A Truly Repulsive World...

"Mama! What's wrong?" Tia called out for Liz who was lost in her thoughts.

She only regained her consciousness to sight of everyone's concerns gave.

Gloria held Liz hands within her own, gently rubbing them just so Liz knew she was by.

Agatha had cleaned ran over with some water, as well as ordering some of the servants to go fetch warm towels.

They might not exactly show their concern by expression or exact words, but their actions spoke enough.

Tia, however, was an exception to the two.

Her usually sparkling eye, were filling with tears, while she bawled her fights tight to stop herself from crying.

Her cute puffy cheeks were slightly trembling as the tears continued to well up while Tia waited for a response.

Liz pulled Tia in close and gave her a meaningful hug.

She teased Tia in her arms, tickling and coddling her.

Tia laughed heartedly loud enough to infect the others with her mood.

"Mhmm sometimes I miss the days times were simpler, Sister."