
While Athena starts waking up from her nap, Carson begins packing up the food and beverages. There is no need to stress Athena out since her head is hurting: this is what Carson is thinking as he cleans up the picnic.

"How was your sun nap At?"

"Very peaceful, I had a quick dream involving a clown, running, and tight rope walking. It starts off with me standing in an open field of green grass and purple flowers. Then a clown appears out of nowhere; the clown is not hostile or aggressive, they are just, there. Shortly after the clown appears, I notice my body is dressed in a purple gown that reaches my ankles, I have brown ankle boots on my feet, and a white bracelet on my left wrist."

Carson starts giggling at Athena's dream and has finished packing up the food. She stretches her arms towards the sky continuing with her dream report.

"After three minutes' time, the clown starts pointing towards two willow trees. I am squinting my eyes and notice a tight rope stretched between the two trees. I look at the clown, then I look back at the rope, and I ask the clown if I am supposed to walk over to the rope. The clown shakes their head no and asks if I am supposed to run towards the tight rope. When I mention the word run, the clown nods their head 'yes'.

Carson butts into Athena's story by asking a question.

"And did you run towards the tightrope?"

"Not only did I run to the tightrope, but I also raced the clown to the tightrope as well. They won but allowed me to walk the tight rope first. I fell a few times before getting the hang of balancing myself on the rope. Once I reached the end of the tight rope, I woke up."

"You also got a bit sunburnt At."

Carson says this while pointing to his nose and facial cheeks. Athena touches her facial cheeks and nose in response to what Carson points out to her. She feels the warmth radiating from the sunburn.

"I forgot to put sunscreen on my face, oops. Going to use aloe vera gel on when we get back to my place to prevent my skin from peeling."

As the couple gets up and walks away from their picnic spot, they get into a friendly argument on what movie they will rent. The couple agrees on a horror film: nothing says I love you like bonding over blood, gore, and guts. Back in Tacoma, Hector and Luis are having their own private conversation regarding Halloween pizza night.

"Hector, will you stop pacing around the living room and sit down? You are making me nervous."

"Luis I have been sitting all day at the computer talking with clients and need to stretch my legs. How about I lean against the wall, will that put you at ease?"

Hector stops walking back-and-forth and puts his back towards the wall facing Luis. He folds his arms over each other and closes his eyes. Luis starts their conversation back up.

"Do whatever you want love. And tell me what happened during family pizza night. You had a perplexed look on your face. I assume it has to do with Athena's leukemia and what the two of us went through a decade ago."

"Your assumption is spot on Lu: when Athena announced she has Leukemia, my mind went straight to that morning ten years back. My health started to decline over a five-month period. First, it was the blurry vision, then came general fatigue out of the blue, and the cherry on top...losing weight to the point where I looked like a skeleton. Not to mention my mental health going down to tubes as well."

"I feel we were lucky in getting you help. We could say the same for Athena and Carson, assuming their oncologist is able to guide them accordingly through their upcoming journey."

A thick silence falls between Hector and Luis when the word journey is uttered. Having gone through the process of cancer treatment, receiving mental health support from a qualified counselor and support group, while balancing their young family, Hector and Luis is more than grateful to have a fruitful ending. The couple looks at each and Hector starts talking.

"Journey is the optimum word for what our kids are about to endure. Hospital stays, hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, paling of the skin, and a never-ending cycle of blood work!"

Hector starts tearing up and Luis gets up from the couch to comfort his partner. When Luis has Hector in his embrace, Hector starts crying. Luis says some words to try and comfort Hector.

"There now Hector, we should not assume what type of treatment Athena will need. All we can do now is ask how we can be of support, have open communication with Carson and Athena, and take care of ourselves. We will be of no use if we fall sick or get caught up in the past. Besides, Athena is a strong woman and can endure anything life throws at her. We also raised our son to be supportive of himself and others."

Hector's tears start drying up and he hugs Luis back in appreciation. Once he fully collects himself, Hector proposes an idea.

"Since the two of us have danced the tango of cancer, how about we agree to mentor one child each? I can mentor Athena and you can mentor Carson. Both of our perspectives from our journey can help the kids out in one way or another."

Luis is caught off guard by Hector's blunt proposal, but he allows himself to process what his partner continues to share.

