
There were things Wynne liked, and there were things she did not.

And now she was on the fence if she should cry or smile...

The reason for that was quite simple, as she looked straight into it, or rather them, the pair of ice-blue eyes so standard in the Schnee family...

Wynne or Wynn, for that matter, didn't really see their... Sister/Aunt Weiss that much, with her being in the Beacon, and when she was home, Weiss was mostly glued to father's side, day and night...

So, they weren't strangers, far from it, but having Weiss taking care of them was... A first-time thing...

Wynn loved it, Wynne thought as her baby twin sister smiled and laughed each time Weiss tickled her or touched her...

Which... It was surprising that Wynn wasn't like most babies, or at least Wynne thought she wasn't like most babies, as Wynne never truly had any experience with babies, so she didn't have anything to compare it...

Still, Wynne knew that her twin sister Wynn wasn't very, well, sociable, at least not with strangers, mostly having a dead baby poker face, if such a thing existed...

Wynn shoved her more lively side just too well, family or the maids who had taken care of them more often.

"There, there, do you like it? Hm?"

Wynne looked at how Weiss took Wynn's baby feet into her hands and played with them, making Wynn laugh.

"And what about you, hm?"

Quickly, Wynne laughed too as Weiss tickled her baby legs, and she didn't even act, as it was genuinely ticklish...

She cursed her baby body!


Wynne watched how Weiss took a deep... Sniff? Of their feet.

"Hm, you truly are his children, not that I didn't already know..."

Wow... Wynne knew there was something horrendously bad with this version of Weiss, but watching the eyes, fuck...

Father! Did nobody teach you not to stick it into the crazy?!

Well, at least it seemed that no matter how mad Weiss was, she seemed to be quite loyal and loving to the family, or at least, from what Wynne found out from the numerous rumors about the females who belonged to her father...

That she was more territorial than any dog or cat faunus...

Plus, thankfully, there was another Weiss, who seemed to be from the later show episodes, so Wynne at least had one thing to compare this crazy Weiss to the normal Weiss...

"I can't wait until you are older, then I can finally start teaching you."

Wait, what?

Teaching, what do you want to teach us?! You crazy yandere!

Wynne furiously thought.

And why the fuck does it look like her twin sister nodded her head and smiled!

You filthy twin traitor!

"But, until then, I will enjoy my big brother's little female replicas, at least until I will have my own with big brother."

Weiss said with a forlorn smile as she played with the twins, ignoring or not noticing the furious thinking expression on Wynne's face...



The bombardment of words continued as Aegis held the petite red reaper on his chest, Ruby's small head deeply buried into Aegis's chest as she shook it from side to side as tears streamed down her face, her petite and lithe hands around Aegis, squeezing him with surprising strength...

Aegis just stayed silent as he stroked Ruby's dark hair with red tips, waiting for Ruby to get it all out.

They moved, or rather, Aegis moved as Ruby was latched onto him, as Aegis walked to his sofa by the fireplace, one of the good things about Atlas, where it never stopped snowing, was the atmospere that made a reason for the fire in the hearth to never need to stop, giving the room little of homely feeling.

Still, Aegis sat down, taking Ruby with him as the petite girl sat on Aegis's lap, her face still deeply in his chest, and her legs on the side, with her butt between Aegis's legs, as Aegis just rested his hands around the girl, and his chin on top of her head...

After what felt like an hour, Aegis finally spoke.

"Calmed down?"

The girl shook her head.


Aegis said, again returning the silence.

"Thank you..."

"You already said that."



Ruby lifted her head, her wet and somehow red but still brightly shining silver eyes looking into Aegis's pair of ice blue.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

"Then don't."

"But. But... But you brought her back! You gave me, no us! Back our mom!"

Ruby gets out, making Aegis kindly smile.

"Yes, and im glad I did, but."

"But... Nothing, I mean, wait... What did I want..."

Ruby fumbled as she couldn't get her words right.

Ultimately Ruby frowned, a cute thing Aegis thought.


Aegis's eyes widened a little as he saw Ruby close her eyes and her lips on his own.

Aegis didn't move as they stayed in the position for a short while, Ruby's lips touching Aegis in a chaste kiss.

"...Thank you..."

Ruby murmured, her face now matching the color of her cloak.

Aegis just smiled, as he didn't let the girl run away, and returned the kiss, making the girl widen her eyes this time, but ultimately, she once again closed her eyes, as she enjoyed the feeling of Aegis's lips on her own...


"I still can't believe..."

"What, little one?"

"Im. Not. Little. Grrrr."

"Hmmm, really? Your acting could fool me."

Salem said with a smile that bordered smirk as Summer growled more.

"You... You are the reason I missed my daughter's growing up and my Tai's death!"

"Hmm, truly? Did I make you come to me?"

Salem tilted her head, Raven wanted to facepalm as she held or rather made sure Summer wouldn't throw herself on Salem...

Not that she blamed any of them, or rather, she did, maybe a little bit, but still, Summer was her best friend, it was right to blame Salem, who, by her own account, pierced Summer's body with a magic sword or something...

"Now, now, before you do something we both would regret, and yes, I mean us both, then you should think, and very hard if you wish to risk another separation from your children."

Salem seriously said, but the smile still on her face, something about provoking silver-eyed made her almost squirm in delight...

Hmm, maybe Aegis and his sex activities already somehow rubbed on her...

"I... Raaaaarghh! I don't know!"

Summer clenched her head in defeat, on one hand, she wanted to smack that smug bitch, on the other...

She really didn't want to risk her children again...

One time was enough, it was something Summer realized too late...

"Now that you seem to act according to your age, finally, why don't we sit and speak, like proper civilized people, hm?"

Salem asked with a smile.

And Summer growled.

Raven just wanted to bash both of them... She really should learn more magic arts, now that she could...

And why the hell does Raven feel like the responsible one?!
