A white fox man with tearful crimson eyes walked in snow, through a heavy blizzard as if the ancient Ice Age, holding a tiny piece of green light – the only sign of a nature spirit’s life… His light blue claws had clutched it, determined to never let it go. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he moved on.
He arrived at a giant ice cave and a portal opened up before him, leading into ominous blackness. He sighed with deep sorrow, gulped his tears and stepped in, with the blackened portal closing behind him.
After a long journey through the desolate dark realm, he reached a reddened volcanic area with ashes falling from the crimson sky, bones and skeletons covering the ground, and scorching fire and freezing cold coexisting with each other. It was the demonic realm of the underworld – the hell. Blackened amorphic creatures – demons – crawled around, squealing in a hideous, desperate manner, as if asking for help that could be provided from nowhere.