
Athena took Benny's words to heart and conjured up a backup plan in case Seattle University rejected her. Theatrical Alliance and choral singing were a huge part of Athena's middle and high school career: getting up on a stage, belting out a show tune or an obscure classical piece within a group, lights a fire in Athena's gut that keeps her alive and happy. Should Seattle University not pan out, Athena would complete her pre-nursing classes and obtain a certificate in acting from Community College of Washington State. Having a solid foundation in the biological sciences and a certificate unrelated to nursing would make Athena a strong candidate for transferring into a four-year university.

Seattle University was not Anthena's first choice for nursing school: her heart was set on UCLA. She would have moved to a new city, been in the same state as her nuclear family, soaked up the eternal sunshine of southern California, and broaden her horizons. The universe had other plans for her. In addition to gaining acceptance to Seattle University's Nursing Progam, Athena was awarded a College of Nursing Scholarship. A full-tuition scholarship based on Athena's leadership skills and reasons for pursuing a nursing career, the scholarship award, and access to her family home, made it easy for Athena to accept her place at Seattle University.

To top everything off, Athena learned at the last minute, Carson had gained acceptance to Seattle University's Law School! He was in a similar pickle as Athena: rejected from three law programs and having to conjure up a backup plan. It was Athena who lent him a listening ear and suggestions. Carson had secured a job during his undergraduate career in the University of Washington's Office of Student Life and Residence: he worked as an undergraduate mentor and Residence Advisor (RA) as a student. When he graduated, Carson worked as an Admissions Counselor with the Office of Admissions.

While juggling his post-graduate work schedule, volunteering with the YMCA close to his apartment, preparing for the LSAT, and dating Athena, Carson set his heart on getting into the University of Washington's Law School. University of California Berkely, Seattle University, and Gonzaga University were on Carson's law school list. Having scored a 140 on the LSAT (an average score), obtained stellar letters of recommendation from his professors and supervisors, Carson felt confident in gaining acceptance to any of his schools.

University of California Berkeley, Gonzaga, University of Washington, and Seattle University all rejected Carson for admission. This caused Carson to sink into a mild depression: redrawing into himself, doubting his ability to make it into a law program, and irritability. He also put on a noticeable amount of weight from eating his feelings. Athena noticed these changes and investigated them immediately. Carson was not forthcoming with what caused his weight gain or depression. She eventually put two-and-two together: Carson was rejected from law school.

Rather than getting mad at Carson, it would have been a waste of energy, Athena invited him on a date. At this point in their relationship, Carson had graduated with his Bachelor's of Science in Psychology and a minor in French, while Athena was finishing her senior year of high school. The two love birds went to a pizza joint near the University of Washington's main campus: Humble Pie. It's Carson's favorite place to grab a slice or two of pepperoni pizza and Cherry Pop.

While indulging their tastebuds in a half-pepperoni, half-triple vegetable pizza, Carson disclosed how he what was bothering him. Athena listened with an open mind and gentle heart. She asked Carson what he felt should be his next steps; to her surprise, Carson asked the same question of her without answering her. Carson likes to have an answer to everything and it caught Athena off guard when he asked her what he should do next.

Athena suggested Carso keep working in the Admissions Office and sit in on a few law classes: this would allow him to test the waters before committing to the program if he reapplied at a later point in time. In addition to auditing classes with the University of Washington and keeping his current post, Athena suggested Carson keep volunteering as an after-school YMCA tutor, and audit classes with Seattle University. After a few days, Carson decided on the following plan: audit classes at Seattle University and the University of Washington, keep his current job, volunteer as needed at a different place, and find someone to help him write a stronger application essay for law school.

Since his girlfriend was an exceptionally skilled writer, more in-tuned with sharing her feelings and honesty through the written word, and able to coach Carson through the law school application writing process, it was a no-brainer for Carson to ask her for writing assistance. After reading his original law school essays, Athena wanted to understand why Carson was interested in law school. He left this explanation out when he initially applied for law programs. At first, Carson could not give Athena a straight and honest answer.

After meditating on the question, brainstorming an answer, and finding a way to express his reasoning, Carson came to this conclusion, working in law would allow him to rewrite policies and procedures that bar or make it difficult for individuals to navigate the healthcare system. While Hector was battling a brain tumor, it was difficult for him and Luis to figure out what their insurance did and did not cover, and other obstacles. Witnessing these atrocities drove Carson to pursue a career in law.

Athena and Carson spent two years preparing for Carson to reapply for law school. Carson joined a study group to prepare for the LSAT, Athena edited and re-edited his essays, Luis prepared Carson for his interviews, and Hector offered additional emotional support. In the end, Seattle University was a perfect fit for Carson: the class sizes were small, he would be able to spend time with Athena while she finished her nursing program, and they offered him an on-campus job.