6.It Begins With The DEAD!

[[6.It Begins With The DEAD!]]

[[Derierei's POV]]

It was amusing, seeing how much the two mothers were pampering the ditzy nurse, and it was even funnier to see how territorial Yuki was acting. Heck, things were getting pretty chaotic!

The mission was for Shizuka to flirt with the two bombshells of a mother, in her own Shizuka way. By being so ignorant and adorably innocent! I had made an image in my head, Shizuna using [Innocent Intentions], a skill that will make the user seem very innocent, which Shizuka didn't need as she was already a natural at it, and to make the targets to lower their gaurd, which is something Shizuka can already do! However, the best part of this is that it would slowly charm the targets and quickly raise affection! Then, after ensnaring the two MILFs, they would become hypnotized by Shizuka and would then want the nurse because of how beautiful, ditzy, cute, and innocent she can be! Plus because of the [Innocent Approach] too!

I just didn't expect that Alice's mother would be able to be so bold and even let out a pick-up line! So, what was supposed to be Shizuna's spotlight had been flipped upside-down by a simple, "Did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?"

(Moresato Lillian)

And, Shizuna, bless her heart, only tilted her head in confusion, not getting, or not even realizing the pick-up line. Confused and a bit flustered, she just meekly let out a stuttered, "N-no?"

The woman, Lillian, with a blush on her cheeks, didn't seem to be deterred by Shizuka's answer and came up with another. Though, behind her, Takagi Yuriko was watching this display with an amused grin, not caring ther her "friend" was now focused on another woman!

(Takagi Yuriko)

"Somebody better call God, because he's missing an angel." Was Lillian's follow-up to her previous pick-up line, and it was actually cute. But I'm sure that Mellione would be fucking laughing her ass off. Then, Shizuka's reaction was just priceless!

With twinkling, hopeful eyes, she looked at Lillian with mild awe. "How did you know God was missing an angel?! Are you a psychic!?"

It was just so teeth-rotting cute how Shizune reacted to the line. So pure and innocent, just like an angel should be, by the eyes of the humans. Though I'm sure if more people knew about how the Biblical angels look liked, they wouldn't be complementing people that way. But, in the end, this was just adorable! Even Lillian was speechless, while Yuriko was just trying to hold in her laughter!

"Errr...n-no. I'm not a p-psychic. I just saw you and thought that Heaven must be losing an angel." The pinkette, even when facing a mighty opponent, didn't back down! She was even staying on her angel trope.

"Huh? What about me?" A bit disappointed that the person she was talking to wasn't a psychic, Shizuka still questioned her because she was mentioned.

"You, darling, look far too angelic to be mortal." She leaned forward, lowered her voice by only a bit, tucked a strand of Shizuka's blonde hair behind her ear, and looked straight into Shizuka's magnificent orbs. I have to admit, she was doing great. Yuriko can see that, Yuki could see that, and even Shizuka, who was now blushing, could see that. It even caused Shizuka to go "Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa--" with all the smoke coming from her reddened face.

And Lillian smirked victoriously, knowing that had done a job well done. However, it seems that kt was Yuriko's turn.

"Aww~. Such an adorable little thing. Why don't you come home with me. I'll give you cho~co~la~tes~." With a well-practiced seductive voice, Yuriko had effectively caught Shizuka's attention. Though still flustered from Lillian's earlier attack, Shizuka's pure heart was swayed by the prospect of chocolate!

I knew that Shizuka wasn't dumb enough to fall for something like this, but she was a ditz that would hesitantly be tempted.

"For someone as cute as you, you deserve everything the world has to offer. And °we° are on the list of the best to be offered."

Well, that was unexpected, but was sexy and good. Yuriko really seemed to be in her element here. And, thankfully enough, Lillian was a good sport and was giving her friend her time to seduce, and was even quite happy that Yuriko had included her by roping her in with "we".

"O-oh..." Being attacked multiple times, Shizuka was practically a tomato at this point. It was very adorable, and that look just egged on the two MILFs to continue their flirting. It then came to a point where Yuki joined in, to "represent" herself.

Smiling to myself, I looked into Yuki's Status and saw her mental instability slowly, but surely go back to normal. There was still a long way to go, but it was a start.

While the three women -one was a teen, but her body could already rival an adult woman's, so it didn't matter much really- fought for Shizuka's affection -two were on the same team-, and raising their own Affection for said woman, I just watched them while eating ice-cream. Hopefully Mel is having a good laugh at this and enjoy it just like how I am. The apocalypse is coming, so we should really cherish this light-hearted moments.


