krull, who until now was quiet, finally spoke with a little bored surprise.

"Huh, connection to Solitas internet..."

Krull mussed as sounds from Neo's, Neopolitan's, and Krull's, and mainly Aegis's own scroll started to come out...

Until a hologram appeared above Aegis scroll.

"Big brother."


Aegis said with a smile in his voice as he smiled at Album, who returned the smile...




"Ok calm down! Look for any abnormality or anomaly! And when you are a hundred percent right that we are in clear, stabilize the portal!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Yes, Director."

The Director of Dimensional Rift Facility just sighed as he watched the Sentinel's and Royal Guard reading for the march through the portal to great their king...


*Author note*

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