2.Marikawa Shizuka: Nurse Of The DEAD

{2.Marikawa Shizuka: Nurse Of The DEAD}

[[2 weeks before the plot/Spring of the Dead]]

[[Marikawa Shizuka POV]]

It was early in the day, and students are already entering the clinic like they always did! Since the beginning of the semester, boys had kept coming into the clinic even when they weren't ill or injured! Whenever I ask them what's wrong, they babble on and on about something I couldn't understand. Mou~, they're meanies for confusing me so much!

Though the boys were confusing, the girls were perplexing! Even though massage therapy isn't part of my medical knowledge, they keep on asking me to massage them because they have muscle aches. I didn't even know that the vagina can be massaged until they showed me how!

(I can just imagine that the boys would be too horny to even realize that they could practically convince this airheaded nurse into doing anything lewd.)

Sadly, even if I wanted to experience my vagina being massaged, I had to be professional and not receive any favors or gifts from my "clients". But for now, in the middle of May, the temperature was nice enough that I am able to leave my robe off! I don't know why the boys and girls keep staring at me though.

'Are they perhaps still getting used to the weather? But it is the middle of May already, so it should start getting hotter by now. Maybe that's why.' I thought that to myself as I checked my medical equipment, completely oblivious of the real reason why they were staring and how wrong I was at the weather front. Since no one is severely injured or ill, I was able to give them a quick check-up before letting them rest on the clinic beds. Though I still feel that they're starting at me even with the curtains closed for their privacy.

Humming while I carefully put the scalpels back into the their drawer with the some of the other bladed medical items, I then looked out the window and noticed how beautiful the sakura trees were. I smiled at the scenery, of the lone sakura tree on the hill.

As I went to check on my emergency First-Aid kit, something unbelievable appeared that I failed to even be surprised! In front of me was a hovering purple holographic screen! I stared at it, and I kept on staring at it for a bit more. It was quite beautiful, actually, that I still kept on staring at it. But I soon stopped admiring its pretty designs and I read whatever it had in it.

{{You, Marikawa Shizuka, has been chosen by the Goddess Mellione, to save humanity from utter extinction. The "Love Lives: Yuri Edtion" System has been given to you to help aid you in your journey.}}

"Oh? Me?" I didn't understand why this holographic screen appeared in front of me. It said that I was chosen to save humanity from extinction? Why would I need to save humanity? And how could humans go extinct? Is the System something tasty? Where would I go by the way?

'Ooh! It changed!!' I was surprised again when the message disappeared and was replaced by a new one!

{{Yes, you. You may call me, Derierei, your System Guide. I will guide you in dealing with the Love Live System. I will answer all your questions regarding the System and everything else!}}

I read the message, and I was still confused. I still didn't know what this System thing was. And I still don't know why I have to go on a journey. Thankfully, Derierei-san was here!

"Derierei-san...do I have to go on a journey? I don't even think I have any clothes for journeying." I asked her...him? Them? 'Is Derierei-san a boy or a girl?'

While thinking of Derierei-san's gender, a new message popped up. {{As I expected. Yes, you will have to go on a journey. But fear not, as it won't be now, and you will not be alone. And as for my gender, I am female.}}

"Ooh! Then it looks like I'll have to ready some gear! Where will we be going to anyway?" Though I didn't initially want to go on a journey, I now thought that it might be a good way to relieve stress! Being a nurse °is° quite taxing, and I remember how relaxing it was when Rika and I went camping in the woods! Maybe this would have the same effects too! Ooh! It seems that while I was imagining how journeying can be relaxing, the message changed!

{{To not even question how I knew about you being curious about my gender. Good, it seems that Mellione would enjoy this one.}} I don't know why, but I somehow felt that this wasn't meant for me to read.

{{Oops. My mistake. Anyway, forget about what you just read and let's get serious.}}

Following Derrierei-chan's request, I straightened myself against the backrest of my chair and just looked at the screen in front of me in silence. But after awhile, nothing happened. "Eto(Uh)~...what should I do?"

{{Hmm. Sorry. I was just checking something. Okay, Marikawa...-san, there is no need for you to speak aloud. I am able to read your thoughts, so speaking would not be needed. It would also arouse less suspicion on you.}}

"Oh? I didn't realize that you could read my mind." I simply stated as I remained staring at the screen and watching the message change.

{{Mm-hmm. Good, good. You are acting like just how we predicted, which is good, a bit annoying, but still cute and funny.}} This message somehow felt like something I shouldn't have read again.

{{Okay. Marikawa-san, I would like to repeat that there is no need for you to speak. All you need is to think what you want to say, and I will know.}}

'Like this? Can you really read my mind?' Trying to find out if Derierei-chan was lying or not, I tried asking her without speaking. I did hear from Rika-chan that Mind Readers are scammers.

{{I can hear your thoughts loud and clear, Marikawa-san. And yes, Mind Readers of this world are scammers, but I, am not, as I am a part of you. And before you ask again, your mind is practically an open book to me.}}

Reading the message over, I contemplated for a bit, before finally asking, 'What were we doing again?'

