Allats Gal...

Ben told the man to come closer, as he didn't feel comfortable saying anything aloud so anyone other than those that needed to hear should.

The middled aged assassin found it funny and walked over to Ben and crouched down to meet Ben eyes to eye.

Kage felt a little on edge Ben had asked the man to come closer, which reduce the time he had to react, however he believed he still had enough of a chance to stop him.

Jaad on the other side kept fidgeting and playing with the small weapon within his hand, afraid the kid might convince his master to stay his hand, if so, he would step in and finish the job.

Pass it off as an accident, or miscommunication of orders, but he had this eery feeling something was watching him from the darkness in the room.

He couldn't pinpoint where the person was, but it felt like their eyes were drilling into his mind, watch his movements very closely.

It was the only thing keeping him at bay from attacking Ben.
