An Untimely Return

"You might be wondering why we've brought you all here, however you'll soon discover the core truth of this mountain and its purpose to you and most of all, the Master you are serve." Gaia's voice echoed through the deep cave, easily reaching everyone that followed behind her.

The Withering Rose party members and the others couldn't help but worry that they might be led to their deaths but with Amaud around, none dared to say what was on their mind.

They just hoped everything would work out alright.

Thankfully their minds were cleared up in a few minutes, once the radiant light from the Tree of Eimatzura reached them as they came across the open underground field.

Everyone had many thoughts and question, with a few people speaking out after they noticed several herbs and crops in the distance.

"… Malack… if I'm not wrong… those shiny white plants with the emerald roots are Moonlight Oryza… right?"