
"So you mean there aren't any roads in Solitas anymore?"

Rias curiously asked Weiss and Album, after a somehow long talk with Weiss where Rias, Akeno, Ravel, and Sona felt like being interrogated rather than being asked simple questions, the topic moved to Solitas, or rather the changes that even though the short time of Aegis absence was enormous...

Weiss just hummed, letting Album do all explaining, she herself already had what she came for, Rias even thought spoiled had the potential to be a perfect wife for her big brother, and Sona seemed to need just some adjustments in her somehow narrow or tunnel vision thinking, but Weiss supposed these two girls were good for her big brother, Akeno, that girl made Weiss stop for little, ultimately Weiss chose to just let Akeno without by without much questioning her, seeing her follower mindset quite common and boring...

Ravel herself came on a supposed visit and breached good contact with the Solitas, of course, anybody who knew the higher society knew that she was practically used as a way to worm into the Schnee family through marriage, Weiss herself didn't care for these plays, no matter what these idiots thoughts, Weiss knew that Album and Cinder had the security of Solitas and Schnee secrets in their greatly capable hands, and Weiss supposed that the girl Ravel who seemed to by tactically and administratively gifted was a good addition into Schnee family, plus Weiss knew she nor any of other's Aegis wives weren't very much gifted in the way of paperwork, so Ravel who seemed to even enjoy it was a pleasant Christmas gift for them, that and she was cute, even Weiss could admit that...

"Yes, by the advent of Gaia Faith, the more visible man-made constructs on the ground in the Solitas are being taken down, returning nature to its peace just with our cities and settlements as the sole visible man-made things on the surface."

Album said with a smile as she showed them clips of cities without outside roads, like sleek white blue islands in the green sea...

"How does your infrastructure even works? Even Devils use roads, do you use mass teleportation or sky transportation?"

Sona asked, she and Ravel looked very interestedly at the images of great cities without any outside connections.

Even Rias who never truly cared for these things, seemed interested.

"A two ways, up and down, what you can't see is that all Solitas cities are connected by the enormous underground road where a cargo trains travel without any element danger in high speed, what cant by or would be too costly to transport in an aerial way is transported through these tunnels that don't damage ecosystem nor nature, but that's just mostly a material, as civilians like to travel through the air rather than some underground where they couldn't see anything other than walls or other trains..."

Album said as she showed other videos of enormous beasts that were Solitas trains that daily transported enormous amounts of products and materials throughout the entire Solitas.

"Arent you worried about any mistake? I mean, even if rare, trains too are risky, especially in tunnels."

Ravel asked.

"No, not really, what you don't know is that all these trains are ridden by me, with all the systems being constantly diagnosed and in even small damage instantly repaired, I do not take risks."

Album said...

The conversation moved even more as Ravel and Sona kept asking questions, Ravel about the political scene in Solitas, and Sona who seemed to be enormously interested in the Royal Academy, Rias and Akeno just kept listening with smile and interest, after all, this would by the place where they would live for five or more years, the decision of moving with Aegis was already made once he said he had zero problems with them going into Royal Academy...


"They look like they have fun..."

Aegis said with a smile as his eyes wandered to the group of his girls, even if Rias, Akeno, Ravel, and Sona weren't defacto his wives yet, Aegis already saw the look Weiss had on them and could already see how she planned on making these girls spending time with him, thus somehow cementing their position in Aegis harem...

"They... Ah... Do..."

Willow said as a pleasurable moan escaped her full pouty red lips, the reason was simple, as Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner used their thousands of years of knowledge of pleasuring others on Willow and gave her complete body massage very carefully as to not hurt her pregnant belly...

Aegis just smiled at the sigh, he could see how the three angels tried to please his mother with their massage skills, the reason was simple, all three of them wanted to have their own place in the heart of the mother of their Lord...

"Where is the trio?"

Krull asked as she herself was massaged by her dog, or servant Viser, the vampire hierarchy was just too strict...

"With Winter, Irina and Xenovia are sparring with her, and Asia is with them to patch them up..."

Aegis said with a sigh.

/You mean having their asses handed upon silver plates, no?/

Neo asked with a smirk as she had her head on Aegis's lap, enjoying his hand that was making circles on her bare belly...

