A Lonely Lich...

Hold Benedict tightly, Amaud tried to escape and return back to the ledge he came down from, but his body was locked in place and unable to move.

"Don't leave so quickly friends!

We still have to meet one another." Said the icy cold voice as it festered across the entire open field like a harsh breeze.

'Shit!' Amaud thought as his natural senses noticed a bony figure stumbling over towards their location.

Not knowing what to do, Amaud thought about throwing Benedict in the direction of the ledge but when he turned to look at the child in his arms, Amaud found him smiling with a gleeful grin across Benedict's young and puffy face.

"Gramps… don't move." Benedict said while wriggling himself free from Amaud so he could race towards the mysterious being in the distance.

"… Benedict…" Amaud couldn't understand the reasoning behind Benedict's rash decision, but he didn't want to see him being consumed by the mysterious creature.