Chapter 104

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Hey! Here's the new chapter!


"Hey! Aren't you the boy who helped us with the troll?" that was the first thing Weasley said to me, and I could only sigh at his tact.

"Ron!" Granger exclaimed, glaring at Weasley at his rude greeting.

'I think she forgot that I did the same to her in the Great Hall calling her "Troll Girl", hehe' I thought amused.

"Nah alright" I dismissed with a wave of my hand, "And yes I'm the boy who helped you guys with the troll" I said, rolling my eyes.

"See, I said," Weasley bragged, and this time it was Granger who rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes. We understand, but that's not why we came here," Granger said, looking critically at Weasley, who glanced back at her.

Potter, seeing that the conversation was going nowhere and that his friends were now in a staring contest, decided to take over the conversation.

"Err…So…" Potter began, obviously nervous, and if I read his mind I would know he was remembering when I killed a troll, "We hear that you are very smart, and that probably read a lot of books…" he said, and I almost rolled my eyes at this attempt to strike up a conversation.

"Yes…" I said, showing him that he was supposed to continue.

"And we wanted to ask you something," he said. I then started to stare at him and his two friends, who had stopped staring and were now looking at me.

"You know, before you want to ask someone something, shouldn't you guys introduce yourselves?" I said after staring at them for a while with a raised eyebrow.

They then looked at me a little wide-eyed, only noticing now that no one introduced themselves, not that it was necessary since we all basically knew each other from class and because of the gossip.

"Err, well…I'm Hermione Granger" Granger said, a little embarrassed, and I resisted the urge to call her troll girl.

"Ron Weasley"

"Harry Potter"

'As if no one knew' I thought amused.

"Well, and I'm Ethan Night," I said. Right after that we fell into an awkward silence.

Well, for them at least, as I was sitting calmly in my chair, waiting for them to speak.

After a few seconds of waiting and nothing, I decided to speak.

"Sooo, what about the question?"

"Ah yes!" Weasley said, looking like he'd only now remembered why he'd come to my table.

He then gave Granger a little nudge, signaling for her to ask the question, and in response Granger started to glare at him, which Weasley ignored.

Sighing in defeat, Granger turned to me, "Well…we were wondering if you know of any wizards named Nicolas Flamel?" Granger asked, a little unwillingly.

"Well I've read about him already," I said, and then started looking at them analytically, "But why do you want to know about him?" I asked.

Even though I already knew why they were looking for Flamel, I still wanted to know what story or excuse they would give me. And I wasn't disappointed to hear what Weasley said next.

"It's for one of our Transfiguration lessons," Weasley responded hastily.

Right after that, Granger, Potter, and I started to stare at him with open mouths.

"Weasley... I'm from Ravenclaw... And we shared the Transfiguration class with you guys," I said with a blank face.

"Oh..." Weasley said, just now realizing his mistake, "Err... Well... I was wrong? Yes, I was wrong! I meant Charms class" he continued, in an attempt to correct himself, in what is obviously a lie.

"Why would you study Flamel at Charms if he's a famous manure and magic grass seller?" I asked with a 'genuine' look of confusion and doubt.

"What!? Really!?"

"No," I replied dryly, and Weasley started looking at me stupidly.

"Look, we're just curious to know about Flamel, so could you please tell me what you know about him, or at least tell me which book has information about him?" Granger said, letting out a tired sigh, and looking at me unconsciously with puppy dog ​​eyes, which even though it was cute, had no effect on me.

'Hah! I've been trained to resist Cele's gaze, and even though I still can't resist 100% of her gaze, yours isn't even close to her level of cuteness,' I thought, looking at Granger with a blank face.

"You know, if you wanted to know what the book is, you could have asked Madam Pince," I said, looking at them calmly.

"Well, it's just... Sigh, we can't" Potter replied.

"Why?" I asked.

The trio then began to look at each other, communicating through their eyes. And I didn't need to read their minds to know what they were thinking.

"Sorry, but we can't tell you," Potter replied, and I wasn't surprised by that.

"Oh, too bad then," I said, shrugging.

And after hearing that, the trio started to turn to leave, their heads bowed and feelings of disappointment, sadness, and boredom being transmitted to me.

But before they could take a few more steps I spoke again, causing them to stop and turn to me in surprise.

"Nicolas Flamel is a famous French wizard and alchemist who created the Philosopher's Stone and is over 600 years old. He is also a friend and study partner of Headmaster Dumbledore, and he was even his teacher at one time," I said, picking up a book from my desk to go back to reading.

"What?" Potter, who had turned to me, asked confused.

"What what?" I asked back.

"You answered our question," he said.

"Well you guys asked" I shrugged.

"But I thought—" Potter began.

"That I wouldn't give the answer because you didn't want to tell me the reason for your research?" I finished for him, and he nodded, "Nah, I was going to say no matter what your answers were"

"Really? That easy?" Weasley asked confused.

"Yes" I replied simply.

"But what about all those questions?" Granger asked.

"I was just curious. And I also wanted to see if I could piss you off with the questions, which I did, and it was really fun," I said smiling, and looking at Granger I could see her left eye twitching.

"Oh well…thank you then" Potter said uncertainly, but I could still feel the happiness and relief coming from him.

"Don't worry about it. It was just an answer to a question," I dismissed with a sloppy wave of my hand. And in that time, Granger began to think with her hand on her chin.

"Did you say he created the philosopher's stone? That stone isn't—" she started to say, but I cut her off.

"The stone that can be used to produce the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker basically immortal, and which can also turn any metal into gold? Yes, it is," I said, enjoying the awed gaze of the two boys in the trio.

"Make the drinker immortal?"

"Turns any metal into gold?"

The two repeated, each with a different thought.

And obviously Weasley was the one who thought of the gold. And I can't blame him, since if I had the philosopher's stone and was in the same situation as his family, I would think about the money first.

"Amazing right?" I asked smiling, and Weasley nodded unconsciously.

"Well I'm glad to hear that I was able to help you with your 'research'" I said, closing the book I was still holding and stuffing my materials in my bag.

I then stood up under the gaze of the trio and started putting away the books I had taken, earning a satisfied look from Madame Pince.

"Well then I'll be on my way" I said, "Until the next question... Or until the next troll attack" I laughed, waving as I walked to the library door.

I then left the library, leaving a thoughtful trio behind, curious to know what this change I made to the plot would affect in the future.



(End AN: I think my story would have a lower rating if the site hadn't created a system to delete offensive words, lol.

I received some negative reviews and mean comments, but they were all automatically deleted by the site. I can only see these comments because they are still saved in the notifications in the App, and some of them really make me sad... But luckily I have you guys who write nice comments for me and make me excited to keep going!

Thank you all!)