GMGs Part 2

I woke earlier than the others. Looking around the quiet room, I chuckled upon seeing Laxus and Mira hugging. Miraxus.

I tiptoed out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

"Where you going this early?" a voice grunted.

I sighed and turned around to face the person.

"Good morning to you too, Gajeel. And for your information, I'm going to wash up."

I turned around and continued my journey to the bathroom. Opening the door, I saw Juvia inside, scrubbing her face with running water.

"Morning, Lilith-sama," she greeted.

I nodded in response as I washed my own face. After a few minutes of scrubbing, I got up, watering dripping off my face. Using one hand, I swept back my wet bangs so I could see better.

A towel came into my sight and I took it, smiling at the person. I wiped my face dry before putting it down.

"Thanks, Mira."

"No problem," she said cheerfully, a gentle smile on her face.

"I thought you wanted to cuddle with Laxus longer," I chuckled.

Her face grew red as she pushed me out of the bathroom and shut it with a slam. Juvia looked at me curiously as I motioned to Laxus then the bathroom. She snickered before heading out of the room.

Leaving Gajeel to deal with the sleeping Lightning Slayer, I followed Juvia down the stairs to the main lobby where the rest of our guild mates were eating food.

"Fis food ish tood!" Natsu said.

Juvia just looked at him and blinked in confusion.

"This food is good," Lucy translated, handing us plates.

"Hurry up, Happy!" Gray said, tapping his foot.

"Fish..." Happy drooled. He was piling on all the fish he could hold on his plate. All the other guilds took one look at his plate and lost their appetite.

"Well if it isn't the little Fairies," a person sneered.

I turned around to see the person who insulted my guild. Upon seeing them, I resisted the urge to beat them up. Twilight Ogre. Again. Really?

"Oh, look. It's a big ugly green monster," a girl's voice said, her heels clicking against the marble ground. Her hair swayed as she sashayed down the hallway with 3 boys at her heels.

"Morning to you too, Minerva," I said, smiling.

"Ugly? At least we aren't overgrown cats," a member of Twilight Ogre scoffed.

Within seconds, I had 10 people on me in an attempt to hold me back. I don't know what I did for them to treat me like this. All I did was smile at the person with a bloodlust au--- Oh. That's probably the problem.

"Overgrown cats are better than you ugly beings. Cats are gorgeous for a reason," Minerva said, flipping her hair in the guy's face.

Snickers could be heard all across the cafeteria. The man grew angry and lunged at her with a roar. I flashed in front of her, a blade pressed against the man's throat.

"Attacking others when not in the arena will result in a team disqualification," I said calmly despite his glare. "But keep attacking if you wish to step out of the games."

"Tch." The man turned and walked away, not before glaring at us. I put back my katana to my storage space before grabbing my plate from Juvia's hand.

I went around the buffet table and grabbed pancakes, topping them with whipped cream and strawberries. Everyone watched in silence. I looked up at them with a smile on my face.

"Are you going to eat?"

Everyone immediately raced to the buffet table, shoving each other to get food. I walked over to where Lucy was waving and sat down next to her.

"Where'd you get that sword from?" Erza asked with a mouthful of cake.

"Yeah, it was so shiny," Happy said, chewing on one of many fishes in his... plates.

"It also had a dangerous aura around it," Gray said, drawing the attention to him.

I chuckled. "You'll find out later."


"And in first place is Sabertooth!"

The crowd cheered wildly as Team Sabertooth walked out, grins and smiles on their faces. Minerva walked over to me and patted my back.

"I told you we would win first."

"Yeah, yeah," I pouted. I watched as Gray and Lyon made an absurd bet on the stage. Other guilds overheard them and joined in the fray, betting members left and right.

"Well if we win, we'll take Ms. Lilith over here," Rufus said, joining in.

I stared at him in disbelief. Was he really joining their childish debate? Wait, was he even serious about that?!

"Then we'll make sure to win," Erza responded confidently.

"I'm pretty sure I can convince her to join us anyway," Kai said, back hugging me.

His actions made girls yell out with frustration and how they wanted to be in my position right now. Heh. Yeah right. Not a chance.

"She'll say no," Natsu said, butting in.

"If she does, we'll take her in to Blue Pegasus," Hibiki winked.

"She belongs to Lamia Scale," Jura said.

"What about my opinion about this?" I wailed, making everyone laugh.

