Dothraki Attack

Mantarys the target of the Dothraki Khal was in sight of the Dothraki Army. But because this city was close to the Dothraki Lands it was considered a Frontier city making it's defenses be a lot more than the average Imperial city.

The Defense of the city had a total of 40k soldier's who remained Active and lived in the Military District of the City where all 40k of the Military soldier's resided.

Once the Dothraki army came into the view the Imperial soldiers on the wall had ringed the bell just as they were trained to do.

The Bell was a signal that an army was coming to invade but the Bell was ringed 4 times which means that the Dothraki were coming to invade.

Behind the walls all of the Citizens had followed the procedure and ran to the protection of their houses while Hundreds of soldiers were running towards the wall.

The Governor of the City had already sent his Military Advisor to take command of the Defense of the City. While at the gates the soldiers had already closed the gates after the last person made it inside.

On top of the wall the soldiers were already preparing for the defense of the city as soldiers could be seen transporting arrows to various locations on the wall for the archers.

The Commander of the Mantarys which was the title given to the Military advisor of the Governor had arrived at the wall and was being informed of the situation by the Leading officer in charge who was already on the walls when the alarm was sounded.

As the Commander was talking to the other Officer suddenly a magic circle had appeared next to him. Out of the magic Circle appeared A Wizard.

The Commander looked at him before he stood at attention "My Lord Gray"

Gray looked at him and sighed "At East Commander I'm here to help" Said Gray.

"It's good to have you here My Lord we could use your help to defeat the Dothraki" Said the Commander.

"That's why I am here Commander now keep your men ready while I go to meet with these Dothraki" Said Gray as he started to float over the wall and onto the ground where he waited for the Dothraki.

Gray was one off the Wizards that Maximus had assigned to the various regions of the Empire to offer protection from external and internal threats. But most of the wizards were sent to what was formerly known as Slavers Bay.

Gray was one of 10 Wizards placed in this region of the Galaxy where they will reside to offer protection from the Dothraki and the unknown Empire that is located on the unexplored side of the continent of Essos.

As Gray stood there waiting for the Dothraki two more wizards had appeared next to him. 

"Gray I see your already here" Said one of the Wizards.

"Yes I got here as soon as the governor contacted me on the magic communication device" Explained Gray.

"Same here me and Keegan were enjoying a nice little meal at Tolos when we were informed of the attack" Said Jarod

"Well It will make it easier to have three of us so let's finish this quickly and get back to relaxing" Said Gray as a small group of Dothraki were approaching them.

Once the group approached them they started speaking in the Dothraki tongue which Gray and the other Wizards could understand thanks to Magic.

Basically Khal Morko wanted the city to give them all their riches and in exchange he will not sack the city and take all of the Women to be slaves.

Gray looked at the Messenger and shook his head while he replied using magic to translate his words into their native tongue "The city is under protection by His Majesty and you Dothraki are a plague that will be subjugated soon enough. So return to your Khal and tell him that today is his last day alive"

Hearing this the messenger raised his weapon in the air to attack Gray for insulting the Khal and the entire Dothraki people.

But Gray just used a simple spell that sent the messenger flying all the way back to the Dothraki army. The messenger had landed directly on top of another Dothraki Horseman.

Once the Khal seen this he ordered the Dothraki to Charge.

From the top of the walls and inside of the city the ground was slightly shaking because of the thousands of Dothraki riding on Horseback that were charging at the City.

The Commander of the city already had the archers aiming at the sky ready to loose a volley onto the Dothraki.

"Hold.....Hold" Said the Commander as he waited for the Dothraki to get closer.

"Loose!" Shouted the commander once the Dothraki were close enough.

At once Thousands of arrows were flying through the air aimed at the Dothraki army. And once they landed it was a bloodbath for the Dothraki who still kept running despite the hundreds of casualties that they had received from the first volley.

And the volley didn't stop there as one after another they kept firing on the Dothraki until they got close enough to the Wizards.

"Well gentlemen let's finish this battle" Said Gray as the three Wizards took their battle stance and started charging at the incoming Dothraki.

Besides being able to use magic they were also physically stronger making them more powerful than your average Fantasy Wizard. And this was because they were wizards from LOTR.

The battle with the Dothraki was over by sundown as the Khal was killed in battle and the remaining Dothraki fought until the end.

Near the end of the battle the garrison of the city had charged out to fight alongside the Wizards. The presence of such powerful allies had motivated and raised the morale of the garrison.

And after the battle was over the city had celebrated their victory over the Dothraki army while the Governor of the city had already reported this incident to Maximus to inform him of the change in the Dothraki situation.

For too long has Maximus left the Dothraki Hordes unattended for. And now that there has been an attack he will have no choice but to end the threat before it get's out of hand.