

[[3rd Person's POV]]


As the group continued on with their work, Derierei was giddy in checking on her plans for Saeko and Shizuka tomorrow! Saeko was definitely a dom like her, so double-teaming Shizuka would be so hot! Even if Derierei preferred someone with a collar, too, beside Shizuka, two doms training Shizuka was also good!

Anyway, Derierei was very happy for tomorrow, but currently, they have a base to build! She knew that instantly building the base with her power was possible, or even Rewarding it to Shizuka, but she wanted to experience this! Between making sure the souls of every living being was cared for, that some of them get sent to other Higher Beings, and then all that Higher Being's responsibilities, building this wooden base of hers was very relaxing.

__/__/__/(18+)[[Shizuka's POV]]

"Come here girls!" Mistress happily commanded with a malevolent grin that made my stomach clench! She currently had no clothing on, so I was able to clearly see every part of her front! From her wonderful pink hair, goddess-like beautiful face, the her neck, shoulders, magnificent breasts, wonderfully flat stomach, her tight waist leading to her wide hips, then to her luscious thighs all the way to her adorable toes! Mistress was currently showing all of herself to me! And not only that, but Saeko-ch- no! Hime-sama was behind Mistress, her wonderful purple hair mixing with Mistress's, and just like Mistress, Hime-sama had on a viscous smirk!

She was lucky too! Because not only was she hugging Mistress from behind, she was able to knead Mistress's wonderful breasts! And it was clear that Hime-sama was looking it! And she was also able to bite into Mistress's neck!

'Hime-Sama is so lucky...' I couldn't help but have that thought, before I felt someone nudge my forearm. Curiously, I looked to my left to see my fellow bitch, Saya-chan. She, along with me, was also naked, save for the collar on her neck. Saya-chan had been serious about what she had said yesterday, and now she's here with me! I'm glad that she is, because I was sure to break if I were to deal with Mistress and Hime-sama alone!

Looking at Saya-chan as she walked on all fours towards our masters, I was able to appreciate her darker-pink hair swaying along with her magnificent bottom, the way her wonderful skin shone under the light, and how her breasts swayed and bounced with each "step"!

"Oh? It seems that someone's being a naughty girl Saeko-chan." Suddenly, I was brought out from my thoughts by Mistress's voice. Putting my gaze back to them, I noticed how their sardonic grins widened.

Then, realizing that I hadn't been doing as told, I immediately hurried towards my masters.

"Oh! It seems she only needed a push! Well, she's still a good little bitch it seems!" My Mistress exclaimed, before giggling when Hime-sama took a bite at Mistress's ear lobe.

"Hmph. If she took any longer, I would have needed to punish her. A pet that doesn't immediately follow its master's orders is a bad pet in need of punishment." Hime-sama added, and I involuntarily shivered at how she looked at me.

"Now now, don't be hasty Saeko-cha-ahh~♡! Saeko-chan! Let me finish next time!" I could tell, Hime-sama was smiling to herself with how she was able to make Mistress moan, and though I wanted to be in her position, I am grateful to be able to hear Mistress make such an alluring sound!

"Well...since you two are rather behaved, we wouldn't need to teach you two much. So, for now..." Mistress nudged Hime-sama with her elbow, causing Hime-sama to stop licking Mistress's shoulder. Then, seeing how Mistress had slowly stretched her right stocking-clad foot towards us, she seemed to have gotten the idea and smirked before doing the same to her own left stocking-clad foot, too! Hime-sama adjusted herself a bit, but she now had aligned her toes with Mistress, and had also made them touch each other.

"...lick." Mistress suddenly said after her long pause, confusing not only me, but also Saya-chan. And it seems that it annoyed Mistress a good bit, because she now used more force in her voice. "I said 'lick' you fucking bitches."

Then, finally understanding what Mistress meant, my arousal shot up and I immediately began licking Mistress's toes! Saya-chan wasn't far behind, and she went for Hime-sama's foot, since it was the one in front of her. Afterwards, we began to hear moaning in front of us, and I and Saya were definitely elated to be able to cause such powerful women to start moaning like this! So, we began giving more effort into licking their whole feet, with Saya-chan and I occasionally going for the other foot and playing with each other's tongue here and there.

