Chapter 64

Aerella had left Highgarden and was heading back to her ship. In Qohor both Sansa and Arya had just arrived in the city as they were being escorted to the Palace.

Along the way, they both had looked around the carriage as they saw many people walking the streets and having fun. They even saw some kids playing around.

"Lady Liana, where are we going" Asked Sansa

"We are going there" Said Liana as she pointed outside the Window to the Royal Palace

"woah that big building it's way too big is that a palace" Asked Arya

"yes, that is the Palace of the Emperor" Said Liana

"So that means you work for the Emperor" Asked Arya

Liana nodded as Arya continued looking outside the carriage. Minutes later, the carriage had come to a stop at the front of the palace, where Sansa and Arya were escorted in.

Once inside the Palace, Arya was looking around with stars in her eyes since the Castle was so magnificent. Since they were a guest in the palace of the Emperor, they weren't bothered when they walked through the Palace.

After walking for a little, they were taken to a room where they were served some food and drinks, which they happily ate since they were hungry.

While they ate their food, Sansa and Arya asked Liana a ton of questions about the Emperor and the Empire, since the city looked even more amazing than Kingslanding and even smelled better.

After eating their food Liana had told them it was time to meet the Emperor "Okay Ladies since we are done eating our food his majesty will see us now, so please follow me" Said Liana as Sansa and Arya followed her outside the room.

On the way to the room, Arya had asked a lot of questions about the Emperor, "So is he old or is he young"

"He is young" Said Liana

"Arya, stop asking such questions" Sansa didn't want to anger the Emperor who just saved their lives

"It's Okay, Lady Sansa his majesty won't take offense to things like that but just make sure you don't ask something that is too disrespectful since his guards are very serious" Said Liana

"How does he look, I heard that he was the most handsome person in the Empire" Asked Arya

"He is indeed which has caused many women to stand outside the castle walls hoping to see the Emperor, but luckily they were not here today" Said Liana since there were some fan girls in the capital that always wanted to see the Emperor's face even though they have husbands themselves

"We are her now, so ladies let's be on our best behavior" Said Liana as she opened a door into a room

"Your Majesty, I have brought lady Sansa and Lady Arya of House Stark" Announced Liana

A few seconds before they walked in, Maximus had his back turned, looking outside the window thinking about what he should introduce to this world next. Then the door opened and Liana had announced that both Sansa and Arya were here, so he turned around.

As soon as he turned around, Sansa's heart skipped a beat the moment she laid her eyes on his face. Unlike Joffrey, who she used to see as handsome before he tortured her, his Majesty was beyond handsome to her.

"Lady Sansa, Lady Arya welcome to the Empire I hope you had safe travels while on the way here" Said Maximus

"Ye-Yes your majesty your knights had protected us the entire way here" Said Sansa who was nervous

"Your majesty, you are quite young I thought that you would be an Old man" Said Arya

"Well as you can see I am quite young Lady Arya" Said Maximus

"But leaving that aside, I'm sure you know the reason why you are here right" Said Maximus

"Yes, you will help us take our home back from the Lannister" Said Sansa

"That is correct but first let me offer my condolences to you for the death of your father, mother, and brother Robb, I was supporting them in their campaign against the Lannisters before they were killed by Walder Frey But don't worry because once I reconquer your home we will get both your brother's Bran and Rickon back, and I will take Walder Frey prisoner to be judged by your House" Said Maximus

"Our brothers are still Alive, I heard that they were killed" said Sansa

"No I sent some soldiers over there to protect your brothers in case something happens so as long as my soldiers are alive they will be safe" Said Maximus

Arya had run up and hugged Maximus "Thank you your majesty we will get to see our brother's once again"

"But first we will have to wait so Lady Sansa I want you to send messengers to all the houses of the North even the Bolton's informing them that if they don't return Winterfell back to the Stark's then House Bolton and any house supporting them will be hanged for treason" Said Maximus

"Will this work" Asked Sansa

"Yes because I will also sign it so when they see it they will think twice before they make their decision and once the Northern Houses see that I signed it along with you, they will stop supporting House Bolton and those that don't stop supporting them will be traitors since they ignored a Command from the rightful ruler of Winterfell" Said Maximus

Sansa proceeded to write the letter and sign her name on it. Maximus wanted to see if the Northern houses who swore an Oath to House Stark will truly uphold their oaths or break it.

Maximus didn't need those types of houses in his Empire.