An Unusual Meeting...

"While that might be enough to look after the children I have in my care, you need to understand that by saying you will take them away to another property gives me nothing but more worry that you might do something untoward to those children."

Kilnarl made a great point that even Ben felt was reasonable, however he wasn't overly comfortable taking anyone back to the Station to show them around, unless he could get a promise or something that told him they would be working with him other than a slave collar to keep them in check.

"I can take you there, however I must be assured of your cooperation after…"

Ben thought about asking Kage to leave one of his shadow force guards in Kilnarl and his friends shadows, but for some reason, his gut was telling him it wouldn't work.

He wasn't comfortable taking Kilnarl to the Station in the first place after the whole fiasco with Albn but to secure Kilnarls help, Ben was seriously considering it, until…