"Ah♡~! Ye-yes~! No-now- ahh~! Saeko-chan! Wait~! No-now girls, swallow~♡!" Mistress had suddenly given another command that I didn't understand, until I saw Saya-chan begin °swallowing° Hime-sama's foot with her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Then, realizing what I needed to do, I may have just cummed right then.

But, not wanting to disappoint my Mistress, I began to carefully take in Mistress's toes into my mouth, and I immediately felt something click in me that made this more...delicious. Slowly, I began to take more of Mistress's foot inside my mouth, until her toes finally reached the back of my throat, causing me to gag and immediately take Mistress's foot out!

"*Cough!* *Chough!* *Cough!*" I coughed as I tried to get back to normal, causing Saya-chan, who I think hadn't done the same thing I did, and Hime-sama to pause and look at me.

"I admire your enthusiasm, pet, but you wouldn't be of use if you hurt yourself. Be careful next time. I don't mind if you take your time, pet." Mistress bent down to caress my cheek, and I felt blessed! And I didn't feel my gag reflexes reacting anymore!

"Now. Why don't we start with the rewards already, Saeko-chan." Mistress suddenly began speaking with Hime-sama, and Hime-sama only smirked as she replied, "Yes. They have been good girls, so let's give them what they wanted."

Then, before Saya-chan and I knew what was happening, Mistress and Hime-sama opened up their legs, with Mistress's right leg entangling itself with Hime-sama's left leg, and showing their wonderfully slick love parts!

"As a reward, we allow you two to make us cum, and you may also give yourself release." Immediately after Mistress said that, she and Hime-sama began to began to openly kiss and even showed their tongues dancing! They also went to knead the other's breasts, occasionally going for a different part of the torso, and had even gone to petting each other's pussies!

Not wanting to waste the chance, Saya-chan and I immediately dove in afterwards, going for our current partner! And the moment I got a lick at Mistress's juices, I just felt like I was in heaven! Then lick after lick, I continued to take in Mistress's moans and juices, before I slowly grew bolder and began to go deeper into Mistress's wonderful pussy!

Not long after when my tongue entered through her labia, I cummed! And though I wanted to ride out the pleasure, I didn't stop going deeper into Mistress's hole, and when I couldn't reach any deeper, I began to wiggle my tongue inside her!

"Ahn~~♡! Such a go-good girl~♡!! Yes~! Right th-there! P-pet! Keep li-licking the-hyan~~♡!!!" Mistress's moans, accompanied by Hime-sama's, were like music to my ears, and I wanted to keep hearing it! So, wanting more of Mistress's wonderful music, I became more determined and tried my best to burry myself deeper into Mistress's crotch with the help of Mistress's hand on the back of my head!

__/__/__/(Still 18+)[[Derierei's POV]]

Looking at the two pets on the bed, unconscious, I couldn't help but giggle! Saeko-chan and I had never touched them, but they somehow burned themselves out from constantly bringing °us° to our release! They were definitely good pets.

And as I let myself rest in Saeko-chan's embrace, I felt more mellow, before I turned meek because now I was in a sub mood!

"Sa-Saeko-chan... Don't you think that we w-we did wasn't en-enough?" After having said that, I waited for Saeko-chan's answer. And immediately afterwards, I was thrown to the bed, with Saeko-chan straddling my hips.

"Why don't you just admit that you're a greedy, slutty, bitch!" Saeko-chan had a viscous smirk on her face, just like earlier, a complete opposite of her usual indifferent expression.

"I-I'm not th-though!" Deciding to be completely submissive with Saeko-chan right now, I began to act the part. And fortunately enough, Saeko-chan was just a natural at being a dom!


Having slapped me, I "sobbed" a bit from the "unexpectedness" of the action, and Saeko-chan's smile became more vicious! "What was that, slut!?"

