Chapter 77

The next day, the men of the Night's Watch continued training while trying to forget about what happened yesterday.

But it was so horrible that even trying to forget it would bring back memories of it. 15 of their brother's who committed a crime that almost killed thousands were brutally murdered in front of them.

Their ribs were pulled from their spine as they screamed while they sat there and watched since they couldn't do anything.

Many were glad that it wasn't them, since they could imagine the pain of being conscious while your ribs get pulled from your spine, and you start screaming for help, but nobody comes to help.

After that, the men of the Night's Watch knew not to do anything to get on the Empire's bad side. And most of all, they were surprised that somebody that looked so calm and collected had given the order.

They had first thought that she was just going to hang them or even let them go with a slight punishment, but never could they imagine that Daenerys, a woman who was as beautiful as a princess, would do something like that.

Jon Snow couldn't believe it either, but what he was more interested in was who Daenerys really was, since if the Emperor sent her then she must be somebody who have a lot of power in the Empire or something.

Her beauty had him infatuated with her, but remembering his vows, he shook his head, forgetting about her and focusing on his job as the Steward.

The Matter with the Night's Watch was settled, and Daenerys had returned to Castle Black. The Castle was already being repaired and some of the supplies that were brought over from the Empire were being stored in the Castle.

Shipments between the Empire and the North were happening frequently since Maximus would start his campaign soon and needs lots of supplies such as weapons, armor, food etc.

And as his new Vassals, the North would need lots of food and firewood to last them over the long winter. They also were not required to fight in the war, since Maximus knew that they were still recovering from when they lost 50k soldiers and their King.

Plus, he didn't need their help in the War, since the Queen only has a limited amount of soldiers that she could muster to fight against the Empire. And if needed to, Maximus could just stage an army at Dragon stone and attack from there.

In fact, he could just fly his Royal Air Force to Kingslanding and take it within a day. However, doing that would be boring, so he chose to do it the long way.

Achilles, who was leading his army to take the Twins, was riding on his horse as the soldiers marched with on. He had sent two scouts ahead to make sure there was no army waiting on them and to scout the defenses of the Twins.

But a few hours later the scouts came running back on their houses, and they looked to be out of breath. Behind them, there were House Frey's horseman chasing them.

Achilles immediately had his own horseman go and help out the scouts. 100 Greek horseman had split off and started chasing House Frey's horseman, who had turned around once they saw Achilles and his army.

Achilles still had his soldiers chase them while he talked with the scouts.

"What happened why are you being chased by enemy horseman" Asked Achilles

"My lord, there is a massive army waiting for us at the Twins and from what we have seen they are a combined force of House Frey soldiers and some other houses which we assume to be from the Vale" Said the scout

"What are their numbers" Asked Achilles since if it was 20k soldiers than he could handle that

"We couldn't count but if I had to give an estimate around 40k men or more" Said the Scout

40k!!! Achilles was surprised at that number, and he didn't expect to meet a combined force of House Frey and Houses from the Vale.

And if what he was told was right, then the Vale knights are quite fearsome, so they attempt to retreat then they will just be chased down by the Knights.

"Okay, I want you to head back to Winterfell and inform his Majesty, so he can send reinforcements" Their only hope was that reinforcements came in time if not then the battle would be lost

"Yes My Lord, I will leave immediately" The scout rode back in the direction of Winterfell

Achilles ordered the army to stop marching and to set up a defensive position on a nearby Hill, which would work to their advantage against the horseman. But the Hill wasn't that steep nor big, so the horses could still run up to the first line of defense.

Luckily they had some supplies with them which was supposed to be used for the siege. They had some catapults with them and cannons which would do some damage to the enemy before they reach the front line.

He had the Canons and catapults set up on the Hill, while the infantry would be below the Hill in a shield wall protecting the Canons. The archers would be next to the Canons and would release a volley once the army gets close enough.

In front of the frontline would be some wooden spikes that when planted in the ground could be good anti cavalry defense. Especially when placed in multiple numbers.

The Horseman, he placed them on the sides to counter any enemy horseman trying to flank the artillery.

He wasn't expecting to win this battle, but he would hold on before he just gives up.