{{Again, as expected. Marikawa-san, we are here to talk about your responsibilities as the host of the Love Live System.}}

I glanced a bit at the clock hanging on my wall, noticing that there was still an hour before lunch. 'I wonder what I'll have for today.'

{{Marikawa!}} The holographic screen, which had stayed hovering my desk earlier, had suddenly appeared in front of me, and for some reason, I heard the anger behind the message!

"Y-yes?" A bit flustered, I stuttered as I regained my bearings. I never really thought that you would hear words just by reading them!

{{Focus. Focus you annoyingly adorable little nurse.}}

"Eh?" Without even meaning to, I let out a surprised sound as I felt my cheeks heat up. Why did it suddenly feel hot?

{{Uhh. Adorbs. But! Focus! Focus dagnabbit!}} Again, I practically felt the feelings behind those words, but only this, it was frustration.

'Ooh! Maybe I have powers!' I thought that to myself, but I suddenly felt that the screen was irritated. Ah! It even had that twitching thing people did when they get annoyed!

{{Ma~ri~ka~wa~. Please, focus.}}

Without any questions, I once again sat straight up, feeling a bit intimidated by this holographic screen.

{{Okay, before you lose focus again, I'll explain. Humanity is in danger, I repeat, your humanity is in danger. Humanity will be pushed to the brink of extinction in a few months from now. And you, Marikawa Shizuka, have been chosen by the Goddess Mellione, to save the human race, and the Love Live System will aid you in your endeavors, while I, the System Guide, will make sure everything will be going along smoothly, capeesh?}}

After reading the whole explanation, I felt a bit displeased that Derierei-chan just can't directly talk to me.

{{You'll have to reach Level 2 for you to be able to hear my melodic voice. It was supposed to be at Level 3, but I'm feeling generous right now.}}

"Ooh! Can I hear your voice now?"  I ask without even thinking of it, the words quickly coming out of my mouth with my brain barely processing what I had just done. And when it had, I froze a bit, preparing myself to be reprimanded by words on a screen and feel the anger through it.

However, unexpectedly, Derierei-chan was...calm?

{{Hais. Why did I even do this.}} No. Definitely not calm. Derierei-chan was just sad somehow.

{{I ain't sad, blondie. Just regreting some life decisions. Anyway, no. My voice is off-limits until you reach Level 2. And before anything else, you will have to prepare yourself. As the chosen Heroine of your world, you'll have to become better. For now, say [Status]!}} Again, the frustration was evident in her words, and I was beginning to feel guilty for troubling Derierei-chan so much. So, not wanting to let Derierei-chan down, I called out, "[Status]!"

Then, the holographic screen with Derierei-chan's message moved up and a different purple screen appeared in front of me!



Name: Shizuka Marikawa

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Classification: Healer (Nurse)

Status: Healthy

Height: 176 cm (5' 9")

Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Blonde

Bust: 108 cm (J) (42.5")

Waist: 62 cm (24.4")

Hips: 94 cm (37")


Level = 1

STR: 4.1/10

AGI: 2.3/10

DEX: 7/10

CON: 2/10

INT: 50

WIS: 41


Skill/s: [First Aid 5.2/10(Expert)], [Health Comprehension 5.4/10(Expert)]

Spell/s: [This world does not have any kind of system to use energy to create proper spells.]

Strength/s: As a nurse in Fujimi High School, also having experience in being an Emergency Room nurse, Marikawa Shizuka has extensive medical knowledge, and is capable of saving someone from the brink of death.

Weakness/es: Markiwa Shizuka has low EQ and low SA(Situational Awareness), and though she has a beautiful figure that many women would die for, she is an air-head an can easily get herself killed, plus, her physical capabilities are quite weak.


Looking through this [Status] thing, I'm curious as to how it got my measurements. Are they even accurate? And what's this about me being asexual?

While asking questions internally, I seemed to have caught Derierei-chan's attention, as her message screen?/chat box pushed the [Status] screen back.

{{I already guessed that you haven't played any RPG games, so I'll explain this as best I can. Listen closely.}}

I felt that Derierei-chan had calmed down a bit, and that is a good thing! So, as to not make her angry anymore, I focused on what she had to say.

{{Okay, be sure to read this repeatedly, okay?

>[Status] will show you you're personal profile, like your full name, your age, and whatever's in there is accurate. And other than that, the most important part, shows your current physical capabilities.

>STR, strength, measures of how physically strong you are. Strength often controls the power and/or damage of melee attacks, the maximum weight you can carry, and sometimes directly influences damage you can give to enemies.

>AGI, agility, is the rapid whole body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus.

>DEX, dexterity, aka Agility, Reflexes, Quickness, measures how agile you are. Dexterity controls attack and movement speed and accuracy, as well as evading an opponent's attack. Not only that, but it could also affect your ability to be nimble with your fingers, which should be the main reason why your DEX is your highest stat.

