Chapter 90

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Hey! Here's the new chapter!



The school today was much more lively and tense as today would be the first game of this year's Quidditch season, with the first two teams to face each other being Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Everyone is excited to see this match not only because they like Quidditch or because Slytherin's feud with Gryffindor is legendary, but also because this is the debut match for the new Seeker of the Lions, who also happens to be the defeater of the Dark Lord and the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter.

Everyone talks about whether he's going to be a good player or how many minutes it will take before he falls off the broom. And that seemed to create pressure on Potter, who couldn't even eat properly.

When it was 11 o'clock, the whole school started heading to the Quidditch pitch to prepare for the match, with my classmates and me being no different.

I'm not as excited as they are, as I already know what the outcome of the match will be, that is, if my existence hasn't changed at all. But even though I'm not excited to watch the game, this is still going to be the first Quidditch match I'll ever see. Of course, not counting the games that appeared in the movies.


Quidditch pitch - East bleachers

" cold~" Anthony said, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm.

We were sitting in the stands that divided the Gryffindor crowd from the Slytherin crowd, and actually we had to listen to one crowd mocking the other.

"I hope this game is over soon," Lisa said, snuggling deeper into the large scarf she was sharing with Padma.

"What are you guys talking about? This is the first Quidditch match I see! How can you not be excited?" Stephen said, jumping excitedly in place, and looking at the pitch and bleachers in awe.

"It's because some of us like to preserve our physical and mental health," Terry said dryly, being the one who was most dressed up, and also being the one who hated the cold most.

"I'm not that bothered," I said nonchalantly, wearing only a dark blue sweater and a black scarf with silver accents.

"I still don't know how you do it" Terry shook his head, "It's freezing, and you're not even shivering"

"I always said it was hot," I said with a cheeky smile on my face, which made Terry roll his eyes.

I then felt someone touching my left arm, and when I looked to the side I saw Sue looking at me in surprise.

"You are really hot!" she said in amazement, "Hm...may I?" she asked hesitantly as she pointed to my arm, and I nodded at her.

After my confirmation, she hugged my arm and snuggled into it, sighing in satisfaction, "Ahh~...So good" she said relaxedly.

"What? Really?!" Padma exclaimed. Then she and Lisa came to my side and grabbed my other arm, surprised when they realized my body was warm.

And without asking permission, they clung to me for warmth. Ignoring the amused looks of others. And now here I was, being grabbed by three 11-year-old girls, who from time to time sighed contentedly and rubbed their faces against me.

I then felt Terry's gaze on me, and I could see him looking enviously at the girls. And when he saw me staring at him, he gave me his best doggy-eyed imitation, "Ethan, I can—"

"No," I interrupted, looking at him blank-faced.

Terry then wilted back into his seat, sniffling slightly as he glanced at the girls every now and then.

While we were playing and talking, a voice echoed through the pitch, catching everyone's attention.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first game of the 91-92 Quidditch season!" Lee, who was the announcer for the match, exclaimed excitedly into his... microphone?

As soon as he finished speaking, all the students started screaming and clapping loudly, causing my ears to hurt a little.

"Yeah, yeah. I know you guys love me," he teased, getting a few chuckles, "But we're not here to talk about how handsome i'm... or how i'm single. We're here to watch the teams play... GRYFFINDOR AND SLYTHERIN!" he yelled at the end, earning an ovation from the two crowds, who tried to raise their voices one above the other.

"And to open up the game... Here's the Slytherin team!" he said, but not with such emotion, "The Captain and Chaser, Marcus Flint; followed shortly after by the other two Chasers, Nathan Pummell and Adrian Pucey. And then the Beaters, Frederic Rosier and Vance Doyller, the Keeper, Miles Bletchley, and the Seeker, Terence Higgs!"

And with that, seven people flew past on their broomsticks, circling the pitch before stopping at the side of the Slytherin team. And the snake crowd began to cheer and scream in support of their House team.

"It's weird to see all these 'pure' and 'noble' wizards acting like that," Terry commented.

"Terry... You're one of those 'pure' and 'noble' wizards," I reminded him, and that immediately shut him up.

"I'm the only one who finds the announcer a little biased?" Anthony asked.

"He's a Gryffindor, and the game is against Slytherin," Lisa reminded him.

"But shouldn't they put someone from another house then? At least to have someone impartial?" Stephen asked confused.

"Well...I don't think that would work very well" Terry said.

"Why?" Stephen asked curiously.

""Because it's against Slytherin"" Terry and Lisa responded in sync.



"Oh, it makes sense" Stephen shrugged.

"Yes, applause for the snakes' team" Lee spoke in a tone that obviously meant the opposite, earning a little booing from the Slytherins, "But now it's time for the team proclaimed the best the school has ever had! A round of applause for the GRYFFINDOR team!" he screamed. And with that the Gryffindor crowd went wild, with everyone jumping and applauding. And in the middle of the crowd, a flag was erected that said 'Potter for President' glowing multicolored, with a large animated lion drawn underneath.

"In my game I want you to make a better crowd than this one" I commented.

"Here we have our fantastic Captain and Keeper, Oliver Wood! Followed by the best Beaters of all time, the dynamic duo...George and Fred Weasley! And right behind us we have the most beautiful Chasers in school, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell!" Lee said it all in one breath, cheering the Gryffindor crowd, "And now, debuting as the new Gryffindor Seeker, youngest of the century... HARRY POOOOTTER!"

And that was the signal for all the Gryffindors and students from other houses to cheer as seven more players entered the pitch, who flew in formation until they stopped in the Gryffindor area.

"I think this game already has a favorite," Sue commented, getting a snort from me, Terry, and Padma.

"And as referee and judge, we have our flight instructor, Madame Hooch!"

Madame Hooch then climbed into the air on her broom and stopped in front of the Captains of the two teams who went to mid pitch, "I want a honest and fair game" she said looking mostly at Flint, "Now shake hands"

The two captains then shook hands, but it looked more like they were trying to break each other's hands. After that the two split up and went to their respective teams, forming up for the game.

Madame Hooch then put her whistle in her mouth and blew. And the hiss kicked off the match, sending both teams racing toward the Quaffle and the Bludgers.



(End AN: As I don't know how long I will be without internet, I will post tomorrow's chapter today, along with the overdue chapters.

Hope you like it!)