"I said I-I wasn't a sl-slut-*Slap!*" Continuing with my act, I let myself get slapped again, and I was starting to get more aroused from the pain and Saeko-chan's aggressiveness.

"You are! You are a slut! And as a slut, you better do good with eating out your Hime-sama's pussy!" Without even waiting for me to say anything, she immediately dropped down on me, filling my mouth with her pussy! Without even thinking, I began to hungrily lick her wonderful pussy, relishing the taste of her juices!

"See! You °are° a slut! You immediately started eating me out once I offer my pussy! I'll have to punish you, but fortunately for you, I will bless you with my release first!" As Saeko-chan talked, I continued to enjoy myself with her pussy, twirling my tongue around her entrance, poking the inside a bit with my fingers, trailing my tongue against her g-spots, and just devouring it! It was more enjoyable because I was able to send Saeko-chan in a frenzy of moans!

"Y-you seem to be-mmm~! ha~ be quite skilled in this! Tr-truly a sl-slut-ahh~♡!" Even though Saeko-chan continued to act tough, the pleasure she was receiving from me was breaking her dom persona!

"Y-yah~-yes!! JUST LIKE THAT~~♡!!" Not so soon after, Saeko-chan came...°hard°! Actually, she came so hard she squirted! And I took all of her juices like the champ that I am and drank all of it, making sure my gulp was loud enough for Saeko-chan, who was currently laying on her front, causing her to shiver!

Then I smiled, content to be able to make Saeko-chan so breathless. But, thinking about it now, it's completely unfair. If I was able to fuck Mellion, a Higher Being, into unconsciousness, then how could a mortal take all if me?

Sitting up, I smiled wider as I used my power to clean myself of anything dirty, from sweat, grime, to drops of cum, before I started dressing myself, leaving the unconscious women -Saeko-chan was slowly drifting into unconsciousness- to rest. I still have things to do, so I, then, left the cabin, snickering to myself as the voyeur tried to hide herself from me.

__/__/__/[[Yuki's POV]]

As I continued to hide at the back of the cabin for a while, I still couldn't believe what I had just watched! At first, I just wanted to rest on my bed, but I never would have realized that there was a foursome happening there! Especially with Shizuka-sama!

My Shizuka-sama, who was kind, a klutz, a lovable idiot, and who I thought would forever be innocent, had done things I never imagine she -what she and I- would do! And it was so arousing! So hot! So sexy! This side of Shizuka-sama is something that was better than anything I have ever thought about!

"Maybe...just maybe...I could join all of this..." I said that to myself as I imagined Shizuka-sama licking °my° toes, licking my legs, my thighs, my breasts, my neck, licking every part of me. And especially my pussy! Just thinking about it was making °it° throb! I want everything Shizuka-sama had done to Derierei-sama be done to me too! And even the part where she fell unconscious with even being touched much by Derierei-sama!

And not only that, but to be together with multiple women too! Even though that Koichi was a bastard, I have to thank him for a bit. He °is° the reason how Shizuka-sama and I had met, the reason that I'm currently still alive, and with wonderful women too! I'm sure, a cockroach bastard like him should still be alive, so when I get a chance, I'll definitely thank him with an axe to his crotch!


[A/N: Another short chap, sorry, but this chap was mostly for the sex! The next ones will be more intense! Though I hope I did well with this.

Anyway, some zombie killing next chap, new evolved zombies and a bit of development. And possibly, a time-skip!

Also, I might not be able to do much one-on-one 18+ scenes, and would mostly be a group thing. And some developments might seem forced, but just put it up as the System's work!

And, currently...

) Esdeath: 17

) Kurome: 19

) Najenda: 3

) Chelsea: 2

Kurume's starting to be the one!

BTW, I might end HOTD earlier than expected! Most of the chaps will probably be some romantic developments, a bit of action, and sex! I'm getting impatient honestly!

Plus-plus! Derierei/Asterix won't have a complete form in Akame Ga Kill! Instead, she'll be like a ghost and part of the System/Teigu!

Hope you liked! The next 18+ will have f*** **c*!]