Alright so I recently got a request for a character list, so here it is! I will update this list every time a new character who will be mentioned a few times is introduced. So, here you go, a list of all the current main characters and their bio/descriptions!
Ren Min (Ren) (Little Lamb): Blonde hair; robin's egg blue eyes, 14 years old, 5'9, brave(ish), smart, kind.
Okami White (Oak aw me) (White Wolf): Black and white streaked hair, emerald green eyes, 16 years old, brave, 5'11 cunning, mysterious/secretive, smart.
Sakura Min (Sock er uh): Blonde hair, golden eyes, 19 years old, 6'2 kind, smart, brave, Ren's older sister.
Officer Hisashi (Hiss aw she): Brown hair, dark brown eyes, 27 years old, 6'3, just your everyday officer, trying to do what's right and stop what's wrong.
Ryu (R eye you): Blonde hair, hazel eyes, 15, 5'11, ex-member of the Osoroshi Boys, Ren's best friend.
Maou (M ow): Black hair, brown eyes, 15, 5'10, leader of the Osoroshi Boys.
Akuma (Uh coo muh): Brown hair, green eyes, 14, 5'8, member of the Osoroshi Boys.
Mazoku (Muh zo coo): Brown hair, royal blue eyes, 14, 5'9 member of the Osoroshi Boys.
Neikan (N eye can): ???
MAIN Character Fun Facts (If they are not a main character, they will not be listed here):
Ren: If he sees someone in danger he will try to save them, even if it means he dies to save a complete stranger. He thinks that everyone has a story and a reason for what they do, even if they really don't. He trusts people too easily and generally ends up trusting the wrong people.
Okami: If someone she cares for is in danger, she will try to save them, even if she dies, and even if she knows can't save them, she'll still try. She sees people as part of one of two groups, family or enemy, a person who is not physically related to her can be part of the family group just as a parent, for example, could be part of the enemy group. She has trouble trusting people because of *SIKE NO SPOILERS FOR YOU!*
That's it for now! I plan on adding at least one more main character in the future. If you ever make a fan art, you can dm my Instagram account (asher_flames)! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments! I plan on doing a Q&A soon!