Neopolitan slept in the corner in her makeshift bed with Ophis, the girl found Ophis's belly as a perfect pillow, and surprisingly Ophis herself didn't seem to mind, a baffling thing in Aegis's opinion, but welcomed one...

"I suppose that could be said too..."

Aegis said with a smile, Irina and Xenovia weren't still themselves after the Church visit where they wanted to take their holy swords and officially say that they no longer belong to the Church, of course, swords stayed with the girls as Aegis said they could try to take them, ending up in their trying, plus saying hurtful words to the girls, ending up in one of exorcist having his legs severed from his body...

The spar with Winter was helping the girls in both body and their downed spirit...



Aegis said with a hm sound as he looked at Krull.

"I want to visit the vampires of this world."

"...I see, and you wish me to come too?"

Aegis asked, not minding taking a stroll with Krull.

"I... Yes, I would like to have you with me."

"Then yes, gladly, with our speed, we would be there in an hour if we take a more relaxed tempo."

Aegis said with a smile as Krull looked away, a small relieved smile on her lips...

Aegis's smile froze as his senses sharpened, even through the distance, he could feel it.


Aegis whispered, he already knew of Ciri doing her disappearing trick, leaving before Aegis could even say something deep down, Aegis knew why, both of them would be reluctantly letting go, still it made Aegis enormously worried, but somehow Aegis sensed that he didn't need to worry so much...



"...Ciri? Ciri is that you?!"


Ciri screamed in happiness as she threw herself into Triss Merigold's now shock-frozen hands.

"Ciri? Girl... Where, where you were?"

Triss tremblingly but relievedly asked as she hugged the girl she helped to raise as if worrying that Ciri would once again disappear...

"That's, that's a long story..."

Ciri said with a sheepish smile as she told her aunt/big sister figure a story of how she became a member of the Schnee family...


Rina didn't know how from barista and student, she became a commander in Solitas's first off-world official outpost...

The Moon City didn't count, nor the mining outposts, these were secrets from the wider galaxy...

Scratch it, even until now, she hardly could believe how she an orphan, one of many was secretly a half-sister of Schnee siblings, more precisely a half-sister to Aegis Schnee, the motherfucking King of Solitas, Weiss Schnee the nicknamed Ice queen of Aegis, and Winter Schnee, the nicknamed Ice enforcer...

Oh, she already had plenty of conversations with Winter and Weiss too, and wasn't her half-sister just scary?

Secretly Rina Blue thought she was probably the sanest of her estranged family, was she bitter that her father never chosen to raise her? No, or yes, but not after finding out how big a piece of shit he was, or rather still is, as Jacques is supposed to be still alive, just not in good circumstances...

Rina supposed she couldn't fault her half-siblings, too, as Winter immediately contacted her upon finding her, and letting her decide if she wanted to be part of the Schnee family or not, and on that, Rina asked for time, which Winter smiled on and told her she had as much time as she wished...

Having siblings...

Especially ones that cared was strange for Rina...

But she supposed it was not bad, in her time she shadowed Winter in her work as Commander of Royal Guard, Rina learned a lot...

But nothing could prepare her for this, even with the help she was given, Rina still thought this position should belong to someone much more experienced...



Rina stuttered, immediately cursing herself for it, if there was one thing Winter taught her, it was never to show weakness to your subordinates...

"We have a situation, refuges that are calling themselves Tollans asking us for protection from Goauld's."

Rina quickly searched where she heard that name and quickly remembered it was one of the civilizations the SGC Earth screwed up...

"Take them to the temporary site and ready defenses for a possible attack."

Rina said as the Sentinel saluted and went to accomplish the order...

"Hah... How did this happen..."

Rina groaned as she went to her desk to see what she could find about these Tollans from what Album took from SGC Earth with her hacking...


Kuroka looked at the mansion and then at the flying island...


Kuroka meowed in despair and helplessness, she could go in, but that would risk having Koneko find out about her...

"What should I do... Nya..."

Koruka sighed as she changed into her humanoid form.

"What about telling me who you truly are?"


Kuroka jumped in surprise as she hissed like a cat at Aegis, who was leaning against a tree and looking at her with a smirk.

"How? Nyaaa?!"

Koruka asked.


Aegis said with a smile...


*Author note*

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