
Aegis watched the landscape. It usually would be difficult to teleport from world to world, especially when Aegis wasn't very gifted in such arts, but thanks to Summer Rose's soul scent he gained from Ruby's, both Ruby's, Aegis was able to navigate between the worlds, especially when he wasn't on Zoe's mission, meaning, Aegis didn't need to wait for Solitas to open portal, and could just use his newly learned knowledge of teleporting...

It was a handy ability, especially when Aegis was living, breathing magic, aura, soul generator of power...


Aegis looked at Ruby, who gazed at what looked like a castle, not like Beacon castle, but a much older looking one, one where you could see the clear lack of any technology.

"Mother... Mom is there?"

Ruby carefully asked, the older Ruby chose to accompany Aegis for their mother, leaving younger Ruby out of the loop so as not to crush her hope if things went wrong with their findings, something older Ruby said she wanted to protect her younger self from...

Aegis looked at the castle and frowned.

"Whats, what's wrong?"

Ruby fearfully asked, dread creeping into her as she saw how Aegis frowned.

"Nothing... At least I think so, yes Summer Rose is there and healthy from what I can say..."

Aegis said but didn't continue, still seeking why he felt Solitas' presence in there, more specially from some objects and one girl that seemed to be near Summer Rose...


And was this... This familiar feeling, as if his own, and yet not...

"Come, this trip became much more interesting..."

They flew over the castle, and it seemed the occupants who saw them didn't bat an eye on their flying or rather walking, as Aegis was using his glyphs as a floor in the air for both him and Ruby, yes, Aegis knew how to fly, but he much more preferred this glyph walking...

That... And Weiss said he looked much cooler... Something Aegis loved to hear from Weiss...

Still, all who saw them looked, more precisely, at Aegis, who was like normally clothed in his royal darb, white long coat with blue glyph snowflake designs, a fluffy white fur around his neck, and his blue-white royal suit underhead his coat...

All of it was made by Coco as a gift for an excellent date night, even if Coco was still a little stand off around Aegis, she did become much more relaxed around him, and thus this gift from her, or rather, it was designed by Coco and made by Solitas best tailors from the best materials Solitas could use...

With wards and enchantment from both Morgana and Merlin and little help from Semiramis, who used her potions that made it all stuck...

In short, Aegis knew his current attire was more expensive than Solitas battleship...

Maybe more...

Still, as it was made so, Aegis earned a lot of stares from all who saw him and Ruby.

"H-halt! Who comes?"

A clearly nervous guard asked as Aegis and Ruby arrived before the gates.

"Aegis Schnee, The King of Solitas, and his..."

Aegis looked at Ruby, who suddenly blushed as she seemed to remember yesterday's kiss, and Aegis suddenly gained a strange urge to tease her.

"And his future wife, Ruby Rose."

Aegis said with a little smile as his blue eyes caught how still, very still Ruby became, and her face with her ears gained a red color.


"I-F-Forgive me your excellence! B-but S-Solitas?"

The guard asked, as other guards too looked confused.

"Hm, you can say my kingdom is a long way away, and our reason for coming is simple, I came to take back my future mother-in-law, who seemed to be summoned in there."


"The white devil?!"

"Y-you mean Miss Rose?!"

The guards spoke all at the same time, some still confused, others seemed to dread the name they uttered, and some asked Aegis the question he wanted to hear.

"Yes, Summer Rose, the mother of Ruby Rose, my future wife, so if you were so kind and called her there?"

Aegis asked his hand on Ruby's shoulder.

"No, you could wait for this long, a few more seconds or minutes wouldn't hurt you, so take the time and use it to calm yourself."

Aegis said to Ruby, who seemed to want to bolt into the castle and look for her... Mother, alternate mother, but still a mother.


Ruby wanted to protest, but one look from Aegis made her stop.

All the while, the guards looked at Aegis, whispering why a king himself would come rather than send some messenger or other noble...

Aegis just shook his head, he usually would send someone other, a delegation was an essential skill for any leader, but as this was a family affair, Aegis wanted to do it himself...

That, and Aegis knew that outside of a few individuals capable of teleporting and Solitas DRG, there wasn't anybody who he could send in his place.

They didn't need to wait a long, as Aegis could see a guard who went inside, returned, and not alone, as with him Aegis saw a maid with eastern heritage, a young girl with a petite body and with long pink hair, and more importantly, the person they came here for...

Summer Rose, it was as if she was Ruby, just older, with a mature body and motherly air around her, Aegis could feel Ruby, who was behind him, completely freeze.

Still, Aegis's eyes moved from Summer to the maid, as he could feel a familiar presence on her...

"Why did you call us? And what's this about a king? Impersonating royalty is a grave crime!"

The pink-haired girl said.

"Louise, please be more polite, what did I tell you about the first impressions?"

Aegis watched how the now named Louise blushed at Summer's words, yet when Summer looked at Aegis, she froze...

"A-Aegis Schnee?!"

Summer called out, as even if much older, Summer could recognize the heir of SDC, with his trademark black hair that reached his neck, blue ear piercing, and eyes of ice...

Summer didn't really care about politics, but she loved cute kids, and as such, Aegis, who at that time was still a child, and yet acted so mature, was too cute for Summer not to follow his achievements and gush about how cute he looked on the photos...


Aegis watched how Summer's body stilled as if she became of rock or ice in a second when Ruby's voice sounded out.


Ruby again said, this time, she walked out from behind Aegis, looking at Summer with hope, fear, wanting, and enormous joy...


Summer whispered, and that was all Ruby needed to hear as she changed into her petal form and sped against Summer, whose eyes widened.



Aegis watched how the daughter and mother hugged and cried.

Aegis noticed other arrivals, a girl with purple hair in what looked like royal garb, followed by a stern-looking girl with short orange hair...

Another group was a duo, one buxom red-haired, dark-skinned girl, followed by a blue-haired girl, whose gaze was solely on Aegis, her blue eyes widening, making Aegis tilt his head, in suspicion, Aegis released little, very little of his power, and nodded his head, as he saw the blue-haired girl almost stop in fright...

Still, Aegis looked back at the maid, who, this time too, looked at him, as her dark eyes were slowly widening, as she fished out something from around her neck, it was a pendant...

One Aegis recognized as it was becoming popular among his people...

For it was a pendant with Aegis photo in it...


Aegis heard the maid whisper in shock.


*Author note*

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