[[Timeskip: 1 hour before the start of the plot]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

These two weeks have been quite hectic for Marikawa Shizuka. Not only was Derierei making her train her body, but she had to split her time into being a nurse, taking care of Yuki as she had refused to leave her apartment, where Shizuko had no choice let her stay at the insistence of Derierei, bonded with Yuriko and Lilliane, talking to certain students at the insistence of Derierei once again, fill up the Forest River Charleston -an RV I ordered from another country with the money I earned from the rewards- with goods and survival things, avoiding a jumpy Koichi, and dealing with a moody Derierei.

A few days ago, Shizuka had reached level 2, causing her status cap to go from 10 to 20. However, that wasn't what excited Shizuka, rather, it was because she could finally properly speak with her friend! Derierei was excited too, but was a bit hesitant.

And Shizuka, though her EQ had improved, she wasn't able to hold up an insensitive remark about Derierei lying about her voice's quality, forgetting about how Derierei had hummed beautifully weeks ago. Though it was just an honest mistake, Derierei decided to be petty and was ignoring her for a bit and remained "typing" her words. But, on the flip-side, Derierei can now stay for 12 hours as a System as opposed to her previous 8 hours, something Shizuka had realized by the end of week 1.

Anyway, Shizuka's current status is this:


Name: Shizuka Marikawa

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Classification: Healer (Nurse)

Status: Healthy

Height: 176 cm (5' 9")

Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Blonde

Bust: 108 cm (J) (42.5")

Waist: 62 cm (24.4")

Hips: 94 cm (37")


Level = 2

STR: 12.9/20

AGI: 15.1/20

DEX: 17/20

CON: 12/20

INT: 77

WIS: 75

Available Status Points: 5


Skill/s: [First Aid| 9/10(Expert)], [Health Comprehension| 9/10(Expert)], [Soothing Charm| 10/10(Mastered)], [Knife Mastery| 4/10(Mediocre)], [Innocent Intentions| 10/10(Mastered), [Status Show], [Danger Sense| 4/10(Mediocre)], [Kickboxing Mastery| 2/10(Rookie], [Parkour|6/10(Professional)]

Spell/s: [This world does not have any kind of system to use energy to create proper spells.]

Available Skill Points: 5


Strength/s: As a nurse in Fujimi High School, also having experience in being an Emergency Room nurse, Marikawa Shizuka has extensive medical knowledge, and is capable of saving someone from the brink of death. And, through the help of Derierei, Marikawa Shizuka is now skillful with knives. Plus, Marikawa Shizuka is now a master of innocent seduction.

Weakness/es: Markiwa Shizuka is still a bit gullible and easily distracted.


Affection Levels:

) Minami Rika: 91% (113/124)(Definitely in love)

=Minami Rika is Marikawa Shizuka's best friend, and hopefully be more. Originally, Minami Rika was confused with hsr feelings for her best friend, but it all cleared up when Marikawa Shizuka had suddenly started to call for her regularly. It really is true when they say "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

) Miku Yuki: 100% (105/105)(Completely utterly in love)

=Miku Yuki had gone through a lot. But that was the past. Marikawa Shizuka, her one true-one-sided-love-for-now, had gifted her the present, and is leading her through the mysterious future. Though Miku Yuki had been beaten down and abused, she had gained hope and was filled with life due to Marikawa Shizuka's beautiful smile and adorable actions of wanting to make her smile.

) Maresato Lillian: 80% (80/100)(Love is something she contemplates when thinking of one Marikawa Shizuka.)

=Maresato Lillian, a mother of one beautiful child named Alice, was quite tired of her husband's lack of passion. For years, he had drowned himself in work, and had not touched her since the time they had their honeymoon! Maresato Lillian tried her best to stay true to her husband, but when said husband was making her feel like a mistress and was practically now married to his job, she wasn't able to help herself when she had met a woman who was in a somewhat similar situation as she was, and indulged in the touch of the same sex. Then came along Marikawa Shizuka, an interesting individual that managed to make her, and her female partner's heart race.

) Takagi Yuriko: 81% (93/115)(A little bit in love)

=Born in a noble household, Takagi Yuriko's life had been planned since birth. From her childhood, school, friends, food, education, and husband. Takagi Yuriko's life had been controlled for so long, she didn't know how to be a person and had only been a puppet. However, one day, she broke the chains that were wrapped around her and finally began living her own life. And, as if to get back at her parents, Takagi Yuriko cut off all connections from her parents, and had even cheated on her husband with a °woman°, as she was sure that it would have been a much bigger "Fuck you" to her parents traditional ways. Cheating on her husband should have made her guilty, but she felt justified doing it when she had found out that her husband was also cheating on her and she even remembered the times when he had raised his hand against her. But, she had still done her best to be a mother to her daughter.

