18. the opinion.

Adam and me now couple,you we are guy, I never known that Adam say the same like doctor advice. So I decide to follow my hearth and feeling I prefer being a guy . I have a boyfriend now I think Adam is a good boy friend and best friend.

He always here my problem when I was work, no idea, and personal problem. He make me comfortable and I love him. We never have a secret about our relationship . we open-minded about every thing. And Adam is the right person for me.

You know being a guy is not easy that you say, many negative opinion about it. Bullying and other negative opinion. Just like me my neighbor always yelling at me and bullying me , they say is sin and forbidden in Indonesia.

I try to ignore but that rumor and gosip still have it. I hate it Adam when they say call missis Alex guy. I don't how to make shut up they mouth. It all right believe me they will accept it at the time.

You know Alex don't heard about opinion public but follow your hearth. You know when I was I decided as a guy my family want me to die and get out from house. And my neighbor call me bitch , for the first time I was mad and angry about. I depress about it. My family and my neighbor don't accept me. So out of country and until I meet some one to be my girl. Yeah before you David is the first girl in my life.

We have something in common and its love, but David and I we are not match so we break up. David teach me about being a guy. He is show me everything about his feeling to me. I remember the first night when we make a love. David show the real meaning of love.

So you don't worry about opinion,your mother accept you as a women. My family is don't like you .they don't accept a guy in the family. Why you so worry about opinion public. No Adam you know the people said is more hurt than breaking hearth. I have broken before. But the opinion make me angry and mad.

Some day I will prof to them even I am a guy I don't do a criminal so this is not a breaking the rule. It just forbidden to talk. No one say the truth about being a guy so they still walk in silence. But I want to show them that I have a love to and I don't mine if my love is a man. That not breaking the rule don't you thing Adam. Yeah that right and just walk in silence and don't worry about the opinion of public Alex.