Chapter 008: Challenge

"Where do you think you're going?" the voice sounded behind them. "Where does it look like we're going? We're leaving, and I'd suggest you don't try to interfere." Okami said, not stopping. "If you want to leave, you'll have to fight me." the voice called out again. Now she turned around. "I do love a good fight, but I'm afraid I have to go to work and I'd rather not get blood on my knife this early in the day." she said, getting a good look at the person who had been speaking because, although she had no intention of fighting, it would be better to know what her opponent looked like. After hearing her say that, Maou tensed. "W-what do you mean by that?!" Maou asked. "Oh, couldn't you tell by the mask? I'm the White Wolf, of course." she said. They were all surprised. Ren, by how willingly she had admitted it, Ryu, by the fact that Ren was associated with an assassin, one of the most infamous assassins out there, at that, and Maou, by the fact that he had said such stupidly cocky things to the White Wolf. "W-what?! You're the White Wolf?! What are you doing with them, then? You don't actually know them, do you?" Maou was petrified, although he tried to hide it. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Point is, you're going to let us leave and you will never speak of this to anyone ever. Do I make myself clear?" Okami asked. "At least leave Ren! He should've known that entering Kiken uninvited is a suicide mission! Anyone stupid enough enough to do that deserves to die!" Maou exclaimed. "Oh, but you're mistaken. He was invited here, by me." With merely those two sentences, everyone in the room froze. "What?!" Maou and Ryu both exclaimed. "What use is he to you?! He can hardly even fight!" Maou exclaimed. "What I need him for is none of your concern. It is between me and Ren, no one else." she said. "W-well, there's no way I'm letting you take Ren and Ryu just like that! Fight me! If I win, I get to kill Ren, but, if you win, you can kill me and take them both with you, deal?" Maou said. Ren and Ryu were thinking the same thing, "He must have gone mad! No one in there right mind would dare challenge the White Wolf!" "Fine. I accept your challenge. I'll even let you come at me first. Now then, fight me."