Crazy Request

"Do you want my Old Man working on the project?

I don't mind asking him, but to be honest we will need a lot of carriages and tamed animals or beasts capable of dragging materials.

To be fair though, this would take many months to accomplish." Hob's gave Benedict his honest opinion on the matter regarding the construction of the Dams.

Surprisingly, everyone accepted the idea.

Benedict felt his Inventor Johannes might make some important redesigns to the structure but even so, he expected the Dams to be critical infrastructure to Alynthn's future.

"If you do find a way to bring water back here, I'm sure it'll cause more than enough people to wonder what is happening here…

Are you sure it's a good idea to let the water flow further on downstream?" Billy brought up a good point which also concerned Benedict, so he hoped to find a solution to the matter from the others input.