No... Not One Bit...

Darvin was currently bound and gagged while seated at the front of his carriage.

He was seated beside a semi armoured man that was now driving his carriage through a secret track in the forest that led out of Alynthn and in the direction of the neighbouring state-nations.

Taking one of the three main paths out of the city, Darvin and his small group of adventurers that were hired seemed to be going along fine.

Only when Darvin closed his eyes for a small rest after leaving the city, believing himself to be free from all danger, those that were hired to escort him, and his carriage had in turn captured him.

Left with no options but to comply so he could survive, Darvin quietly sat back and watched the semi plated adventurers lead him deeper into the forest.

Eventually Darvin caught sight of a large encampment that had used the logs from the trees to create a bordering wall to keep pests out.