Then came Marikawa Shizuka. She was a unique woman, and someone she has grown fond of, along with her female partner. Marikawa Shizuka was a special woman, and Takagi Yuriko was forever grateful that she had met the nurse.

) Miyamoto Rei: 59%(60/101)(Thinks of Marikawa Shizuka as a reliable adult friend.)

=Miyamoto Rei is currently in a happy relationship with Igou Hishashi. Arguments are rare, and they are both happy. Though her childhood friend is being weird about their relationship, Miyamoto Rei didn't care about that and just continues to love her current boyfriend.

[The only chance of Marikawa Shizuka going past the friend-zone if she seduces Marikawa Rei away from her boyfriend, something major happens between them, her boyfriend dies and Marikawa Shizuka will be there for her, or for whatever reason doesn't become gay and doesn't want to be with her boyfriend anymore.]

) Busujima Saeko: 71% (138/189)(Trust and respect are there, and just a tiny bit of admiration)

=Busujima Saeko has two sides. One is calm, kind, and collected. The other, sadistic and ruthless. And both of these sides are openly shown to Busjjima Saeko's best and trusted friend, Marikawa Shizuka. Busujima Saeko didn't know how, but the nurse was able to easily bring out her darker side and calm it down. Not only that, but Marikawa Shizuka doesn't condemn her for it, which had almost made her cry. There was something special about Marikawa Shizuka, and she intends to know more about it.

) Takagi Saya: 85% (102/120)

=Takagi Saya is a genius. And as one, she knew her mother had been doing something behind her father's back, and Takagi Saya had let her mother do as she pleases, just to spite her brutish, cruel, and stupid father. Since childhood, her father had not shown her any signs of love. So, Takagi Saya had tried to gain his love by being better than the rest. Takagi Saya studied hard, worked hard, did her best to °be° the best. But none of it worked. And till now, her father had yet to show her any love.

Thankfully, her mother was there, to show her how much she loved her, and had always praised her for her perfect scores, for her grades, for being her. And Takagi Saya gave her mother love that she was sure her father failed to give. And she was glad she was able to do as much as she can, but there was a different type of love she couldn't give her mother, so she let her find it herself.

Of course, all this was all happening behind closed doors. So no one knew her troubles, not even her close friends. Until Marikawa Shizuka came to her rescue and had made her cry herself to sleep into her shoulder.


Shizuka was quite proud of her current attributes. She was now around the levels of her friends Saeko, Rei, and Yuriko. When she had received [Status Show] from her [Starter Box] and had learned that it allowed her to see others' [Status], she had used it immediately on Yuki and had found out, through Derierei, that she had the average status of a teenager. The nurse had also seen that Yuki had her own sets of skills, so she was happy to know that something was helping her out.

Though, at some point in time, she had used the skill on Yuriko and found that she was stronger than average adult women! It shocked her a bit too when she saw her having a [Gun Mastery| 6/6(Mastered)] skill! Her level cap was 6 because it was the limit humans without a System could reach. Then, prompted by Yuriko's surprising [Status], Shizuka had began using [Staus Show] on her friends. Lillian, Saya and Yuki were average level 1s, with Saya having really high intelligence, while Rei, Yuriko, and Saeko were all level 2s, with Yuriko nearing level 3, only lacking a few more points in strength.


Shizuko, while a bit tired, her energy was being renewed by talking with Yuki through their walkie-talkies. It was one of the items Derierei had her buy. And since she was told to buy more than 5, she had given Yuriko, Yuki, and Lillian just for fun. They were all on the same frequency, but to not disturb the other two with their chatters, Shizuko and Yuki had temporarily agreed to change to a different channel.

And while talking about what Yuki was cooking for her lunch, Shizuko heard a commotion. She was about to look for whatever was causing the commotion, but finally for the first time of the day, a holo-screen appeared in front of her.

{{It has begun.}} Was the message, and Shizuka had wanted to question Derierei, but a pained shout had interrupted her.


[A/N: Finally finished this at 11:51 pm. Hope it was good, and sorry for it being shorter. My fingers and hands are tired from holding the phone.


Second World:

Naruto: 8

Akame Ga Kill: 1

Kim Possible: 3

High School DxD: 3

Arifureta: 2

Demon Slayer: 1

Twilight: 1

Naruto's in the lead. FYI, it's been so long since I watched Naruto, and I hadn't even completely finished it yet. Plus, my memory sucks. So don't hate me if I'll make a lot of mistakes with this. Don't worry though, because I'm researching the timeline a bit, just in case.

Personaly though, Kim Possible! If Kim Possible gets chosen, it'll be a cross-over with a world the characters would be great at, or just blend in.

It hasn't even been a week and I made 6 chaps. Nice. ]