21. korea

After a long trip to Korea from Indonesia. We will do that Adam I said, yeah Alex you will be a complete women in my eye and I love you Alex. OK we stay in hotel next day we will do that Adam, Alex said. Yeah here the address , OK we take a bus to it. We stay in one room although we are guy but Adam commitment is really make me feel better about love.

He commit to me to not touch or make a love with me untill we are married. And he proof that. Am thought I want it he still commit to it. You Adam just like my partner life and he is the right man for.me. his commit, his say, and his personal make me love him. Our relationship going to be 3 year. And our still the same person that I know.

Adam yeah Alex you know tomorrow is a big day for me, promise me if you don't love me after operation just ask I already prepare to it. You know Alex I love you before and after this operation. And it if fail I will still love you to the end. Ohh Adam you'll make me happy with your love.

Yeah let sleep it almost 12pm now I am so tired and jet leg. Yeah I am too. Tomorrow we will do that. And I know you'll already prepare for it. Yeah I know Adam.

In the morning we woke up and I say I love you Adam and he said the same too. OK let have a breakfast. You know I heard Korean food is good. Yeah some time I eat it Alex. After breakfast I prepare everything to do the operation. OK I am ready Alex said. OK let take a taxi to the location.

Yeah let do that Adam. So we will going to the hospital for operation. And we already make a promise to the doctor. We meet the doctor and do the operation. the doctor said it will take 5 hour to do that. I said to a doctor what the part of my.body and appearance will be operation . OK doctor said , after consultation with him we doing the operation.

Ohh Adam am so nervous give me water please here Alex you know it gonna be all right just believe about to a doctor, yeah Adam I know it. I just little nervous. OK missis Alex come in. I will near you Alex don't you worry about it. I sit on the operation place and doctor try make me unconsius. And the operation is begin. For the first  doctor operation the body you Alex want have breast and the doctor do that. It take about 3 hour and then the face it take 2 hour.

Adam just sitting on waiting room and he pray for me to my operation. Adam never so nervous like that.  he want the best for his women. And Adam will do every thing to save it love.