
The Sentinel tower was abuzz with activity, normal people, citizens of Solitas, who even if gone through mandatory military training one week each year, didn't truly know much how Sentinel order operated...

Many thought that Sentinels were just that, Sentinels, those armored white-blue knights, with their power armors and spears as a mandatory weapon if they still didn't find their own fighting style...

But that was far from the truth, as the Sentinel order, just like any military, needed much more than just combatant forces.

Even with Album taking care of most logistics, the Sentinel order had another side to its normal combatant Sentinel, Super Sentinels, and Captains.

And those were Sentinel officers, tacticians, generals, admirals, and numerous support staff, from engineers to combat medics and mech pilots and drivers...

All of this was now in a flurry of activity from the bottom of Sentinel tower to the very top command center, all hastily but precisely doing the work on final plans of Hell invasion...

"Do we have final numbers?"

Sienna finally asked, her spirit much better now that she could each day visit Aegis for a good time fuck, something that lifted her spirit at the end of a hard and boring day of work...

Not that she was now bored, as the time for first so big Solitas military operation about commence...

"Yes, the numbers are as follows, five Sentinel bases, two battle fleets, three Sentinel legions, seven squads of Super Sentinels, and twenty mech legions."

One of the generals listed off as all-around Sienna were generals, from the ones who preferred to command from their seats to those who charged with their men into the battle.

"More precisely, five Bastion's legions, three spider mechs legions, three tanks legions, five air mechs legions from the drones to mantas, three support mechs from construction ones to repair ones, and finally one transport mechs legion."

One of the officers added.

"Yes, and one squad of fully operational Atlans and an entire artillery group."

"Excellent, make final preparations, I want all ready before the time the command for invasion would arrive."


The officers, generals, and admirals not shouted but said with force as they saluted and went to prepare...

Leaving Sienna to sit on her commander chair as she viewed the processings with a smirk on her dark-colored face...


"Hello, do you mind me asking you a few questions?"

Asked a man in a white suit, with a blue tie, a shaven face, and well-done hair as he looked down at the filthy man who was leaning against the wall in one of many filthy alley walls...

The clearly homeless man didn't answer, making the man in suit sigh as he kneeled down to the eye level with the homeless man, not caring about filthy his suit, something that made the homeless man notice with raised eyebrows.

"I see you are guarded, and rightly so, yet you don't need to worry, im a not your enemy, on the other hand, I came to help you, let me introduce myself, im Sentinel officer Klark Marek of Solitas Kingdom, and I have a proposition for you, mister Oliver Robertson."

Klark said, making the homeless man raise his eyebrow in both confusion, tension, and aggression as he tried to drag himself away from Klark, in both fear and guardedness.

"Let me be clear, what happened to you, was wrong, for the man who sacrificed himself for your nation, just to be forgotten and later spat on by the ones you protected as some random drunk homeless, not knowing how much you gave for the country they live in."

Klark said as he reached for something in his suit, making Oliver twitch in tension.

"Don't worry, let me just, there it is."

Klark said as he pulled out his Scroll, something that made Oliver widen his eyes, even if homeless and ignorant of many later happenings, he knew such technology shouldn't exist, at least yet for one generation at least...

"As you can see, im not simple, and as you could already think, Solitas is not some simple place, so before you run, or deny anything I could propose, let me show you what you could be part of."

Klark said, starting to introduce the homeless man to the Solitas...

Klark was just one of many Sentinel officers that were sent to all horror Earths that Solitas had already visited to scout promising scientists, talents, and geniuses in any field and the downturned women and men who lost everything to the people they swore to protect and became homeless or poor...

Such veterans were the prime source of Sentinel forces, especially now that Solitas was going on an offensive war against demons, all these poor men and women needed was retraining, healing, or somebody cyberization, with a show of support for them and maybe their families if they had one...

These Earths were perfect recruiting places, and even if they rejected Solitas' offer, there wouldn't be a risk of getting information about Solitas out, as who would believe a homeless drunkard speaking about some Dimensional Kingdom?

And even if someone noticed, all cyber information was taken care of by Album, who erased or changed the information about the people who chose to take Solitas offer and become Solitas citizens...

Like that, Solitas' talent and genius pools were every day increased, just like the combat veterans who took Solitas's offer and were transported for retraining, making them into Sentinels from mere soldiers...


"Do you know what is happening?"


"Look on there, there is an additional Sentinel base for each city, isn't that strange?"

"Oh, I mean, you didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Something about an invasion of Hell, and that each city and town would be reinforced in case of demons counter-attack."

"No shit, really?!"


Ruby listened to the talk of the boys as she walked around them, her younger self already waiting for her with shining silver eyes...

Sometimes... Sometimes Ruby envied her younger self, to still have such innocence, one she herself lost to Cinder and Salem's minions...

Ruby shook her head, no...

That wasn't a good line of thought, Ruby chastised herself...

"Hey! I bring the cookies!"

"Yay! Big me is best!"

Younger Ruby said with a grin as older Ruby sat beside her, giving her part of the cookies with a smile...

Still, her mind was full of what she heard... Maybe, maybe she should ask Weiss what she knows of this invasion? And maybe... Was it time to speak with Aegis himself?


Aegis enjoyed the feeling of Raven's inner walls as she sat on his lap, her maid skirt done so that Aegis had easy and free access to penetrate her from his position as Raven's big breast's pressed against his chest, and her head locked with his in a heated kiss, all of this hidden by Raven's wild and long dark hair...

All the while, the Malachite twins, who already enjoyed their turn, with their pussies full of white semen, played with Wynn, who didn't stop giggling, and the stormy and frowning Wynne, who bored her fierce blue eyes at her father and little fearful on Raven...


*Author note*

Heh, a little small one, but I will add another, maybe, the air is just too dry for any good thinking... God, thanks for AC...

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