"Yes, yes. We'll let you choose after our guild wins and you join us," Kai said, pecking my cheek, making all the girls of Fiore squeal.

"How is that giving me an option?" I said, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"Ahem. If we could get started," Kabo coughed.

"Of course."

The guilds all left the main arena to their respective balconies. Kabo cleared his throat before lifting up the microphone.

"Our first event for today is called Hidden. Your goal is to find your opponents and take them down. If you get hit, you lose one point while your opponent gains one. You will spawn in a new place in the arena after losing a point."

"Easy enough. I'll go," Gray said, getting ready to jump over the railing.

I raised an eyebrow at him before looking at my team. They all looked bored so I jumped over, landing on the ground next to Gray.

"Your team made you go?" he asked.

"If I didn't go, no one would've," I shook my head. I started spacing off as I thought about my opponents for this round. If everything went like the anime, the opponents should still be the same.

"...A is Gray Fullbuster and from FairyTail Team B we have Lilith Winters. Let the games begin," Kabo announced, running out of the arena.

A town appeared below us and in a flash of light, I was in an alleyway. Clones of all the players appeared and began walking around the battlefield. I silently requipped two daggers and leapt onto the rooftops.

Quietly walking on the rooftops, I quickly "killed" my opponents and moved along the rooftops, never staying in one area for more than half a minute.

"Lilith Winters is starting us off with a whopping 14 points?! Looks like she targeted everyone 2! Even her fellow Fairy Tail member!"

"Well played, my lady," a voice chuckled behind me.

My eyes widened and I leapt to the first building, turning around to face my opponent, my daggers facing outwards.

"Rufus," I said coolly.

Not giving him any time to answer, I lunged at him, aiming only for his crucial points while leaving no openings for him. He quickly held up a hand as he cast spells to deflect my attacks. With every step I took, he took one backwards. After a couple long minutes of fighting, he was now steps away from the edge of the building.

"Nice try, my lady. I can see your pla--"

He was cut off by an ice pike impaling him. I smirked and waved goodbye before attacking the person who "killed" Rufus.

"Thanks, Gray."

"Should've known your tricks, Lilith," he said before he disappeared.

I went back to the rooftops, running to my destination, the clocktower. It was on the other side of town from where I spawned. A little of problems on the way, but nothing major. I stood at the top, overlooking everyone below. Now I knew how Rufus felt.

"Just what exactly is Lilith doing? Is she... rubbing her stomach? Maybe she's hungry for more points," a judge joked.

I frowned. I was actually hungry. Those pancakes were like hours ago. It's lunchtime already. Let's finish this, please. I'm starving.

The wind blew my hair into my face as I chanted the last spell of the game.

"30 seconds remaining!"

May the winds hear my plea.

May the earth receive my offerings.

May the water wash away your sins.


Three elements of the Earth

Mortal Purification.

I cringed slightly at the chant as the spell hit opponents and allies alike. I admit, it's not the best chant, but it's not the worst. Trust me. There's worse than "Mortal Purification".

What is Mortal Purification anyway?!

"Lilith wins the game with 47 points?! FairyTail Team B wins this game!"

I waved to the cheering crowds before teleporting back to my balcony, surprising my teammates.

"And... she's gone," Kabo said, making the crowd laugh. "Anyways, let's continue with the rewards. In second place..."

I walked out of the room, heading for the food stalls. My stomach has been grumbling the entire battle...

"Buy your FairyTail Melody figurines here!" a vendor shouted, stopping me in my tracks.

Oh crap.

"Melody crepes over here!" a person shouted. I sniffed the air and it lead me to the empty stall. The owner looked disheartened and had given up on selling his crepes.

"I'd like to buy one please," I said, putting 10,000 jewels on the counter.

"Of course! Right away!" he said, smiling for the first time.

He ran back with an empty container and looked at the money on the counter.

"Are you sure you only want one? This is enough to buy 10 of them," he said.

I inwardly smiled. Good to know that this shopkeeper was kind, but not naive. On my way here, I had seen someone sell a figurine for 1,000 jewels before using his profit to buy 10 more.

"I'll take 10 then. Can I have different flavors too?"

"Of course. Do you want one to eat right now or all of them packaged?"

"I'll take one to eat and the rest packaged," I said. After thinking for a while, I put 10,000 more jewels on the counter. "Actually, give me 10 more and package those up too."

"Of course," he said, putting the money in the cashier, before counting out the change. "3 jewels is your change."

"Thank you."

