A Unique Pairing...

Benedict didn't move from his position while blending together the 3 Forces of Energy within his Khaddrill Body Affinity Source that saw Energy Affinity Shards pieced together to give himself a drastic increase in strength and fighting capabilities.

While he couldn't tap into the new reserve of power easily, Levidious and Svacile were rightfully screaming with joy as their strength changed in ways neither expected.

Yet, as Benedict stood still, the Skeleton creatures didn't hold back their actions and continuously attacked.

Thankfully the thin energy shield produced by Svacile kept Benedict safe with Levidious endowing its own darkness to strengthen the density of the shielding.

None of the Skeleton Knights moved in closer to surround Benedict from all sides while Skeleton Archers continued firing their arrows without any of their shots landing.

But all the while they attacked, Benedict slightly opened his eyes, yet it wasn't so simple.