"Think about it Lu. You were my main caretaker during our experience: Carson will most likely fill in the role of the caretaker for Athena. You can be there when he starts to feel burnt out or unsure how to support Athena. I underwent radiation, chemotherapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy too. My experiences could put things in perspective for Athena should she want to listen to me."

"I see where you are coming from Hector and can't disagree with your suggestion. We also need to keep in mind Athena has family in Berkley, California. How do you propose they get involved with the journey ahead?"

Hector has his answer ready and shares it out loud.

"Why don't we reach out to Athena and Carson first and share the idea with them? During the visit, we can call the Rolland household and ask how they would like to support Athena. Better yet, we can ask Athena how she would like to be supported. After all, she will be receiving treatment while the rest of us lend a supportive ear and shoulder."

"When do you want them to come over Hector? Carson reached out to me this morning saying he and Athena were having a make-up date day. Should I invite them over or would you like to do the honors?"

Hector smiles at Luis and Luis gets the message. Hector will be the one to invite Athena and Carson over for the debrief.


Once the car is packed and Athena is in the passenger's seat, she lets out a long sigh. The sun drained her energy and her head has started hurting again.

"So much for recharging my batteries and sleeping the headache off. My frontal lobe feels like it is on fire."

Carson gets into the car and puts the keys in the ignition. He starts the engine and looks at Athena.

"Everything ok with you At? You are making a face again."

"My head is hurting again and I feel the need to catch another nap. Mind if I turn the radio on to see if the music will keep me awake?"

"Go right ahead, I am all for listening to music while I drive. Just don't pick a country is not my favorite genre."

Athena pokes some fun at Carson's taste in music.

"Way to hurt my feelings dude, Country is the pinnacle of music genres. Then again, you are into Classical music...also known as snore town."

Athena turns the radio to a Pop station: "How to Save a Life" blasts through the speakers. Rather than changing the station, Athena starts humming along with the song. Carson is focused on driving and nods his head along to the music. After the second verse starts playing, Athena starts singing and talking.

"I would stay up with you all night, had I known, how to save a life. Is it not ironic how this song started playing on the car ride home."

"What do you mean At?"

"The message behind 'How to Save a Life' in my opinion, is showing support for someone close to you: a family member, a friend, a mentor. Showing support when you have the answers, showing support when you don't have the answers. Being present with the other person during their time of struggle."

Athena stops talking and lets her words sink in. Carson digests what Athena has shared and gives his two cents.

"I agree with your opinion, Athena. When someone we care about is faced with an obstacle, it is important to show up for them. In your case, I plan to show up as best I can while you undergo treatment. Keep in mind, we have father and dad on standby. Your family in Berkley will want to show up as well."

Athena is looking straight ahead, outside the front window of the car. Carson asks her a question.

"How would you like us to save your life, Athena?"

She does not respond right away. After five minutes of gazing out the front window, Athena turns her eyes out the front-right passenger window. Only then does she answer Carson's question.

"I don't know how you can save my life. Once I have figured it out for myself, I will let you know."

As she is saying this, Athena's phone starts buzzing. She looks down and see's Hector's name displayed on her screen. She laughs to herself and answers the call.

"Hi Hector, Carson and I were just talking about you."

"Splendid, I do hope you're saying kind things about me."

"Of course, only kind things for the nicest in-law I know."

Athena looks at Carson and gives him a quick wink.

"How may we help you, Hector? Is everything going well with you?"

"I have never felt more alive Athena, and there is no need to worry about me. Luis and I were talking earlier today about how we can support you and Carson. We agreed to take cues from you since you are the one who will be undergoing treatment."

"Talk about a coincidence. Right before you called me, Carson had asked me how he could show support during my treatment. Right now, I don't have an answer. Why else have you called?"

"Luis and I wanted to invite you and Carson over for dinner this week. This way the four of us can discuss possible support techniques for you and Carson. What do you say?"

"Let me call you back this evening after date day concludes. I will consult with Carson and give you an answer."

"Sounds good Athena, enjoy the rest of your date. Luis and I love you both."

"Carson and I love you and Luis more."

Athena ends the call and looks back out the window. She understands the gravity of what is ahead and is mentally preparing herself. She is also aware of her shortcomings: not asking for help when needed is high on the shortcomings list. Athena asks Carson what day works best with his schedule so she can relay the message to Hector.