"Lynn, help me out! We need 19 in 2 boxes, 1 to go!" he shouted to the kitchen.

"Got it, Papa!" a voice shouted back.

Within a few minutes, all 20 crepes were in front of me. Using my wind magic to lift the two boxes, I bit into the last crepe.

"Mmm! This is good!" I moaned, getting passerby's attention. Banging my free hand on the counter, I looked the guy in the eyes. "Save me some more later. I'll be back to buy them after the game. I need like 10, no 20!"

"Of course! If you want, I'll save you a 100," he joked.

"I'll take them all," I said, sparkles in my eyes.

"100?" he sputtered. I think he actually meant it as a joke...

I still nodded, biting into my crepe. He looked at me in disbelief before letting out a sigh. He smiled at nodded.

"If that's what you want, you can swing by and pick up your 100 crepes at the end of the games."

"Thanks, Ji-chan!!!"

I quickly put down a million jewels on the table before running back to my balcony.

"I'll be back for them!"

I kicked open my door to see Laxus gone. Bad habits die hard.

"Where's Laxi-nii?"

"Down there. Now what's that scrumptious smell?" Gajeel said, drooling.

I set down the box of 9 crepes before heading for the door.

"I'm gonna stop by Sabertooth for a while!"

With that said, I ran off with remainder of the crepe in my mouth.

"Fim tere!" I said, kicking open the door again.

"Can't understand you but I can smell food. Hand it over!" Minerva said, lunging for the floating box.

I quickly moved it out of her reach and set it down on the table. I walked to the balcony and waved to my fellow FairyTail members. They looked like they were in shock but Romeo waved back. I looked down at the arena to see Kai fighting a Twilight Ogre member. But honestly, it looks like he's toying around with him more than fighting him.

"Kai, crepe! Hurry before Minerva eats them all!" I shouted, making everyone look at me.

"What's Lilith from FairyTail doing in the Saber's booth?" an announced questioned.

"Haven't you heard? She's technically a member of Sabertooth. She is the founder of Saber Fairy," Mato answered calmly.

"Kai's gone? And his opponent is down? Where'd he go? Don't tell me he went to eat crepes?"

Everyone turned to the booth to see Kai munching away on a crepe like he wasn't the source of the problem.

"Aren't you going to announce who won this battle?" Rufus called, getting us back on track.

"Of course!" Kabo said, once again, drawing everyone's attention.

"This is good!" Kai said, licking his lips.

I noticed a tiny splotch of white on the corner of his lips. I grabbed a napkin and leaned in to him, frowning.

"What is it, Princess?" he asked.

"There's some cream left on your lips," I said, not noticing everyone had left the booth for late lunch.

"Where?" he whispered, his breath on my lips.

I blushed and pointed to the corner of his mouth. He smirked and kissed me swiftly, his tongue licking both of our lips as well as the cream. Without pausing, he broke into my mouth, as I let out a tiny moan. His hands found their way onto my hips and pulled me into his lap as our tongues fought for dominance.

I broke away, gasping for breath as he pulled me in again. I banged my fists on his chest as I moaned into his mouth again. He pulled away slowly, a thin line of saliva connecting our tongues.

"There was cream left after all," he said, smiling devilishly. "Want to check if there's more?"

I blushed, scrambled off his lap and ran for the door. Just as I opened the door the slightest bit, his hand slammed on it, shutting the door again. I turned around, my back pressed against the wall as he leaned in, licking his lips. I looked away, my face flushed as he breathed down my neck.

"Hungry?" he whispered, kissing my neck.

I turned back towards him, only for him to sneak in one more kiss.

"S-stop it," I said, between kisses.

"No can do, Princess. You just taste so addicting," he purred, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

I pushed at him, but didn't get out of his tight grip.

"It's lunch, Kai. Can we eat some real food please?"

He chuckled and opened the door. I walked out, huffing. He grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Don't be mad. Please?" he said.

"F-fine. But you're buying lunch," I muttered.

"Alright, Princess."

I thought that everything was going to go according to the anime. Like life was going to be fine. I forgot. Life isn't an anime. I had miscalculated... and it was about to cost a life.


"Run," he whispered, blood trailing out of his mouth.

I could only stand in horror as the person gave me a crazy grin. They yanked out their blade out of him, sending blood flying everywhere. I couldn't move. They walked over to me and caressed my face with their callused hand.

"See? Everything's going to plan. He's gone so you can only love me now."