>CON, Constitution, aka Stamina, Endurance, Vitality, Recovery, measures how sturdy you can be. Constitution often influences hit points, resistances for special types of damage (poisons, illness, heat etc.) and fatigue.}}

The explanation was long, but I promised myself that I wouldn't let Derierei-chan down! Or was it to not make her angry again? Mou~. I forgot again! Thankfully though, I was able to understand what Derierei-chan had put up. And, since Derierei-chan was able to read my mind, she quickly gave a response to a question I was about to bring up.

{{As you can see, you are currently Level 1. And because you are Level 1, your stats are capped at 10. As to how to level up? All you have to do is raise all your stats to 10 and complete a requirement that would be issued to you after.

And as for the two remaining stats,

>INT, intelligence, often controls a character's ability to comprehend foreign languages and their skill in magic. In some cases, intelligence controls how many skill points the character gets when they level up. In some systems, it controls the rate at which experience points are earned, or the amount needed to level up, but since Love Live System levels up through Stat raising and not through EXP, INT won't help on that front.

>WIS, wisdom, measures a character's collectedness. It is used for calculating someone or something's general power, calculating perception, and measuring danger levels. In your case, it seems to affect how you are able to measure someone's injury or illness.}}

Being serious once again, I focused on reading the explanation, and was glad that Derierei-chan was at her calmest, I think. And now, I'm also thinking about my [Skills]. Derierei-chan though, was quick to work and had provided an answer again.

{{You can be a great guitarist and that could be through being skillful or talented, or maybe both. But °the° Skill will make you even better already. Think of it as a semi-evolved state. [First Aid] at level 1 is basic. And you could guess that it could get better as it levels up. However, the highest normal people can reach is level 6, and that point, you'll be considered "Masters" or Miracle Workers. But, with the System, it can bring you to a much higher level where you can do so much more.

As for Spells, sadly, this world has no system that allows you to use some kind of energy to fuel spells.}}

For the third time of the day, or was it sixth? I seriously read through Derierei-chan's report and was a bit confused, so I repeatedly read her explanations for some time, minutes even, and was still somewhat confused. But I did have the general idea.

Feeling like I've read through a whole day of paper work, I stretched on my chair, releasing all the tension in my bones. I felt content that I was able to get through that with giving up half-way. The only thing I never gave up on after reading a bit of it was for my medical studies!

Glancing at the clock, believing that I read through all that with some time to spare to buy my lunch!

"Oh no." I sadly mutter in surprise as I noticed how 8 minutes had already passed since lunch started, which means the cafeteria should be swarmed with students!

Feeling down, I willed myself to stand up, only to feel rather week in the knees. I knew that I wouldn't be able to buy my favorite food for lunch today, so I didn't have the energy to even try to stand up. I was beginning to feel depressed, but a sudden pop of a purple screen in front of me caught my attention.


) Hidden Mission: Focus on Derierei-chan's Explanation

) Read and understand Derierei-chan's admittedly bad explanations!

) Progress: (100%/100%)

) Status: Complete!

} Reward/s:

] 1 Medium Donburi

] 1 Medium Melon Soda

] 1 pair of chopsticks

] 5 15% discount coupon to any grocery items


I just lazily read the Mission and the description, I guess, -I felt a bit relieved that Derierei-chan's explanations was actually not the best and that I wasn't the problem-, but I was completely shocked with the Rewards! I didn't know that I would be rewarded for just reading! And I was rewarded with my favorite meal too, and I even have a coupon!

As I was about to look for my Donburi, another message popped up. {{Btw, you still haven't closed the pop up screens from earlier. They didn't disappear and just piled up on one another. Just press the °small° X button, or go the easy way and close them with your mind. Then, after that, call out or think [Inventory], and it will show you a screen with 25 slots. All your  rewards will be sent there. And to get them out, just imagine any of them appearing in front of you. Additional info, summoning items from your inventory should be around a three meter radius from you.

I have things to do for a bit, so I won't be able to talk to you for a while. Remember, don't tell anyone about the Love Live System, and if you really need me, just call my name out 3 times, okay? That's all I could say for now, bye!}}

'Aww~. Derierei-chan's so reliable, except for the explaining parts.' A smile made its way to my lips as I did as Derierei-chan had said, and there it was, my donburi on my desk. Next, I took out my drink and my chopsticks!

"Itadakimasu!~ (I receive this food)!~"


[A/N: I had been doing this since like, 5 pm to 2:30 am, so I'm sorry if the end's a bit chaotic or hard to understand.

I decided to have a Love focused system because, it's the zombie apocalypse, let's spread some love!

Also, I'll alot a 2 week start for our host to familiarize herself with the system and get a bit stronger and gain her bearings. Shizuka's best cutest characteristic is her air-headedness, so I won't take it away from her and just lessen it. Basically, I'll turn her into Sheele from Akame Ga Kill.

Anyway, hope I did good.

Next chap will be some bit of fluff between Mellione and Asterix(Derierei), because I love me some Takamori, before heading back to HOTD world.]